Any Optifast users out there?



  • rebeccaemz
    Trogalicious-yep, alarms are going off. I wouldn't have gotten to this point if it weren't for some poor choices and thinking.:wink:
  • annegraceucc
    annegraceucc Posts: 7 Member

    Congratulations for keeping at it. Food cues are hard, but we can do this. For me the support groups make the difference, I hope they will for you too. Good luck to you!
  • rebeccaemz
    Thanks! Now that the initial few days have passed, I feel much better! Good luck to you too!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Trogalicious-yep, alarms are going off. I wouldn't have gotten to this point if it weren't for some poor choices and thinking.:wink:
    not what I meant. If you're eating so little that it's screwing with emotions that you've never felt... you're approaching this whole weight loss thing the wrong way.
  • annegraceucc
    annegraceucc Posts: 7 Member
    Many of us who are changing eating habits and omitting comforts foods from our diet find ourselves with unexpected emotions/feelings coming up. This is perfectly normal and the doctors, nutritionists, and behaviorists of the Optifast program tell us to expect this. Often we unconsciously turn to such foods to keep us from feeling uncomfortable emotions. When we remove that pattern those feelings may come up for us. It is normal, and not unhealthy at all when it leads us to begin choosing other mechanisms for dealing with feelings in our lives such as exercise, meditation, etc.
  • KrazyKlown75
    Many of us who are changing eating habits and omitting comforts foods from our diet find ourselves with unexpected emotions/feelings coming up. This is perfectly normal and the doctors, nutritionists, and behaviorists of the Optifast program tell us to expect this. Often we unconsciously turn to such foods to keep us from feeling uncomfortable emotions. When we remove that pattern those feelings may come up for us. It is normal, and not unhealthy at all when it leads us to begin choosing other mechanisms for dealing with feelings in our lives such as exercise, meditation, etc.

    This... :drinker:
  • vyju1590
    Starting this program next week.
  • vyju1590
    All the best! I am starting out next week. Hope to find encouragement in this forum.:smile:
  • vyju1590
  • vyju1590
    Congratulations on the weightloss. This is inspiring.
  • RightNowNotMonday
    Congrats on the weightlosses! I'm not here to judge at all. I'd just like to say my peace. What concerns me is that Optifast has a lot of chemicals and preservatives in it, including aspartame. I would personally never touch the stuff.

    A healthier natural shake with dense nutients and superfoods from around the world is what is best for the human body. And there is one out there called Shakeology. I use it, and I love what it has done for my body. It helps curb the cravings naturally and it's also great for my immune system. If anyone wants to know more about my experience with it, feel free to message me any questions.
    Also, if anyone wants any info about the list of healthy ingredients in Shakeology or a list of the unhealthy ingredients in Optifast, let me know.
  • wings707
    I am starting today and only doing the shakes. The day Oprah announced that she had lost her weight with Optifast I found a local clinic and went to their orientation and to "see if I qualify." Of course they took everyone no matter how much they had to lose and the director thanked Oprah for the full room. :)

    I had 40 lbs to lose and I did, very fast! I regained 6 when I stopped but was able to maintain my weight for years eating a low carb diet. I love this way of losing. You do not have to think about food, I love that. I prepared meals for my family without any problem and even entertained. I clicked in to the glory of not weighing food and paging through calorie and carb counts.

    I was thrilled to see I could buy this on amazon! It is good to have support and I found this site googling this morning. I had to go to the clinic everyday so had the support of others doing the same thing. There were times I yearned for food and it was nice to be able to share that. Day one, onward! Those of you just starting will love this.
  • mrskingers
    Does anyone know if there is a way to do the Optifast program if there is not one in your area. The closest clinic is 200 miles away! :(
  • wings707
    You do not need to join a program. They sell it on amazon and probably other places.
  • vyju1590
    Congrats on the weightlosses! I'm not here to judge at all. I'd just like to say my peace. What concerns me is that Optifast has a lot of chemicals and preservatives in it, including aspartame. I would personally never touch the stuff.

    A healthier natural shake with dense nutients and superfoods from around the world is what is best for the human body. And there is one out there called Shakeology. I use it, and I love what it has done for my body. It helps curb the cravings naturally and it's also great for my immune system. If anyone wants to know more about my experience with it, feel free to message me any questions.
    Also, if anyone wants any info about the list of healthy ingredients in Shakeology or a list of the unhealthy ingredients in Optifast, let me know.

    I read about that and it does concern me. I have a friend though, who not only lost weight with this program but also got off medications.
  • wings707
    The chemicals give me pause, too. I figure that for a limited time they are probably less of a risk to health than the 40 extra pounds I am carrying. They will come off quickly and then I will resume Primal Blueprint eating. I have reached a point where I have to get this weight off now, and fast.
  • Psysix
    Psysix Posts: 53 Member
    I went through Kaiser too but the product they gave me is not called Optifast. It is called "New Direction." Is this the same thing?
  • amandalynn636
    amandalynn636 Posts: 22 Member
    I plan to start Optifast next week, although I will not be doing a program, just ordering through Amazon. I know it would be better to do a program, but I can't afford the rates I have seen that they charge. So I will order through Amazon, and hopefully be successful with the support of family, friends, and all of you! Please feel free to friend me!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • judibryan46
    judibryan46 Posts: 15 Member
    I enrolled in the Optifast program through Alexian Brothers Medical about 10 days ago. This is under a doctor's care and with periodic blood tests. Had my first weigh in at 1 week (down 4.6 lbs...but the doctor said not to expect that regularly). My goal is to lose about 75 lbs...but also get off blood pressure medication and increase my overall health and fitness. I look at this more like a lifestyle reset than a diet program. The weight loss is hugely important, of course, but there's much more to it than that. My hope is that this will jump start overall better eating and better lifestyle choices. It's also encouraging me to drink more water. I refuse to buy bottled water and in my area the tap water isn't I've begun adding fresh lemon juice to the water (I'm also drinking it warm...something I've never been in the habit of doing!) and really loving it. Especially in this bitter cold Chicago weather this year. Goes down smoothly and am having no problem getting 8-12 cups down each day. Glad to see there are others here on the program as well. I just started using MyFitnessPal recently, and it's been a great help for tracking what I consume and what I do!!!!!

    Best everyone!
  • eml34
    eml34 Posts: 2
    Keep up the good work. This is my 3rd week on Optifast and I am feeling great. It is not easy but it is absolutely worth it.