jennarandhayes Member


  • I'm from California and I moved to the UK almost 2 years ago. When I first moved here I couldn't find anything! First of all things aren't where you would expect them to be in the stores, for instance In America maple syrup is near breakfast food or on the baking isle. When I first went to my Tesco I thought they didn't…
  • Checking in, done! x
  • Hi all, At my highest weight I was 273. I have yo-yo'd a few times before I really made the decision to change my life. I decided that small goals would suit me best and I rewarded myself with new clothes and other non-food rewards along the way. My first major goal was to get down to 199 as I hadn't been under 200 pounds…
  • I usually get my jeans from Long Tall Sally. :)
  • Hi all, My name is Jenna. I'm married and we have one beautiful daughter who is 6. I have been on MFP for 10 months and I've lost over 100 pounds. I am 6'0" tall and all legs! I have been testing the maintenance thing recently when I got down to 20 pounds under a "healthy" weight range, but I haven't been successful at…
  • Finished day 2! A little sore from yesterday but I worked through it and I added 500 jumping jacks to the end of the workout. So glad I did it. I got some really bad news today and I was tempted to sleep (my favorite coping mechanism) but instead I got angry and took it out on Jillian! x
  • I'm 6'0" with a 36" inseam. We are rocking the long legs ladies!
  • Awwww, thanks! I can't say that I'm totally looking forward to it but I always feel so good physically and mentally when I'm done. I'm glad I can be a motivation to someone else. Now I get to think about my reward when I get to the end...a new dress maybe! x
  • @cocolo89 That sounds low to me. I know that I tend to burn more than most for some reason, but I would think that you would burn around 300 cals. I burned 485 yesterday but I don't rest in between sets, I do jumping jacks and then I do 500 jumping jacks at the end. Were you wearing an HRM? I had a really low cal count…
  • My recipe for AWESOME tofu nuggets are in this thread with a few other ideas. x
  • Steam your favorite veggies and then put them in a frying pan with some Soyrizo or other vegetarian chorizo (Trader Joes has a good one too). Mix them together until the veggies are warm and completely coated with the soy. Serve over rice with cottage cheese on top. Yum!
  • Yay! I'm so glad there are a bunch of us starting today, I can definitely use the motivation. I did the full 30 days in October and have done it intermittently since. Recently I have been content to maintain my current weight but I lost the drive to exercise and I have felt lethargic and unhappy. I'm back and ready to go,…
  • I mainly shop at Tesco, my store has Quinoa and they used to have canned black beans in the Caribbean isle but whoever ordered for them last purchased black eyed beans instead of black beans. They still have the label there so I hope they will return some day soon. I eat black beans often so I make a weekly stop at…
  • Either chicken or oatmeal. I eat a heck of a lot of both, chicken for the protein and oatmeal to fill me up.
  • My current fav is low fat cottage cheese mixed with pineapple and a tablespoon of chopped pecans. YUM!
  • YUM!!! I'm going to try this. x
  • The obvious for me, dip it in hummus, but I also use them as pizza bases. Add spaghetti sauce and all of the toppings I like, all the yum without all the calories!
  • We eat this (Shrimp and green bean saute) quite a lot, but I only use a teaspoon of oil: Roasted shrimp and broccoli: How about shrimp tacos? You can put whatever you like in them, yum!…
  • I don't like the yolk, plus egg whites are full of protein and I get to load them up with all kinds of yummy things! Avocado and egg whites on a whole wheat english muffins is a staple around here. I posted this recipe for an egg white quiche and it was amazing!…
  • Going in to this journey, I too had high hopes that I would have a gorgeous, flat stomach like some of the above posters, but all bodies are different and even with the stretch marks from pregnancy I know that I will never have a beach body again. Not only have I come to terms with this fact, I rejoice in my success,…
  • I tried to fix it but I couldn't. When you are in photobucket, copy the IMG code. When you paste it on MFP you have to change the
  • Thanks! I'm not perfect by any means, but I've found what works for me and what doesn't. Also, I wanted to add a comment to those who say that our children should be eating healthy, generally I agree, and my daughter does have a very healthy diet, but she is allowed everything in moderation too! I was raised by some food…
  • I eat avocado AND peanut butter (not together) almost daily and I've lost over 100 pounds. Yes, you can eat it every day and lose weight! Keep within your calorie/fat goals and it's no problem. Everything in moderation, and let's face it, you could be eating chips and cookies instead.
  • Generally I don't keep things around that might trigger a binge or derailment, but with a husband and daughter who aren't calorie counting it happens. In addition, I try to live by "everything in moderation" and I really want to be able to eat 1 cookie without eating an entire box. For me it was a learning curve. There are…
  • Oh, I forgot to add that I sprinkled some parmesan cheese on top of the individual servings so that I could maintain portion control but it's not included in the calorie count.
  • Sounds awesome, thanks! x
  • I'm sure you could use either. Te original recipe called for kale and I had spinach (I always have fresh spinach in the house) so I used that instead. x