spacechick365 Member


  • When you make your cookies and cakes, make them smaller than usual. Like bite size cookies vs full size. That way when you eat 3-5 cookies, it isn't as bad as eating 3-5 full size cookies. Also, When you eat them, put them n a plate and sit down in another room with them. You can then enjoy them and have to make a physcal…
  • I had my competition today. The other girls that were there were awesome! I didn't do too bad. I weighted in at 199lbs and was able to deadlift 195lbs successfully. My grip failed me on 205lbs but I was able to get that in training. We found out just before the competition that we were not able to use chalk like we had…
  • We mostly shop at Safeway and have found that they re-stock their clearence sections on Tue afternoons. This includes meat and veggies. We buy the salads at 50% off that we are going to eat that week and they always have chicken and pork. We will buy that at 50% off as well. We also noticed that a lot of the boxed things…
  • Here is a quick update for those that are interested. In 4 weeks I haven't lost any weight so I'm still at 200lbs. I went from 80lb bench press to 100lb bench press and am hoping to get between 105-120 for my 1 rep max. I went from 135lb dead lifts to 185lb dead lifts and am hoping to get between 200-210 for my 1 rep max.…
  • With my son: Hot wings and anything vinegary like salt and vinegar chips. With my daughter: veggies, fruit, and chocolate. The funny thing is now my son loves veggies and fruit and my daughter loves hot and vinegary foods.
  • Thank you all for the advice and support! I currently workout 5 days a week with one day being heavy weights and the other four days being light weights and aerobics. I have two little kids so we have been doing fitness video games for the aerobics portion. I work at a military base as an engineer so mostly desk job but…
  • They take your weight as a base. Then how ever much you lift is a percentage of your weight. So I weight 200lbs. If I can lift 100lbs then that is 50% of my weight. 200lbs is 100%, 300lbs is 150%. Hope that clears that up.
  • My husband and I will be completing our first one this June in Colorado. Any advice would be great!
  • This is what my husband and I did while dating and we have been married for almost 11 years now. It makes us more equal in the relationship.
  • I was on it for about a year. It was great the first 6 months I was on it. Then I started getting massive stomach cramps from it to the point that the doctors were testing me to see if I had a tubal pregnancy. After about 10 months I gained 30 lbs in one month and continued to have other massive problems. I was advised by…
  • Posts like this are what cause a lot of seperation between plant eaters and meat eaters. Veganism isn't a cult and most people don't think of it as a cult. On that same note, just because you eat meat DOES NOT mean you are brain washed. I tried to eat Vegitarian and realized that I was missing alot of vitamins and minerals…
  • I use to eat just the fruit until my husband and I had the same argument. He has always eaten the skin. I did my research and found out that the skin actually has a ton of fiber and antioxidents that your body needs. Now I eat the whole thing and if you scrub it really good with a fruit brush most of the hair comes off. I…
  • I want to take part in a powerlifting competition. I love to lift weights and I want to be that girl that looks small but can wow everyone with how strong she is. I also want to wear a low back dress somewhere and not have to worry about fat spilling out. Oh and at work there is a sign I see every day that says the floor…
  • It seems to be working! Hmm maybe I should get some yoga pants.
  • This is the same for me. I work out just before I go to bed. It helps me sleep better too. I'm one of those people that thinks too much when they are trying to go to sleep so I never go to sleep right away. Now I get to do all my thinking while I'm exercising and then when I get in bed I pass right out. Also, I meet with…
  • Pixie Pickle I'm guessing about 27.
  • weigh in on Wed afternoon after work. I see my personal trainer at that time so I consider that my "official" weight in like at a weight watcher's meeting. We also take body measurements though so that I can keep track of those. I also weight in randomly through the week just to see where I am.
  • Celery always seems to fill me up as well as mushrooms. Also, here is an article with a few others. Hope this helps!
  • I started my weight loss about the same time as you. I am seeing a certified personal trainer to help make good food choices. Looking at your fool log I noticed a few things. You should be eating more frequently about every 3 hours. From my trainer she wanted me to make sure that for each meal I was eating a min of 1 carb…