Any Optifast users out there?



  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    I did Optifast back when it was new and there was no support for transition and maintenance. I had no trouble not eating a bite for 18 weeks. But failed in transition and maintenance. But if you are extremely overweight, it seems to me that most plans now do have the support for transition and maintenance. Just be committed to them. Now you are losing the weight. Then you will learn how to eat and move to have a healthy lifestyle. Good luck to you.
  • NorthernCalGal
    NorthernCalGal Posts: 12 Member
    I have been on Optifast for 12 weeks and am down just about 40 lbs! Women lose slower than men so all of you women out there do not expect to see the results the guys are getting. We have 4 more weeks and then transition back to food -- am looking forward to that but will still need to be on a strict program to continue losing weight. I started on 7 products (1130 calories/day) and now am on 6 (970 calories) -- never thought I could feel full on a program like this but it really does work as a jumpstart for those who need to lose a lot of weight. The key is to stick with it after you go on food -- keep going to the meetings, track your food, and find some kind of exercise you enjoy which you can do almost every day.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Today I had my first visit to the clinic since starting the program on Saturday. I am down 8 lbs already which I am sure is not going to be typical but already feels pretty good. I have not really been experiencing a lot of hunger during the day. The products are spaced out perfectly and I really enjoy my little 300 calorie frozen entree for dinner. I finally tried the Lean Cusine Pizza and my teenage daughter said it looked like a Pizza Cookie LOL. I told her it may be small but it was the best thing I ate all week. The support group at the clinic tonight was on fitness and there was a personal trainer talking about stretching etc. Its not really where I am at right now and so I didn't personally get a lot out of it but the other staff there especially the nurses and the nutritionist are so supportive and encouraging and they answered all of my questions. I bought my new load of product and am ready to start week 2 now.
  • Karma_888
    Karma_888 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey Cos,

    what product are you using that allows you to eat? and how many shakes are you taking a day?? Really curious....because OF 900 doesn't allow you solids....

    really curious!! but WTG!!!

  • Hi Deb,

    Thanks for the encouragement! The plan I am on would be the normal 800 calorie plan with 5 products a day. The doctor said that because of my size he wanted me on 1200 calories a day and instead of just giving me more product which would have been 7+ a day he suggested that I eat a frozen entree for dinner and a piece of fruit at night and they changed my lunch shake to one of the 200 calorie high protein shakes. So right now I have a shake at 7 am, a bar at 10 am, at 1:00 I have the HP Shake, another Bar at 4:00, frozen entree at 6:00 and a shake with a piece of fruit at 8:30. The guidelines for the entree is that it has to be between 290-300 calories and contain 14 g of protein. I also try to drink a gallon of non caloric liquids a day and limit my caffeine to 2 cups of coffee.

  • Yesterday was the end of my first week and last night I had to attend my first social situation on the plan. I decided that it would be best at this point for me to just not partake in any of the food at the party and try to make a 'reasonable' meal while I am so soon. I packed an extra bar and smoothie to have for dinner instead of my frozen entree and drank lots of seltzer and decaf coffee, nobody batted an eyebrow at the fact that I was not eating the party food.

    I have noticed that I am choosing to do more active things since starting the program. I haven't set any excercise goals but I am taking the stairs more and taking the dog for much longer walks which is good for both of us. The walking helps me sleep better and I used to be in so much pain from my joints after walking for a couple miles but this week I am already noticing less pain the night of and day after a long walk.

    I am honestly amazed at this program. I am sure it is not right for everyone and I am still in the honeymoon phase but after one week I feel great and am looking forward to starting a new week tomorrow.
  • ggluvbug1
    ggluvbug1 Posts: 87 Member
    Reading all the large weight loss numbers are kind of discouraging for me. I have been on Optifast since the beginning of February, so I am on week 10. I have lost 19 pounds. I was so hoping for a much larger loss by now. I had 4 weeks where I only lost half a pound. The doc had me add a meal on the days that I run because she figured I had slipped into starvation mode. Don't get me wrong, I am glad for the 19 pound loss. However, I was really hoping for bigger results. Maybe it is because I had less to lose (about 40 pounds?) I think I am going to stick to it for a few more weeks and then try transitioning back to regular foods.
    I guess the only good thing is that I am not out a ton of money. My hubby works for Nestle, so they reimburse us for 90% of the cost of the shakes....I would rather pay and have lost it all
  • expedi11
    expedi11 Posts: 2 Member
    I am on week 9 of the program. 7 Products a day. 4 Shakes, 2 Bars, 1 Soup. Started at 326, weighed in tonight at my group meeting at 279 lbs. The difference is great. More energy, stamina, and I feel great. Had you told me that was possible on 1150 calories a day I wold have laughed. Know I feel I am learning the skills, and have been able to remind myself what it feels like to weigh less.

    I am working out at the gym 4-5 days a week. A mixture of resistance training and cardio. I've got more weight to lose, and more to learn, but overall I think the OF program has been well worth the effort/expense.

    Yes I will agree that it is an intensive weight loss program, but for many I think that is what is needed. In the past, I would drop 15 maybe 20 lbs but never reached a point where I really felt so much better physically. Know that I have directly seen and felt the results of the weight loss I am far more motivated to continue down this path for a long term, life change.
  • This helped alot! thank you! I am on day 5 and down 7 pounds. I have 4 shakes a day and 64 oz of water and am still hungry! does this ever go away?
  • Hey Kevin!

    we started product 3 weeks before Christmas. It was hell!!! but it DID get easier...

    My tips for newbies - (based on Optifast 900)

    WATER WATER WATER!!! The brain cannot recognise the difference between hunger and thirst!!! You are getting your nutrition from your shakes. You should be aiming for 3 litres a day and that includes the water you use for your shakes.
    use at least 16 oz to feel fuller. And you don't want to get constipated as there is not a lot of fibre in the might want to consider psylium fibre capsules - (not a laxative!!) but please talk to your doctor.

    TIMING- NO MORE THAT 4 HOURS BETWEEN SHAKES- in order to maintain ketosis, you have to keep your blood sugar level as level as possible. and drink that extra water in between

    extras - 20 calories a day max- can include milk for your coffee ( A BIT! everything counts...) diet pop, artificial flavorings for your shakes, low cal and sodium broth, but don't over do it. Follow what ever your plan recommends.

    FLAVOUR!! shakes getting boring?? throw some flavoring in!! coconut or orange flavoring in a chocolate shake will blow your mind!!! (but remember the 20 calorie cap!)

    EXCERCISE - DONT OVER DO IT RIGHT NOW - you are already shocking your body enough- worry about muscle toning later.

    DISTRACTION - GET OFF THE COUCH or PVR through those commercials....good time to clean spring clean those cubboards...break your old habits now!!!

    chew sugarless gums (watch the calories - no more that 20 cals a day)

    NUTRITIONAL COUNSELLING is a must. The program I am in offers 26 weeks of weekly classes (12 weeks of full product, 5 weeks of transition, and 9 more weeks of what they call maintenance....but we are all still losing :) this is essential!! after that we have 4-6 sessions of our choice (nutritional, behavioral, or kinesthetic) over the next 6 months.

    now we also had blood work done and ECGs every 2-3 weeks (part of our program)

    TRANSITION- I will tell you about that later - there are too many peeps on her right now that are not ready to hear about food and I don't want to add to their stress....but get used to journaling on MFP because you will need to keep track of those calories anyway.

    exercise now? - walking class, aquafit, strength training and I am a nurse so I am always tearing around. Consider a activity tracking bracelet and use apps like or

    Take one day at a time - don't rely on the scale, rely on how you feel, and take measurements....

    You can do this!!!


    @sanzza - I was a non-insulin dependant diabetic and it have completely reversed with my weight loss!! My sugars and HBAIC are completely normal!!

    This helped alot! thank you! I am on day 5 and down 7 pounds. I have 4 shakes a day and 64 oz of water and am still hungry! does this ever go away?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Hey Kevin!

    we started product 3 weeks before Christmas. It was hell!!! but it DID get easier...

    My tips for newbies - (based on Optifast 900)

    WATER WATER WATER!!! The brain cannot recognise the difference between hunger and thirst!!! You are getting your nutrition from your shakes. You should be aiming for 3 litres a day and that includes the water you use for your shakes.
    use at least 16 oz to feel fuller. And you don't want to get constipated as there is not a lot of fibre in the might want to consider psylium fibre capsules - (not a laxative!!) but please talk to your doctor.

    TIMING- NO MORE THAT 4 HOURS BETWEEN SHAKES- in order to maintain ketosis, you have to keep your blood sugar level as level as possible. and drink that extra water in between

    extras - 20 calories a day max- can include milk for your coffee ( A BIT! everything counts...) diet pop, artificial flavorings for your shakes, low cal and sodium broth, but don't over do it. Follow what ever your plan recommends.

    FLAVOUR!! shakes getting boring?? throw some flavoring in!! coconut or orange flavoring in a chocolate shake will blow your mind!!! (but remember the 20 calorie cap!)

    EXCERCISE - DONT OVER DO IT RIGHT NOW - you are already shocking your body enough- worry about muscle toning later.

    DISTRACTION - GET OFF THE COUCH or PVR through those commercials....good time to clean spring clean those cubboards...break your old habits now!!!

    chew sugarless gums (watch the calories - no more that 20 cals a day)

    NUTRITIONAL COUNSELLING is a must. The program I am in offers 26 weeks of weekly classes (12 weeks of full product, 5 weeks of transition, and 9 more weeks of what they call maintenance....but we are all still losing :) this is essential!! after that we have 4-6 sessions of our choice (nutritional, behavioral, or kinesthetic) over the next 6 months.

    now we also had blood work done and ECGs every 2-3 weeks (part of our program)

    TRANSITION- I will tell you about that later - there are too many peeps on her right now that are not ready to hear about food and I don't want to add to their stress....but get used to journaling on MFP because you will need to keep track of those calories anyway.

    exercise now? - walking class, aquafit, strength training and I am a nurse so I am always tearing around. Consider a activity tracking bracelet and use apps like or

    Take one day at a time - don't rely on the scale, rely on how you feel, and take measurements....

    You can do this!!!


    @sanzza - I was a non-insulin dependant diabetic and it have completely reversed with my weight loss!! My sugars and HBAIC are completely normal!!

    This helped alot! thank you! I am on day 5 and down 7 pounds. I have 4 shakes a day and 64 oz of water and am still hungry! does this ever go away?

    you're hungry? then you're doing the starvation part of it right.
  • Hey Kevin!

    we started product 3 weeks before Christmas. It was hell!!! but it DID get easier...

    My tips for newbies - (based on Optifast 900)

    WATER WATER WATER!!! The brain cannot recognise the difference between hunger and thirst!!! You are getting your nutrition from your shakes. You should be aiming for 3 litres a day and that includes the water you use for your shakes.
    use at least 16 oz to feel fuller. And you don't want to get constipated as there is not a lot of fibre in the might want to consider psylium fibre capsules - (not a laxative!!) but please talk to your doctor.

    TIMING- NO MORE THAT 4 HOURS BETWEEN SHAKES- in order to maintain ketosis, you have to keep your blood sugar level as level as possible. and drink that extra water in between

    extras - 20 calories a day max- can include milk for your coffee ( A BIT! everything counts...) diet pop, artificial flavorings for your shakes, low cal and sodium broth, but don't over do it. Follow what ever your plan recommends.

    FLAVOUR!! shakes getting boring?? throw some flavoring in!! coconut or orange flavoring in a chocolate shake will blow your mind!!! (but remember the 20 calorie cap!)

    EXCERCISE - DONT OVER DO IT RIGHT NOW - you are already shocking your body enough- worry about muscle toning later.

    DISTRACTION - GET OFF THE COUCH or PVR through those commercials....good time to clean spring clean those cubboards...break your old habits now!!!

    chew sugarless gums (watch the calories - no more that 20 cals a day)

    NUTRITIONAL COUNSELLING is a must. The program I am in offers 26 weeks of weekly classes (12 weeks of full product, 5 weeks of transition, and 9 more weeks of what they call maintenance....but we are all still losing :) this is essential!! after that we have 4-6 sessions of our choice (nutritional, behavioral, or kinesthetic) over the next 6 months.

    now we also had blood work done and ECGs every 2-3 weeks (part of our program)

    TRANSITION- I will tell you about that later - there are too many peeps on her right now that are not ready to hear about food and I don't want to add to their stress....but get used to journaling on MFP because you will need to keep track of those calories anyway.

    exercise now? - walking class, aquafit, strength training and I am a nurse so I am always tearing around. Consider a activity tracking bracelet and use apps like or

    Take one day at a time - don't rely on the scale, rely on how you feel, and take measurements....

    You can do this!!!


    @sanzza - I was a non-insulin dependant diabetic and it have completely reversed with my weight loss!! My sugars and HBAIC are completely normal!!

    This helped alot! thank you! I am on day 5 and down 7 pounds. I have 4 shakes a day and 64 oz of water and am still hungry! does this ever go away?

    you're hungry? then you're doing the starvation part of it right.

    I have read all your previous post and know your opinion on this diet but I am currently 130 pounds overweight and have health issues and this diet is what my doctors recommend for me so what I am looking for is someone to help me through it not put down the diet. Its not for everyone so if you have some tips ill be happy to hear them if not I'm happy for you that you were able to do this without something so extreme but your comments about the diet that could just save my life is not needed.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Hey Kevin!

    we started product 3 weeks before Christmas. It was hell!!! but it DID get easier...

    My tips for newbies - (based on Optifast 900)

    WATER WATER WATER!!! The brain cannot recognise the difference between hunger and thirst!!! You are getting your nutrition from your shakes. You should be aiming for 3 litres a day and that includes the water you use for your shakes.
    use at least 16 oz to feel fuller. And you don't want to get constipated as there is not a lot of fibre in the might want to consider psylium fibre capsules - (not a laxative!!) but please talk to your doctor.

    TIMING- NO MORE THAT 4 HOURS BETWEEN SHAKES- in order to maintain ketosis, you have to keep your blood sugar level as level as possible. and drink that extra water in between

    extras - 20 calories a day max- can include milk for your coffee ( A BIT! everything counts...) diet pop, artificial flavorings for your shakes, low cal and sodium broth, but don't over do it. Follow what ever your plan recommends.

    FLAVOUR!! shakes getting boring?? throw some flavoring in!! coconut or orange flavoring in a chocolate shake will blow your mind!!! (but remember the 20 calorie cap!)

    EXCERCISE - DONT OVER DO IT RIGHT NOW - you are already shocking your body enough- worry about muscle toning later.

    DISTRACTION - GET OFF THE COUCH or PVR through those commercials....good time to clean spring clean those cubboards...break your old habits now!!!

    chew sugarless gums (watch the calories - no more that 20 cals a day)

    NUTRITIONAL COUNSELLING is a must. The program I am in offers 26 weeks of weekly classes (12 weeks of full product, 5 weeks of transition, and 9 more weeks of what they call maintenance....but we are all still losing :) this is essential!! after that we have 4-6 sessions of our choice (nutritional, behavioral, or kinesthetic) over the next 6 months.

    now we also had blood work done and ECGs every 2-3 weeks (part of our program)

    TRANSITION- I will tell you about that later - there are too many peeps on her right now that are not ready to hear about food and I don't want to add to their stress....but get used to journaling on MFP because you will need to keep track of those calories anyway.

    exercise now? - walking class, aquafit, strength training and I am a nurse so I am always tearing around. Consider a activity tracking bracelet and use apps like or

    Take one day at a time - don't rely on the scale, rely on how you feel, and take measurements....

    You can do this!!!


    @sanzza - I was a non-insulin dependant diabetic and it have completely reversed with my weight loss!! My sugars and HBAIC are completely normal!!

    This helped alot! thank you! I am on day 5 and down 7 pounds. I have 4 shakes a day and 64 oz of water and am still hungry! does this ever go away?

    you're hungry? then you're doing the starvation part of it right.

    I have read all your previous post and know your opinion on this diet but I am currently 130 pounds overweight and have health issues and this diet is what my doctors recommend for me so what I am looking for is someone to help me through it not put down the diet. Its not for everyone so if you have some tips ill be happy to hear them if not I'm happy for you that you were able to do this without something so extreme but your comments about the diet that could just save my life is not needed.
    you didn't want tips, you wanted a quick fix. I can offer one, not the other.

    the other is a lifestyle change.

    if it's important enough to save your life, why not do it right... instead of the OMG I HATE THIS FEELING and having to throw lots of money at shakes? I just can't wrap my head around that portion of this "diet".

    Dr's are likely getting a kickback from the sale or administration of this. It's an extreme push.
  • Hi Dl81,

    7lbs in 5 days is awesome keep up the good work. I never went through a lot of hunger but some of the folks in my group said that it was really bad for the first two weeks and then it went away completely. Your body can survive for a long time on 800 calories it's just not going to be happy about it.

    It sounds like you are drinking the water and that really helps. Sometimes if you blend the shake with some ice cubes it may feel a little bulkier and fill you more.

    Feel free to message me with any questions you may have, good luck you are on the right track.

    Obviously anyone who has a significant amount of weight to lose needs to make a total lifestyle change. Its very difficult to do that when you are carrying all of the extra weight. The Optifast program is a great headstart to get a jump on changing your lifestyle. There are no easy simple fixes to this issue but you already knew that.

    Take care,
  • Flying_Joe
    Flying_Joe Posts: 15 Member
    I started Optifast February 10, 2014. Now 2 and a half months later, I've reached the halfway point for my own personal weight loss target (70 lbs down of 140 to lose in all), which is pretty exciting...

    It's been easy at times and very hard at times. I think what I may have needed most was contact with others doing the same thing (with Optfast) to share with, so this thread is a great idea for those starting out.

    I know I had my great doubts about this approach before starting and also during the first 2-3 weeks, but I've now learned how helpful this approach has been to me. One thing that being freed up from meals has revealed to me was just what are my strongest triggers for intense cravings and inappropriate eating, and that the answer to that can be quite different for each of us - so it is important to be crystal clear on this to effect some real change when we get started on eating regular food again. The counselling component is essential before we are ready to move into maintenance.

    I could not have gotten this far without Optifast as an approach - I'm now light enough that I am finally able to start to exercise more and more each day - which is becoming easier and easier to do - building my sense of wellbeing exponentially.

    However, it is hard still to imagine another 4 or 5 months of this, but with the exercise I'm doing now, the success I've achieved so far, and especially by encouraging some others here and getting some support on the hard days through this site - I hope to make it to September and keep with this approach until then.

    Any Optifast users looking for mutual support - please do let me know by friend request... Cheers!

  • danarochelle
    danarochelle Posts: 212 Member
    I'm going to start OP again. I'd love to have support and give it as well. 8-)
  • amykens
    amykens Posts: 14 Member
    I used opifast about 8 years ago. I lost about 40 pounds but that was all that I needed. My advise to you is to keep up with exercise. I was not vigilante and kept my weight of for 2 years then added the weight back on fast. There were also 4 people in my optifast group who had done optifast previously but put all their weight back on. I am not saying this happens to everyone, but I wish I would have kept up with my fitness routine. After having small children I was not vigilant, and am regretting it now. Good luck.
  • I started Optifast about 2 weeks ago! I could use some friends for motivation! Please add me!
  • Karma_888
    Karma_888 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey Kevin!

    we started product 3 weeks before Christmas. It was hell!!! but it DID get easier...

    My tips for newbies - (based on Optifast 900)

    WATER WATER WATER!!! The brain cannot recognise the difference between hunger and thirst!!! You are getting your nutrition from your shakes. You should be aiming for 3 litres a day and that includes the water you use for your shakes.
    use at least 16 oz to feel fuller. And you don't want to get constipated as there is not a lot of fibre in the might want to consider psylium fibre capsules - (not a laxative!!) but please talk to your doctor.

    TIMING- NO MORE THAT 4 HOURS BETWEEN SHAKES- in order to maintain ketosis, you have to keep your blood sugar level as level as possible. and drink that extra water in between

    extras - 20 calories a day max- can include milk for your coffee ( A BIT! everything counts...) diet pop, artificial flavorings for your shakes, low cal and sodium broth, but don't over do it. Follow what ever your plan recommends.

    FLAVOUR!! shakes getting boring?? throw some flavoring in!! coconut or orange flavoring in a chocolate shake will blow your mind!!! (but remember the 20 calorie cap!)

    EXCERCISE - DONT OVER DO IT RIGHT NOW - you are already shocking your body enough- worry about muscle toning later.

    DISTRACTION - GET OFF THE COUCH or PVR through those commercials....good time to clean spring clean those cubboards...break your old habits now!!!

    chew sugarless gums (watch the calories - no more that 20 cals a day)

    NUTRITIONAL COUNSELLING is a must. The program I am in offers 26 weeks of weekly classes (12 weeks of full product, 5 weeks of transition, and 9 more weeks of what they call maintenance....but we are all still losing :) this is essential!! after that we have 4-6 sessions of our choice (nutritional, behavioral, or kinesthetic) over the next 6 months.

    now we also had blood work done and ECGs every 2-3 weeks (part of our program)

    TRANSITION- I will tell you about that later - there are too many peeps on her right now that are not ready to hear about food and I don't want to add to their stress....but get used to journaling on MFP because you will need to keep track of those calories anyway.

    exercise now? - walking class, aquafit, strength training and I am a nurse so I am always tearing around. Consider a activity tracking bracelet and use apps like or

    Take one day at a time - don't rely on the scale, rely on how you feel, and take measurements....

    You can do this!!!


    @sanzza - I was a non-insulin dependant diabetic and it have completely reversed with my weight loss!! My sugars and HBAIC are completely normal!!

    This helped alot! thank you! I am on day 5 and down 7 pounds. I have 4 shakes a day and 64 oz of water and am still hungry! does this ever go away?

    you're hungry? then you're doing the starvation part of it right.

    I have read all your previous post and know your opinion on this diet but I am currently 130 pounds overweight and have health issues and this diet is what my doctors recommend for me so what I am looking for is someone to help me through it not put down the diet. Its not for everyone so if you have some tips ill be happy to hear them if not I'm happy for you that you were able to do this without something so extreme but your comments about the diet that could just save my life is not needed.
    you didn't want tips, you wanted a quick fix. I can offer one, not the other.

    the other is a lifestyle change.

    if it's important enough to save your life, why not do it right... instead of the OMG I HATE THIS FEELING and having to throw lots of money at shakes? I just can't wrap my head around that portion of this "diet".

    Dr's are likely getting a kickback from the sale or administration of this. It's an extreme push.

    Seeing as my post/info for the newbies is being reposted over again and added to by someone who is very "anti-product", I am going to weigh in again. (pardon the pun)

    Optifast helps you to loose weight fast. Its true, there's no doubt in my mind about it. Drs are getting kickbacks, probably. They believe in the program and feel that its an option for their patients. Hopefully those same doctors are giving the added counselling and support that help those of us who tried everything (except bariatric surgery) to do it the old fashioned way. My weight is still coming off even though I have been off shakes since February, not because I am starving myself, but because I have learned and adapted to a lifestyle change. I am exercising more now BECAUSE I CAN. I am eating better and am fuller with less. I know now that if I go back to my previous habits the weight will come back, and I am taking every step necessary to prevent that. The decision is mine to make, and my choice was very successful for me. If I

    Why someone would come into a thread clearly labeled "optifast users" and criticise people who have been struggling with their weight for ages who are trying something that you may not necessarily agree with is completely beyond me. Thank you so much Trog, for taking the time to support the bloggers who are coming to this forum for advice and support. ANd thank you for posting your opinions, which have obviously done often in this forum. I make a choice to come to this forum to offer my support to others as well, to learn from their successes and mistakes. If I don't like what is said, I (usually) ignore it. I don't agree with what everyone says, I don't have to. But I keep my negative opinions to myself. Its about respect, I guess.

    I really wish this forum had a like/dislike feature. It would save so much time when I'm scrolling through posts....I could avoid the stress and negativity of reading stuff that isn't going positively impact my weight loss journey or how I chose to achieve it.
  • Just wanted to say Hello - day 1 today - feels good to not be alone in this! :)