Possible to get a 'Beach body' by June or July?



  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    RGv2 wrote: »
    OP, IMHO you're possibly going about this the wrong way.....

    You're already pretty much dead center for a healthy weight/BMI for your height. I would recommend investigating a recomp. Losing 5 more lbs probably won't give you the aesthetics you think/want. You'll lose some of that last 5lbs in LBM (muscle) so your BF% may not change very much, so what you see probably won't change a ton.

    Are you eating 1400 gross or net?

    Edit to drop this off:


    Netting! Sometimes less than 1400 depending on how much i burn working out. Last summer I weighed 132, then gained 13 pounds my first year of college, so I am trying to get back to that!! I hate that I gained so much in college so far..

    If you were 132 last year and, as stated in the op, "never felt comfortable in a bikini", then what do you think will be different/are you doing differently now to feel comfortable in one at the same weight?

    I gained confidence as I grew older, I hope the same for you!

    Even though I weighed 132 I still wasn't happy because I didn't work out, so I just felt flappy and had some rolls I wasn't proud of. But this time I'm looking to get into really good shape. I'm not just looking to get fit and lose weight for the summer, but I am also trying to change myself for the better for the rest of my life!!

    That sounds great and very reasonable!
  • frankie_xox
    frankie_xox Posts: 46 Member
    So I started this journey a few weeks ago to lose weight and get fit! I lost 5 pounds so far (was 145 now 140). My ultimate goal for right now is to get to 130-135 by June or July this summer. Do you think that's possible? I workout to Daily Burn Strength training and Daily Burn 365 cardio 5 or 6 times a week and eat 1400 calories a day. I am 19 and have NEVER felt comfortable in a bikini.... I know I started this journey a little late but I'm still hopeful that I can reach my goal by sometime this summer (and I don't plan on stopping this lifestyle this summer either)!! I'm mostly just super embarrassed about my pooch stomach and muffin top. Hopefully those can slim down, I just want some confidence and motivation!

    I don't know about getting a beach body by summer, but if you just want to work on self-love and acceptance and be supported by a group of women who are pretty good at lifting each other up, check out butiyoga.com and request to be a part of the facebook group (or check out if there are any live classes in your area!) The home workouts do cost money (they have DVDs and an online subscription), but it's a really great, fun workout - yoga with more cardio and tribal dance vibes with great music. Women consistently say on the facebook group that they started the workouts to lose weight and then just began to accept themselves and love who they are, at any stage in the journey. It's the only exercise that I'm actually excited to do (although, I will admit, it's way more fun to do a live class).

    PS - I don't work for these people or sell anything and they don't have "coaches" or anything like that. I'm just telling you about it as someone who may benefit from the "self-love" aspect of the group.
  • caffeinatedcami
    caffeinatedcami Posts: 168 Member
    I have the same height/weight (5"7.5' and 140lbs) and goals as you. It is hard when you don't have much to lose but I think your goals seem reasonable as long as you stay dedicated to your plan. You may or may not reach 130 by July but you can definitely get close. Goals can be a good motivator but I try not to focus too much on arbitrary deadlines. When I am sticking to my food and exercise goals I feel more self-confident whether or not the weight is coming off. Feel free to add me.
  • KorvapuustiPossu
    KorvapuustiPossu Posts: 434 Member
    I think that you should learn to love yourself a bit more...confidence comes from within. You can always work to improve yourself and your healthy but if your mind ain't right about it...your body will never be enough to feel completely confident. I wish you all the best. :)
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Lift weights.

    Your weight is fine- It sounds like you don't like your physique. Weights weights weights!

    Hoping someone has the photo of the girl who weighs more in the final picture but looks much better.
  • raishiwi
    raishiwi Posts: 56 Member
    Hell yes, just will yourself to greatness.
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    I second: Weights weights weights! I look way better in a bikini now than I did ten pounds lighter. Here's a great example of why body composition matters more than body weight- @ASKyle I think this is the one you meant! If you are new to lifting, you can definitely see some pleasant changes in a few months!

  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    cityruss wrote: »
    You are allowed on the beach whatever 'body' you have.

    Very true! I just have never felt confident about myself and want that to change this summer. I'm
    tired of covering up with a towel and comparing myself to others. I want to rock my own body one day!

    Is that you in the profile pic? Because you're gorgeous and have no reason to cover up.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    It sounds like a self esteem issue, not a weight issue. Do not focus on the wrong thing to correct. You can lose a bit of weight if you wish to, but just a bit , and exercise always helps improve appearance, but since it is probably all in your mind, I doubt any of these will help. You already look great.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    cityruss wrote: »
    You are allowed on the beach whatever 'body' you have.

    I always avoided the beach for fear of being mistaken for a whale. And harpooned.
  • dimple_gal
    dimple_gal Posts: 138 Member
    I am the same height and weight as you, and about 30 years older! Exercise for your health, set good exercise and eating habits, stretch, pick up some weights and get strong, it really will help! Your body will change many times in the coming decades, and good habits will help get you through the highs and lows. You are young and yes, you theoretically can get to your ideal weight by mid-year, it's just a number after all.

    If you want to wear a bikini-do it. Own it! I know I will be!