dimple_gal Member


  • This is not about your weight, that is just a symptom of a bigger issue. He may be depressed or worse. Has he always been controlling? Some guys need a job that earns money. Not saying a stay at home dad isn't great, but I gotta ask- who does the laundry? the cooking? the cleaning? taking the kids to the doctor? Since you…
  • Lots of good suggestions here! My best offering is always bring your workout gear. You can go use the hotel fitness center. Keeping my workout routine helps me make better choices. I always have a protein bar in case my schedule doesn't allow for a meal, especially crossing time zones. And water. Lots and lots of bottled…
  • I had mine out over 20 years ago. Initially I had some issues with fatty, or more specifically greasy foods, but over time it my body adjusted and I don't even give it a second thought.
  • No advice, just empathy and cheering you on! Way to go! I started a C25K 3 years ago, and now I can't stand to miss a week. I too struggled with what seemed like crazy fluctuations- still do. Staying the course has helped me progressively drop weight, feel better, drop two sizes, and I haven't been sick since I started.
  • Hi fellow 5'7"er's! I am 52 CW: 142 GW: 130-135 - I expect some fluctuation Calories set 1540 I don't usually eat my exercise calories, in fact I don't usually eat all my calories. Today I am starting a plan of eating more often and all my calories. I think I have screwed up my metabolism- it's old and needs some TLC.…
  • My goodness, you look fantastic! You have lost over a 1/3 of your May 2015 body weight! Looking forward to seeing your progress!
  • Congratulations on the engagement! Can I recommend adding to your list? Get/stay healthy for a long and happy life with your husband! If you focus more on the health aspects of working out, eating better, making LIFELONG changes, etc. several things happen. You will feel better about yourself and more importantly, you will…
  • hummus and lemon juice makes a great creamy dressing.
  • Had mine done 23 years ago 2 months after my son was born. Was lifting my 15 pound baby (carefully) and back to work 3 days later, and dealing with my 3 year old. Very little pain, and certainly so much less than the GB attacks! I can barely see the scars now, and though initially had troubles with fatty foods, I don't…
  • I am the same height and weight as you, and about 30 years older! Exercise for your health, set good exercise and eating habits, stretch, pick up some weights and get strong, it really will help! Your body will change many times in the coming decades, and good habits will help get you through the highs and lows. You are…
  • Agree with the above, the pace is structured to start slow, and the built in rest days are very important. You can start at week 1 or 2, and try running faster on the run parts to get your heart rate up. I wish I had done that when I started, as I had to go back and start over running faster to build up my speed. Make sure…
  • Congratulations, push ups are tough! I have been planking combined with push ups. Every 10 seconds do a push up. Breaks up the monotony of planking.
  • gonna have to try the sweet potato - that sounds great. I really like doing the cucumbers and carrots in a salad with ginger dressing. The squash to me is just okay. I like to cut out the seeds so it doesn't get soggy when I cook squash and, that doesn't work with the spiralizer, although it does take out a small core of…
  • Feel free to add me- 52 and a consistent logger of food and exercise. I would love a new person to discuss healthy strategies with!
  • Do both! I do both, and they are very complimentary to each other. Both are incredible stress release, and after a good yoga class, i am stretched out and ready for a run. Many of the stretches will help with common beginner running injuries, i.e. shin splints, hamstring, etc. Running doesn't prep you for yoga IMO. Yoga…
  • Agree with the above poster, people do notice, they just don't want to say anything. Also, once you have to start buying new clothes, you will likely start hearing comments, but might be more general like "you look great", and not specific to your weight. Also, take pictures- no matter how painful, you will be shocked when…
  • I usually make salad (not for sandwiches with mayo, celery, scallions and cucumber- fresh dill if you have it. My neighbor turned me on to this non-mayo based tuna salad for lettuce wraps. Its really good, also a great spread for crackers 2 cans tuna, drained and chunked 2T chopped ginger root 2T chopped red onion 1/2 t…
  • This. Especially hard when someone else is refilling your glass, then I am not even sure how to track!
  • 5ft 7 MFP SW: 157 SW for this challenge (today): 141 GW: 135 GW Feb. 29: 137
  • Just get there, get in the door! Once there, you go to the next step. Get there. Get undressed. The rest is a logical progression. Work out! Go home. Repeat!
  • if you like spicy this is good- my new favorite way to eat it. Even my hubby who is not a veg fan loves it! http://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/spicy-cauliflower-stir-fry/ Spicy Cauliflower Stir-Fry COOK TIME: 5 Minutes INGREDIENTS 1 whole Head Cauliflower 2 teaspoons Vegetable Oil 2 cloves Garlic, Minced 2 Tablespoons Soy…
  • Wow! What a great transformation, and a great job telling how you got there! You look just fantastic, and not even 50. Very inspirational!
  • Tera's Whey. It has Stevia, and it is very good.
  • I started taking Mason Natural Menopause Trio: Black cohosh, flaxseed, and soy and have noticed a significant change in all the things you mentioned. I do not take daily- usually every other day, but still a definite improvement. I am not seeing weight gain, and in fact the additional energy and sleep really seem to be…
  • Go buy yourself all new underwear! Nice to know you can always wear the "good" underwear! You have joined the Pretty Panty Club!
  • Is that the one in Forest Park?
  • I wish i would have taken pictures, or had someone take them. I have almost none of when I was pregnant, and in fact I avoided the cameras as I thought I looked fat. I wasn't fat, I was facilitating a miracle. Take pictures! Oh, and I religiously used Neutrogena Sesame Oil on my belly and waist. No stretch marks!
  • Since this was re-started, I will answer Binnee95 about the headaches I had. Not really bad, just a dull, won't-go-away type. When I switched to the real Progesterone I got optical migraines. I know it was from the medication as I would take them before bed, and wake up in the middle of the night with the migraine. Hasn't…
    in Premarin Comment by dimple_gal July 2015
  • I started having ridiculously heavy periods at about 46 or 47, had a very stressful job at 48 when I lost a ton of hair, so not sure if that was a symptom. Started having lighter periods at about 50, tried Progesterone only, gave me headaches, and migraines, so stopped that finally. Hadn't had a period in 3 months at now…
  • I am 51 and have lost 16, with 11 to go, or at least that's what my goal says. I am pretty happy with my current size, so really not as worried about the weight as I am keeping on the lifting and running and diet program. My bigger goal is to keep strong and healthy so that when (if) I ever get to retire I will be able to…