stuck, frustrated, and it's not a plateau

I've always been very active. But once 28 hit, the lbs came on anyway. So, for 2 yrs now I've been training like a boxer and never lost a single lb. of course you start to hear, "oh it's muscle" I got frustrated because that excuse does get old when you are eating right, burning up to 1500 cals a day (yes burning not eating) and have a good 30-40lbs to loose. yet none of it was going anywhere. And I don't just mean the lbs.. the FAT as well. SO, lately I've done something a little more drastic than I'm used to. I started following Adkins. Which I'd NEVER do because I've always been so active. Long story short, in 3wks i've lost 9lbs. But I lost that in the first 2 wks and then ... of course... to no avail, .. no more. Now, of course I've had to ease up on not doing my 2nd workout because I don't have anywhere near the carbs in my body that I need so I don't know if that's it, or maybe I'm eating some of the wrong things at night. I allow myself 25 carbs now and most are in veggies. God I miss fruit. I'd love some tips of what to eat at night or any stories of your own that may help me out . thanks!

ps, yes, my thyroid has been checked .... 3 times.


  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    Im just wondering if you are eating enough? If you burn 1500 cal per day, you need to be eating 2700? I dont know alot about this but have read alot of post saying you need your net calories to be 1200. I cant see you diary so just a thought?

  • SheehyCFC
    SheehyCFC Posts: 529 Member
    Helen is right - you really have to make sure that you're eating enough too (not just burning). Maybe open up your exercise/food diary so we can take a look and give advice?
  • jessvdm
    jessvdm Posts: 9 Member
    Sorry to hear your frustration...that is rough when you are putting in so much effort and not seeing results. My first thought is you might want to go have your thyroid checked to make sure it isn't underactive (which would have a LOT to do with it). Hormone changes (esp if you've had a baby) can also be a factor. A doctor's check up and bloodwork can never hurt.

    Otherwise, I would try to stick to eating a wide range of foods (atkins can really deprive you of vital nutrients). And look and when and how much you are eating...maybe small, frequent meals will boost your metabolism...

    Wish I could help more!
  • Keefypoos
    Keefypoos Posts: 231 Member
    and what is training like a boxer? its a bit unspecific.
  • hairsnob610
    I will figure out how to unlock my diary. I did notice last wk sometime it said i wasn't eating enough. so i've watched that. in the past i know i wasn't. in dec i had a bunch of blood work done including hormonal panel, and thyroid. everything looked good. no kids. no birth control. no daily meds.

    i say training like a boxer because it's easier. so, here's what i do thru the wk. now. 60min boxing class every other day, (30 min body work 30 min on a punching bag). the other days: 20 min on eliptical, 20 on bike, 20 on treadmill, then 8, 3min rounds on the speedbag. up until 2months ago, i'd go back and train for an hr with a trainer on top of all this. this meant 30 min of body work and the other 30 hitting pads with him, or sparring.
  • SheehyCFC
    SheehyCFC Posts: 529 Member
    With that kind of training you are getting great burns and really need to eat more. Just looked at your diary so no need to repeat it again :)

    But I would increase your carb intake (I see little/no whole-grains) if I were you. It's pretty obvious you have "custom goals" because that looks like a TON of protein. There is no way you'll get anywhere near 250g without supplements. I normally wouldn't suggest them, but considering your workouts, I'd say they are kind of mandatory - pick up a protein powder (high protein, low cholesterol, low sugar if possible) and make it a post-workout recovery. I would also add some more veggies (fruit looks good). So overall - get some quinoa (high-protein, good-for-you grain) or whole-wheat couscous/rice and definitely get some veggies. Are you drinking enough water too?

    **EDIT - just looked at your original post - I think Atkins is what's steering you wrong. You need (good) carbs to fuel your workouts. And that diet also leads to "high-fat" foods, which you should try to avoid.
  • trimblt
    trimblt Posts: 14
    Your not eating nearly enough! And your fats are really high. Plus you need to be eating more carbs if your working out like that. Perhaps your tainer can give you some nutrition advice or perhaps there is someone at your gym that offers nutritional counseling that could get you on track with a propery - well rounded - meal plan. A doctor could also help with this.
  • jjatk33
    jjatk33 Posts: 7 Member
    I would have to agree with SheehyCFC, looking at your food and your amount of exercise you body is probably in a catabolic state. When you eat too little calories your body starts to cannibalize its own muscle tissue and use it for fuel. Boxing working outs are very metabolic workouts your going to burn a ton of calories during each session, but your body is going to need fuel to recover from those session. After a work out is a great time to add some simple carbohydrates to you meal plan, you got to fuel the beast. :smile: If you look at some of the worlds greatest boxers they consume somewhere between 3500-5000 calories a day. Some times you have to eat to get skinny, an horrible thought but it works.
  • hairsnob610
    Thank you all so much for taking the time to look and offer advice. I knew this Adkins thing wouldn't be the diet for me. I typically ate like most of you suggested but it wasn't working. i will just try to eat more. as of last night i decided no more silly low carb diet, because I couldn't even finish my workout I was so exhausted. Thanks again everyone here's hoping eating more will make me weigh less :)