
I need some help. I was hyped after watching tae bo 24/7 infomercial and purchased it. I did it and ached for two days...haven't touch it in a week. I've recently purchased two dance workout dvds- salsa and belly dancing. I had to laugh at myself. I was not able to complete either one of those. So I jump on the ellipical for ten minutes which wipes me out. I rest for about 2-3 minutes then do about 100 squats. I just feel like I am not doing enough. Afraid to weigh myself because if I don't see any progress I will be crushed. The one good thing is I do drink water and most times stay in my caloric intake range. Any suggestions for a low impact workout?


  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    Walking is a great form of exercise. There are so many little things you can do that will make a big difference. Park your car in the farthest spot. Hula hoop to your favorite show. Get up & turn the TV channel & loose the remote. Just let your mind run wild with ideas. I weigh myself maybe every couple of weeks to a month. You really don’t want a number to make or break your day, do you?
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    hooping :)
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    ok, here's the deal. When I started I did 20 minutes on the elliptical with no tension and thought I was going to die. I was sore the next day, but I did it again. Then I did it again the next day. After a week I noticed it got easier. After two weeks, I felt great, but if I rested for two days I felt sore. Now I can't NOT work out. I have to work out, or I feel awful,

    It's a process. You have to start slowly. So, ok, maybe do 5 minutes on the elliptical 5 or 6 times for a week. Then do 10 minutes 5 or 6 times the next week. Add five minutes the next week, and again, do it 5 or 6 days in a week. By the end of the month you'll be up to 20 minutes. End of 2 months up to 40 minutes, and you'll be feeling great.

    Eventually, add tension.

    this is a process, you can't become an athlete over night. Your body has to adjust. Be realistic in your goals. Unrealistic goals will lead to failure.
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Keep going at it and it will be easier. I'm terrible at exercising, but just *stop* judging yourself, and you'll start to see your improvement. I started only being able to run about 5mph for 2 minutes, now I'm working my way towards a mile. It might take a bit of time but don't judge yourself, just do it and soon you'll be able to see your progress. :)

    That said, for low impact stuff, a really really nice fitness DVD is this New York Ballet Fitness DVD. It's low impact but I think it's a really good work out. It's also much more enjoyable than other forms of exercise.

    If you also start doing really good form squats and lunges, those will also start to make a difference. :)
  • Jewelz2c
    I need some help. I was hyped after watching tae bo 24/7 infomercial and purchased it. I did it and ached for two days...haven't touch it in a week. I've recently purchased two dance workout dvds- salsa and belly dancing. I had to laugh at myself. I was not able to complete either one of those. So I jump on the ellipical for ten minutes which wipes me out. I rest for about 2-3 minutes then do about 100 squats. I just feel like I am not doing enough. Afraid to weigh myself because if I don't see any progress I will be crushed. The one good thing is I do drink water and most times stay in my caloric intake range. Any suggestions for a low impact workout?
    DO you have a WII? IF so Pull out the Wii fit or Wii Fit Plus and have some FUN! They have every thing from areboc steps to yoga and strength training. It is normal for some pain after you work muscles that are not use to being worked. Hang in there and Keep it up! I have faith in anyone who has faith in themselves and you have the Faith...
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    Anything you do, no matter how little or how long, is better than sitting on your *kitten*. The best advice I can give you is to never rely on the scale to make you happy because sooner or later that *kitten* is gonna turn on you.

  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    I need some help. I was hyped after watching tae bo 24/7 infomercial and purchased it. I did it and ached for two days...haven't touch it in a week. I've recently purchased two dance workout dvds- salsa and belly dancing. I had to laugh at myself. I was not able to complete either one of those. So I jump on the ellipical for ten minutes which wipes me out. I rest for about 2-3 minutes then do about 100 squats. I just feel like I am not doing enough. Afraid to weigh myself because if I don't see any progress I will be crushed. The one good thing is I do drink water and most times stay in my caloric intake range. Any suggestions for a low impact workout?

    Ok.. if you are not in shape to begin with, you WILL ache and be worn out after trying these workouts. However, that is the whole point. You want to push yourself til you do feel some ache the next day... not so much that you can't move but just enough to know you've worked out. That is where muscle is burning calories!!
    Dont expect to be able to do it ALL right away. Do one workout, do it a few days a week to build strength and endurance. Stick to your caloric intake goal and water intake. The weight will come off just by doing these things.. you dont have to do P90X or Insanity to lose weight, just 30 mins a couple days a week should be good enough.
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    i did the same thing as you- my painful omg i can't do it was the 30 day shred. i have few dvd's that i am not up for, but i watched them to see what i would have to do to get in shape enough to do them. i started couch to 5k for treadmills- you could use that on the elliptical too i would think. it literally assumes you have done nothing and are just starting out. i am on week 7 of 9 now and the improvements in my fitness, breathing, stamina, you name it- i am getting better. i had pain at first when doing c25k- shins hurt, but over time that improved. i almost never had any pain worth mentioning the next day. when i complete it i am going to look at power 90...there is just no way i could leap straight to p90x. small steps!
  • msjta
    msjta Posts: 51
    Thanks everone. Tomorrow is another day. Yes, I have Wii. I do Zumba 1 but found it to be annoying because each routine is only 5-10 minutes. Will try other Wii this week. Is it advisable to switch up workout dvd's or do the same for a week with hopes of catching on?
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    Don't worry about not finishing the dvds! Just do 10 or 15 minutes or however long it takes to feel like you've pushed yourself. Just make sure you don't skip the stretching/cool down part if you turn it off early. Swimming or walking are also not bad places to start as far as lower impact. Just remember that none of this is all or nothing, it's fine to start slow! You will get stronger and everything will get easier as you lose weight.
  • violetsue
    violetsue Posts: 54 Member
    Try videos where you do things in two sets like P90 or Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30. In the beginning do one set then fast forward to the next move. It won't take long until you can do the whole thing. Don't give up. It took me 3 weeks to do week one in Ripped in 30.