How do I get through weekends and still have fun?!?



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    If you MUST make food the centerpoint of your social circle- then decide to turn into a lil foodie or get your food on knowing that what you are eating is special and worth taking the time to enjoy. Keep a journal of all the beautiful and interesting places you eat with your friends this year, take a lil picture, make it something you record - if its something you enjoy so much, leave notes about who you went with, what the occasion was- and love the entire experience of the night. I use the Foodspotting app- not sure if youre in a major city or something- but its helpful.

    I found that when I first had to start watching what I eat... it help more to LOOK at what I was eating. Being a photographer, I found that healthy food usually is more beautiful anyway- and I started keeping a blog of my food. You dont have to give up having fun, in fact you can open up an entirely new interesting dimension of yourself :)

    Food is not the only way to celebrate :) and if it is- try bringing your own food along or going somewhere you can order healthy food that is served BEAUTIFULLY.
    Good luck!
  • miacycler
    miacycler Posts: 15 Member
    Wow thanks everyone! So many good reminders (lots of things I think i know but I need to maintain the importance of!) I really like the idea of trying to maintain weight over the weekend and lose m-fri. Instead of my being like "oh well I only gained 1 lb this weekend thats not so bad." I am so close to my goal and because of that it is getting really hard to see results. I also like the idea of an anchor or reminder.. so I am going to print out all your responses and take it with me this weekend when I go out of town for my friend's Bday party and see if that helps me keep in check. I will def. report about the results on Monday so I will be held accountable!

    Amelia ;-)
  • miacycler
    miacycler Posts: 15 Member
    I love that idea. I too am a photographer (shoot weddings and such) and looking at the art of the food is important. Maybe I can notice that the Chips thrown on the table at the party are not nearly as beautiful as some of the other more healthy options!
  • miacycler
    miacycler Posts: 15 Member
    See I thought that was working for me, but I am finding it makes me want to eat even more over the weekend then if I had eaten more stable during the week? Not sure it seems like a balancing act.
  • miacycler
    miacycler Posts: 15 Member
    great idea ;-)
  • Kayla165
    Kayla165 Posts: 118 Member
    I make snacks ahead of time like trail mix i make my own granola bars that I can easily stick in my purse and go. That way I am not as tempted to eat fast food while out and about.
  • jseeke
    jseeke Posts: 11 Member
    The weekends are hard for a lot of people. I honestly believe that planning is the secret to living a healthy lifestyle. If you know you are going to a party, work out the day of the party for longer than a normal work out. I always eat a ton of heathly things throughout the day before leaving for the event.
    Also, I make sure to eat fruits and veggies just before the party, so that I am basically full when I get there.
    Sometimes the food is too good to resist and I eat it, but I would eat a smaller portion than if I went to the party hungry.

    I also always allow myself a cheat event. If I have a bunch of events in a row, I will pick one to eat whatever I want at (I usually pick the one I am looking forward to the most). I also plan on talking to a bunch of people. I try to concentrate on talking with people rather than eating.

    I agree that food should not be the center of any social event. But everyone knows if there is any type of social event there will be food. Hopefully you can put some of these great ideas to work for you.
    Good luck!!
  • flong1975
    flong1975 Posts: 56
    If I am out with friends and they all want ice cream or some other sweet desert, I have sorbet. If it's not available, I pass. Also, I will take my own snacks such as baby carrots or raw almonds in a little baggie. Then I am not tempted to get soft pretzels, onion rings, nachos or what ever other crap vendors/resturants are selling...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    This. If you cannot put forth the effort to eat healthy EVERY day you will have a lot of difficulty and plateaus in losing weight. Plan ahead for events. My most calorie burning work-out is often Saturday morning. I'll often eat healthy at home before I leave for an event. Set a goal to drink more water than alcohol (think about that one!). If you must eat at the event pick the healthiest items only and use portion control.

    Personally, weekends are the hardest too so my goal is to have my weight stay even on Saturday and Sunday and lose my weight Monday-Friday.
    I'll disagree here. You DON'T have to eat healthy everyday to avoid stalls and plateaus. You just have to make sure that the calories you intend to indulge in are comped.
    I go to family parties practically every weekend and trust me when I say that the food (even the healthy ones) are high calorie. I comp with exercise before going and usually skipping breakfast.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I was having the same problem. So I upped my workouts a little and try to eat under my calories 2 days a week. That seems to have done the trick.
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    I have this problem as well.
    I get into a routine during the week, meal times are the same, portion sizes stay similar and then at the weekend, I have lie-ins and see the temptations everywhere.
    I found sticking to the same breakfast, lunch and dinner times the same at the weekend hard, but helpful.
    As long as you do the exercise and take everything in moderation (maybe cutting down on courses or on the alcohol), then this should be alight. You can have a treat every now and then, but just don't make it every weekend
  • ValMcB
    ValMcB Posts: 44
    Lots of good info here! Hope it helps you.

    If I am around lots of snacks and dips then try to eat half of it in veggies without (or very little) dip. And substitute either lemon water w/ice or a no calorie soda for everyother drink.
    Fills you up, you are doing exactly what everyone around you are, and yet you are cutting the intake by half.
    ps Instead of a glass of wine, I have taken to making a wine spritzer, half wine and half no calorie soda of my choice. Yum!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I am having SO MUCH trouble staying on my diet over the weekends. I do really well during the week and then gain it all back on the weekends. I am such a social person and I love to go out and every single weekend for the next 2 months I have either a party, birthday, trip or event. Can you all share some tips please??


    Weekends are the hardest for me too. Unfortunately there's no easy fix for it either. Portion control, will power and smart choices. A couple huge sweaty workouts on the weekend doesn't hurt either.
  • kati37
    kati37 Posts: 61
    This is what I do... I log my meals to make sure it will keep w/ in or reasonably close to my calorie goal. If what I am wanting is to much I try something different. Then stick with it when I get where I am going. I am not always under calories and this is only my second consistent week of being on here so I'm still learning. Good luck to you!!! Weekends are hard for me as well. We will get this!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I must say some of these responses are unrealistic and unnecessary. There is no need to give up going out and having a good time with friends to be thin and healthy. Thin healthy people do not just sit around the house avoiding parties and gatherings. Nor do they make healthy choices 100% of the time. Go, be sensible, have fun. Work it into your weekly plan. Losing weight and keeping it off isn't all about deprivation. It's about correctly choosing when and how often to splurge.