

  • If I'm feeling hungry before bed, I'll have a cup of 0% fat Greek Yogurt mixed with a little sugar-free flavored syrup.
  • I'm 48 and I've been training pretty aggressively at a "bootcamp" for the past two years. My training culminated with a Spartan race last November, and I've attained a level of strength and endurance I wish I had in my 20s. Since starting bootcamp I've dropped from 164 lbs and 19% bodyfat to 150 lbs at 9.4% bf (I'm 5' 9").…
    in Welcome Comment by emaitch February 2012
  • Weight lifting is actually a form of resistance training, but resistance can also include bodyweight and bands, or anything that provides resistance against contracting muscles. Most people associate weight training with heavier dumbbells, barbells and weight machines. Put simply, the more weight you lift, the more muscle…