LadyDaria Member


  • I actually run a BP diet page on FB. I am never hungry the fat keeps me full. Yes we use grass fed butter in coffee with MCT Oil during the morning hours. I lost 30 lbs and love this way of eating. No sugar or grains or other dairy other than butter. it is more than a low carb program. no beans or dairy. One used other…
  • There is no clear definition of paleo now. some go high carb with nuts and fruit and some eat cheese ugh and beans, which is not paleo. I am going lower in carbs for my macros and want to let go of cheese. Cheese is not paleo like I said nor is dairy in general or beans. Now fruit is not keto but is paleo of course. I am…
  • yes you are worth it, I need to plan and at times run out of energy then that messes me up a bit if I dont have the foods I need here. I am going to do this and there will be ups and downs but I am on my way. Thank you for being here Dana and Carol and we need to get Lee here, she is my friend from Ohio. She will be on The…