jjatk33 Member


  • As a trainer I have to agree do moderately heavy weight focusing on squats, lunges, but don't forget about the back of your legs many hamstring exercise also incorporate your "butt muscles" so add some Laying leg curls, strait leg dead lifts and Good old fashion dead lifts (make sure to use proper form) a great read is…
  • I'm Not now but haven't used the fiend feature so please if you looking for help add me
  • great minds think a like
  • I think getting kids moving is the most important aspect, look at WII fit, or Xbox Kinect's Just dance is a great way to get kids to move at home. (Exercising while not really thinking about it.) Look to your local gym, Zumbatomic is a kids/youth Zumba class that a gym my offer in your area. Getting kids to eat fruits and…
  • I would have to agree with SheehyCFC, looking at your food and your amount of exercise you body is probably in a catabolic state. When you eat too little calories your body starts to cannibalize its own muscle tissue and use it for fuel. Boxing working outs are very metabolic workouts your going to burn a ton of calories…
  • One of the best way to help with those sweet tooth cravings is starting to look at your food differently. Instead of looking at food for what it is going to taste like, start thinking of food of what it will do to my body. Sugar and most carbohydrates spike you insulin levels giving you that "sugar" rush or energy rush or…
  • I think that this and many forums on this web cite need to rethink the perils of steady-state cardio (The kind of exercise where you maintain a specific heart rate for long periods of time.) When you do steady state card you are only giving your body half the benefits of exercise. A key reason why you should increase your…