

  • The best way to deal with a temper tantrum: Shut the kid in his/her room and don't speak to him until he is done. By giving him attention or trying to placate him with toys or activities, you are positively reinforcing this behavior (even though it doesn't seem like it at the time.) I get asked quite often how I dealt with…
  • Stop making me hungry! XD
  • I'm glad you find my reviews helpful. I totally understand about schedule conflicts with going to the gym, I tend to work out at 11:30 at night! The only place around where I live that is open that late is the University's gym, and I do not want to pay $500/month to go there! I've tried videos in the past but they got a…
  • I LOVE Artichokes! Lean Cuisine actually has a spinach and artichoke dip that is 200 calories (including the pita bread), it fills me up every time and is actually quite nommy! :D
  • I suppose so, it's been 5+ years since I took my anatomy/physiology class and I don't remember the names of even 1/3 of the body's muscles. XO
  • Despite my best efforts, I find it almost impossible to work the neck/shoulder connecting muscles to my satisfaction. Stop being so awkward unknown-named muscles! XO
  • This reminds me of tabatas (spelling?) where you basically do a squat-press with a curl bar for 30 seconds as fast as you can, rest 30 seconds, and repeat until about 3-6 minutes have passed. Those KILLED me, I finally stopped because it was too much for me (no matter what the weight on the bar!) and I felt I was doing…
  • Given the foods you are listing I can only assume you may be logging your foods incorrectly. A single egg has at least 60-70 calories, and unless your salad is nothing but lettuce, you should be getting more calories there as well. The question as far as "am I eating enough" is this: "Am I hungry all the time? Am I…
  • Agreed. While the idea of working out everyday seems like a reasonable goal, if you are moving from an almost completely sedentary lifestyle the sudden strain of overtaxing your muscles (and not giving your muscles time to heal and repair themselves to become stronger) is usually the killing blow for many people who are…
  • Could you be retaining water for your (Boys don't look!) monthly cycle? I had that problem just recently, I bloated out (even while drinking water!) right before my period started. All my wonderful progress, GONE! But as soon as my cycle started it all went away again. Do you keep a record of your moon cycle? If it is at…
  • I don't recall ever reading about someone using hypnosis to raise their resting metabolism, but I have read articles about it being used to help cease food-related habits, such as treating depression with food or eating out of habit rather than hunger. The idea of raising a person's resting metabolism exists more at the…
  • I understand the argument about not eating before bed. The argument is you aren't being active enough while sleeping to burn the calories you imbibed beforehand, but your body is still 'digesting' them. What isn't needed is passed through your body or stored if your body seems to think that you need to save the energy from…