LoraF83 Member


  • Oh, no.....those come on day 4. Just be patient. ;)
  • What were you expecting by day 3?
  • Yep. There is no magic to it. No special diets or exercises. Maintain a calorie deficit and be patient. You may lose quickly from you legs, you may not. Either way, you just have to be consistent and wait.
    in Thick legs Comment by LoraF83 May 2015
  • You say you're struggling - that implies that you are doing some sort of method already. What are you doing?
  • Is soda paleo now? That's good information to have.
  • She lost 31lbs just from drinking apple cider vinegar? She just eats and drinks normally, but this magical substance has caused her to drop that much weight? Is that her claim?
  • String cheese, greek yogurt, lunch meat slices, chicken breast strips dipped in bbq sauce, eggs (hardboiled or otherwise)
  • And, it probably won't help you produce the "look" you're wanting for that bikini. But yeah, you could do it.
  • My scale sits on my kitchen counter. I weight out my portions and ingredients. No shame in it.
  • Why do you have to feel hungry and lethargic while restricting calories?
  • I just read this whole thread. I guess I somehow missed the mean parts? I didn't see them. All of the information was good though. And the helpfulness. And advice from a lot of people who know what they are talking about. I saw all of those things.
  • So, let's say he did give you a dirty look. Does it matter?
  • Maybe some people respond well to mentors who are blunt and in-your-face. I personally do. How do you have the right to judge what type of interaction will best benefit everyone on this website? And we aren't all here for the same reason. Weight loss is but one facet of this site.
  • The FitBit One.
    in Fit Bit Comment by LoraF83 March 2015
  • You can gain strength without gaining actual muscle. And you can lose fat to reveal the muscle you already have. If you want to actually gain muscle, you'll need to eat at a surplus while lifting. The extra calories will make the scale go up, some of which will be muscle and some of which will be fat. This is called a…
  • You can eat pasta and still lose weight. Just measure out the correct serving size and eat only that. Count it towards your calories. If you know that you're having spaghetti for dinner, and you're worried about your carb total for the day, have a protein heavy breakfast and lunch. It's all about finding a balance. That…
    in Pasta? Comment by LoraF83 March 2015
  • Who told you they are helpful? What kind of results has this individual actually achieved? What are they helpful for? What do you think will happen if you take them?
  • If you've got lower back pain, see a doctor. If your knees hurt when you squat, see a trainer who can help you correct your form. Don't go back to this guy. No trainer should advertise the ability to "fix" your body.
  • The protein-to-calorie ratio isn't great, the cost is fairly high compared to other brands, and it just doesn't taste as good. Plus, every time you go in there, the "salespeople" try to sell you about a million other products that you probably don't need.
  • I have a FitBit and I like it. It keeps me moving, as I want to see the numbers climb higher. You can add friends and create challenges for a group (most steps in a day, a week, etc). It's small and easy to wear. I have to wear a uniform to work and the FitBit can't be visible. I just clip it to my bra (in the middle, on…
    in Fit Bit Comment by LoraF83 March 2015
  • Physiognomy is "the assessment of a person's character or personality from his or her outer appearance, especially the face." Apparently, he assessed your personality and thought you'd be an easy scam. Find a new trainer.
  • Best advice for weight loss: Eat less than you burn. Be patient. That's still the *magic* formula, even when you have pcos. You may have to play around with your tdee, because it's likely to be a little lower than someone without pcos. And, you might want to watch your carb intake. It might take a little longer, it might…
  • This. I used to be in your shoes, OP. Similar starting weight, similar thought that I could be overweight and healthy at the same time. And, at 230lbs, I didn't know how bad I felt. I thought that those random aches and pains were part of life. I thought that it was normal to get out of breath when I walked up the stairs.…
  • An 800 calorie burger would actually do a very good job of making me feel full for quite a few hours.....thanks to the protein and fats. And chips, hotdogs, ice cream, etc don't make people overweight. Too many calories make people overweight.
  • So, you're saying that people who have no experience moderating their calorie intake, who have maybe participated in binge/restriction cycles or yo-yo dieting for years, who cannot estimate portions, will somehow just inherently *know* how many calories to eat if they get their macros correct? And, if you spend a little…
  • In fact, fat makes you feel full (usually), so you don't need to eat as much. Fat is not the enemy. Of course, carbs and/or protein aren't the enemy either. Too many calories is the enemy.
  • A few questions: "Homemade broccoli salad" - is that a recipe you entered, or one you found in the database? How much is "1 ladle" of oatmeal? "Turkey breast meat, 1 serving" - how many ounces is that? 1 serving can mean different things to different people. I would suggest using more accurate entries and weighing your…