amykens Member


  • I used opifast about 8 years ago. I lost about 40 pounds but that was all that I needed. My advise to you is to keep up with exercise. I was not vigilante and kept my weight of for 2 years then added the weight back on fast. There were also 4 people in my optifast group who had done optifast previously but put all their…
  • Unfortunately, genetics can contribute to high blood pressure. The fact that you have had issues since you were a teenager, I think this is probably true for you. Making sure you are drinking enough water, and watching the sodium levels in whatever you drink are other areas you can look at to see where you are getting…
  • You hope no one comes over when you are folding laundry because you don't want them to see how big your underwear are.
  • I have a set, I think it was the first out, but I haven't used them in quite awhile. Forgot I had them. It is a great work out. When I used them before I lost 25lbs, and I enjoyed it. I will probably start doing them again- I just have to find the time when no one at home will be watching me. I don't look nearly as good as…
  • I have not had the experience yet, but I am afraid to post somethings that I would have; if I had not seen some other responses. I spent a lot of time just reading posts to get a feel for the site and I feel that those who make the rude/snide comments are people who don't have as much riding on losing weight and getting…
  • When instead of tickling me, my 11 year old son would grab a love handle and shake it! It was so mortifying.
  • How old were you when you got engaged? 18 How long had you been together before getting engaged? 2 months, engaged 10 months How old were you when you got married? 19 Are you still together (if so, for how long)? Yes, 13 years- will be 14 in September:heart:
  • I am not a huge fan of most iced teas, but I really like the Arizona Diet Green tea, and the best part of it is you can get it in 2 gallon jugs for the fridge and they come in the packets you put in bottles of water. It has a great taste and no sugar or fat! I do have two cans of diet pop a day though, I need the caffeine!
  • I am not a huge fan of most iced teas, but I really like the Arizona Diet Green tea, and the best part of it is you can get it in 2 gallon jugs for the fridge and they come in the packets you put in bottles of water. It has a great taste and no sugar or fat! I do have two cans of diet pop a day though, I need the caffeine!
  • Hello, you can add me too, but I have to warn you I am a beginner at the fitness portion of this process. That is why I would need great people like you to help me out. I have some serious health issues that make working out a tedious process, but I know that if I keep it up (even if it is slower than others) I will be…
  • I started this road on January 3rd but did not join MFP until February. When I first started it seemed so easy, then as I became more active I started STARVING too. I had to tweak what and when I ate. I have to make sure to have a lot of protein in the morning and then with dinner and that seems to have worked. That way I…
  • Marilyn Monroe! I have always been super curvy and I want to be healthy with the way I am shaped, but I know I will never look like a model or super thin actress.
  • Your post is the best thing I have read all day, CONGRATULATIONS! I smiled all the way through it. I also smiled this morning when I put on my dress pants and buttoned the inner button (could never do this) and wished there was another because my pants were a little loose.
  • I have the same issue. I gained weight from some health issues (I know that sounds weird, but was thyroid) and my husband used food to help him through. He did not want to put his worry on top of mine and bottled it up. Now that I am healthy and making a move to get more so, he has put on 90lbs since we were married 13…