

  • I am a Scentsy consultant too so I thought I would say hello! 'weezee45' we do have products in Canada so you should take a look. 'barberella' I have heard of Vault jeans but have never tried them before. Do they have all sizes?
  • I tend to push other women away because I don't like the drama that comes with them. I have a handful of friends and don't like to socialize unless I have to. Not saying I am a hermit, just prefer to stay home with my family. If I go out its for a scrapbook weekend where I can sit in a corner and concentrate on me time,…
  • I am a pinterest person
  • Hi Sandra, it takes time and with exercise you are building muscles. The most important part of losing weight is nutrition and keeping your metabolism going. I am no expert and am struggling like you, but in one week I have lost 2 pounds with light exercise and just better food choices.
  • Hi Helen, I too have been driving my husband nuts about how many calories are in that and this. What he doesn't know is yesterday's super bowl feast was all made with low-fat or no-fat ingredients :0) I am a 33 year old mom of 3 kids and possibly one more later on down the road. I hav tried numerous times to keep the…