I don't make friends easily...



  • GymAnJuice
    GymAnJuice Posts: 512 Member
    oh my gosh, i nearly fell off my chair reading all these posts, i don't think i'v ever met anyone like me and now i'm reading pages off people in the same situation, lack of confidence, ppl thinking i'm posh when i'm far from it..apart from i can shop for england..i just cant fit in the clothes lol feel free to add me, the more the merrier
  • SandyChampWins
    SandyChampWins Posts: 133 Member
    Libby, you just discribed me! I think we are kindred spirits. Self confidence is not something I have had an abundance of either.
    Will you be my friend?
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I dont like to gossip - or chat on the phone - im not overly girly either.
    i make aquantances with pretty much everyone i meet- and get along with pretty much anyone - but seldom people get close to me

    i totally feel where you are coming from. i have two really close friends that have survived years - and i cling to those few friendships - its too bad they both live hours and hours away
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    wow you just explained me to a T ..That is the story of my life... :D
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Can I just say, this thread rocks! Anybody is welcome to add me because obviously we are all kindred spirits. We need our own con - Intro-con, no small talk necessary! We could just sit and stare at our shoes :laugh:
  • It's very strange to see a thread with so many people that are similar to me. The way you described yourself (and the way others have followed) is me, but way better than I could have written. I posted my introduction a few weeks ago and tried to describe myself accurately, but even over the internet I think I may have come off as stuck up. Although I may have hinted that I wouldn't just except a friend request from anyone, so I guess I can't blame anyone from not jumping at the chance to be my MFP friend. Since then I have tried to be more open and have found some really amazing MFP friends. If you would like to add me to your list feel free. I'm very encouraging and supportive online and much more social than I am in the "real world." Thanks for your post!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I have very very few friends but many acquaintances so I'm with you there. Sent you a friend request, add me and lets get rid of those lbs!
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    I just thought of a joke. Forgive me, but I'm an accountant and find it eerily accurate!

    How do you recognize an introverted accountant? He's staring at his shoes.
    How do you recognize an extroverted accountant? He's staring at YOUR shoes :laugh:
  • i'm very similar... can count on one hand how many good friends i've had over the years, sending a friend request!
  • I tend to push other women away because I don't like the drama that comes with them. I have a handful of friends and don't like to socialize unless I have to. Not saying I am a hermit, just prefer to stay home with my family. If I go out its for a scrapbook weekend where I can sit in a corner and concentrate on me time, very rarely do I have girls nights or go shopping with friends. I hate shopping and only buy things for my kids when I do go.
  • Whatcha like? I'm huge into PARANORMAL ROMANCE. My favorite authors are J.R Ward (The Blackdagger Brotherhood) and Kresley Cole (The Immortals after dark). Each time I have reccommended these to patrons they have come back begging me to find them more books. LOL Some other good series are: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series by Steig Larsson , The Hunger Games By Suzzanne Collins, The Janet Evanovich Books, Gah.....there are soooo many.

    I love paranormal romance. I will have to look up some of those titles.
  • I don't like people and currently have no "real friends" either. A person has to be pretty special to be considered a true friend to me and most people fall short. I have a lot of close acquaintances, but I'm only really close with my family and pets. I have a 12 year old black lab as well, a 2 year old yellow lab, and a 2 year old kitty. Feel free to add me if you are interested.
  • I just thought of a joke. Forgive me, but I'm an accountant and find it eerily accurate!

    How do you recognize an introverted accountant? He's staring at his shoes.
    How do you recognize an extroverted accountant? He's staring at YOUR shoes :laugh:

    That's hilarious!
  • I also have all of these social issues! Although I don't count hating to go shopping as an issue. You know it's the ones who like it that have a problem lol. In fact my husband gets me thouroughly drunk before company dinners just so I'll eat and talk to people. Wierd huh!
  • esjaygee
    esjaygee Posts: 148 Member
    I feel the same as a lot of you, though from the other side of the gender aisle. As I grow older I seem to have less and less RL friends and more acquaintances that I hang around with from time to time. I'm definitely an introvert and tend to be somewhat sarcastic at times myself. I'm a cat person too but had to give mine up since my wife was very allergic. Luckily my mom adopted her (the cat lol) so I still get to see her when I stop over.

    I started myself on MFP in January with over 100 pounds to lose and would love to have some new supportive MFP friends that are in a similar situation to myself.
  • Carita79
    Carita79 Posts: 64 Member
    I am rite there with yah!
    I have always had buddies..but true friends that arent family..or my bf..not so much.
    I am also sarcastic and not overly girly..the girls and women i start to get close to usually scare me off with competition and the gossip..oh lordy the gossip ..i dont feel confident and trusting when all they wanna do is *****..gripe and disect evryone they encounter! too many hidden agendas for me!
    I spose thats why i am a guys girl..always fit in better with the dudes..
    ..and i hate talking on the phone too..i treat it as communication tool..not entertainment!
    I prefer to work, cook, read..paint..go outside and play with my furry son..Kilo doggie :) or snuggle my man!
    Going to a bar or club and getting all dressed up..is not my idea of a good time..more like soul crushing torture!...untill i have a couple beers anyways ;)

    Cheers to everyone who shared on this link.. :) we are not alone huh!
  • mskari77
    mskari77 Posts: 142
    I dont make friends very well either. I just don't know how to do the small talk thing. I am not very aggressive, in that I don't initiate contact very often. I wil gladly respond to things though.
    Most women I meet tend to dislike me. My husband thought I was crazy for years when I told him this, but he began seeing it as well. I have one really good friend, and I consider my husband to be my best friend. I am not 100% girly...I like to get girly when we go out, other than that I am in workout clothes, and probably a mess from the gym. I hate to shop (though I do love shoes), talking on the phone with anyone other than my husband or mom gives me serious anxiety. I don't do gossip. I hate catty women.
    Now that I have made myself sound completely socially inept.....I sent you a friend request! :)
  • mskari77
    mskari77 Posts: 142
    I spose thats why i am a guys girl..always fit in better with the dudes..

    Same here. I have always gotten along better with guys. So much so, my husband's best friend calls me "bro". LOL
  • mjc65
    mjc65 Posts: 58 Member
    Now that I have made myself sound completely socially inept.....I sent you a friend request! :)

    It's not social ineptness - it's social astuteness to be able to spot the collectors from the people who will stand by you when you are at your lowest.
  • I am just picturing the whole lot of us sitting in a room together, staring at our toes!