

  • piecesinprogress.tumblr.com has some awesome baking recipes that are super healthy. Even if you don't have all the ingredients, you can usually modify it without affecting the health much at all.
  • Chile pepper, garlic powder, red pepper, onion powder, Weber grill makes an awesome chipotle marinade powder packet...Just about anything has its place, and can really make things flavorful!
  • My University has four Subways on campus, so I've eaten there a lot these past couple years. Usually they're pretty good about slicing the bread for a a 6 inch...I mean I figure they'll be off by half an inch give or take. For me, it's when I would order a footlong with the plan to put half of it away...lots of times they…
  • It's super natural if you think about it...it's pure peanuts with all the oils pressed out, with just a little sugar and salt added. Healthy tends to be an undefinable term...it does have a low calorie count and offers benefits of natural nut butters.
  • I love it!! I ordered it through netrition.com and the prices are about the same as on the Bell Plantation's website. I've noticed that Amazon seems to be a bit higher priced than these two. netrition is nice because you can ordered just one jar of whichever one you want if you don't want a jar of PB2 peanut and PB2…
  • bump to see if anyone else knows anything
  • I was worried about the pleating. At first I thought it would be fine since it's just single stitches creating the pleats, but I know that pleats can be hard to work with
  • I know she doesn't like sandwiches after they've sat in a lunch box, but maybe she could pack the sandwich supplies separately to make the sandwich at lunch.
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