

  • Hey!! Im 23 and I have about 30ish pounds to lose. Im trying to lose weight for what it seems like the millionth time. But, Im not giving up this time! Feel free to add me! I need all the motivation I can get :)
  • Hey Amelia! Im Varsha, I have about 30ish pounds to lose. Im exactly like, Im really excited about doing these programs but I fall off the wagon quickly. This time around its going to change! I started Slim in 6 on September 24, today was officially Day 4. Doing this together will definitely help us stay on track!
  • Slim in 6 by Debbie Seibers basically has 3 different videos which you have to do for 6 weeks. You do the first workout "start it up" for a week (with one rest day so for 6 days straight) and the second workout "ramp it up" for 2 weeks and the last workout "burn it up" for 3 weeks. You can also move on to the next level…
  • Im 5'2! and I weigh about 157 and most of that extra weight is on my butt. Its huge in a not so nice way and my thighs!! Cant really wear shorts or dresses above my knees. It makes me too self conscious! And of course i have a bit of a tummy too. Im working on loosing all the extra fat!
  • Hey, I just started yesterday (the 24th)! I would be more than happy to have someone do the workout along with me!
  • I sort of cheated yesterday :( I was so sore I could barely do it. So, I did only 15 min of level 1
  • I'll try that today! Thanks
  • Just finished day 2! I still cant do the easy push ups - feel like its too much pressure on my knees. My legs are so sore. At least I know its working
  • Heyy Im 22 and no kids! haha. Finished my BSc and currently working towards being a Nurse (RN)! SW:152 lb GW:125 lb Im from Ontario Canada. Im doing the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels, because I have quite a lot to lose and thought it would be a great way to kick start my weight loss!
  • Hi I just started it today! These are my measurements: Bust: 36 in, Waist: 30 in, Stomach: 35.5 in, Hips: 39 in, Butt: 42 in, Arms: 12.5, Thighs: 24 in I have a long way to go! Pumped to lose some weight! :D
    in Hello Comment by varsha321 October 2012