

  • If you follow My fitness pal you will stick with in your weight watchers points if eating healthy.. I have been on WW for over a few years I am down 75 total started Myfitness pall and am down another 16..
  • LOL I agree with wmass1971... It is hard I am into cardio boxing and areboic stuff and I love zumba even if I do not do the steps right it is all about moving and having fun while burning fat.. stick with it and never give up on your self.
  • Proffesional Photographer, "Before and after school day care on wheels" AKA School Bus Driver, Work in a Elementry school in between Bus routes, I also and horse back riding Instructor on the weekends and the evenings.
  • DO you have a WII? IF so Pull out the Wii fit or Wii Fit Plus and have some FUN! They have every thing from areboc steps to yoga and strength training. It is normal for some pain after you work muscles that are not use to being worked. Hang in there and Keep it up! I have faith in anyone who has faith in themselves and you…
  • We do not eat Much Beef in our house. We eat off the land litterally We raise chickens and we Eat Venision for our red meat. Most of our veggies are canned from the summer garden.. I also love Brussel sprouts Love the little Petite ones. I will have to check out That web site another friend posted something on Face book…
  • I love the Weight Watchers foods! I usually go for a bowl of oat meal in the morning with a fruit, then a Weight Watchers meal for Lunch then cook dinner as well. What types of meals are you cooking for dinner?
  • I have done the Fitness on the Wii! I had herd mix reviews about the zumba for the Wii so was not ready to jump out and lay out that much money on mix reviews. Sounds like the Zumba 2 is much better then the originial. Okay as for the fitness. I have a love hate relationship with it. If you can get it with xbox kinect it…