miacycler Member


  • See I thought that was working for me, but I am finding it makes me want to eat even more over the weekend then if I had eaten more stable during the week? Not sure it seems like a balancing act.
  • I love that idea. I too am a photographer (shoot weddings and such) and looking at the art of the food is important. Maybe I can notice that the Chips thrown on the table at the party are not nearly as beautiful as some of the other more healthy options!
  • Wow thanks everyone! So many good reminders (lots of things I think i know but I need to maintain the importance of!) I really like the idea of trying to maintain weight over the weekend and lose m-fri. Instead of my being like "oh well I only gained 1 lb this weekend thats not so bad." I am so close to my goal and because…
  • Oh also, these are the kind I like, you can find them in the grocery store near the meat supplement items. They have macaroni, fettacinni and angel hair! PS- I am having a hard time keeping my "real life" friends motivated on MFP and I need some more online "friends" to keep me motivated.. looking for more!…
  • If its like the slim pasta I use it is 40 cal. for the whole pouch. Very worth it to fill your plate. The secret is in how you prepare it. I just had some tonight. Drain it, rinse it then we stir fried it (cooking spray) with seasoning and added green onions, spray butter and some soy sauce and I used it as a "rice noodle"…
  • True- in reference to the need for vitamins. But as a mental health therapist I would say PLEASE dont omit the fish oils. It is so good for inflamation, depression, weight loss, arthritis, cancers, wellbeing and digestion!