Half and half and stevia.
Maybe it's... nunya biznass.
I feel like **** when I carb binge.
I'm 5'6 (always wished I was taller), 150lbs and maintaining, but would be happy losing another 5-10lbs. I eat around 2,000 calories and try to weight lift and run at least 4 days a week. Feel free to add!
Just watched this last night. He said $14/day.
Well-rounded meals: protein, healthy fats, and good carbs. Sometimes when I overeat processed foods I feel more hungry as well.
People on the internet are irritating as ****.
he is beautiful.
I am in the same boat as you! I hate to cook.
This is good advice haha
Vodka + soda water + lemon... so good!
I'm pretty sure OP is asking for advice on how to eliminate soda during the holiday season... Not whether or not diet soda is bad for you, or whether or not a few sodas are okay in moderation. I can relate to this in the form of sugar or alcohol. I, too, like to avoid sweets/alcohol and the best way I've found for ME to do…
Buy yourself a new workout outfit!
I'm going to exercise and not log because I'm too lazy/scared to look up all the foods I'm about to eat!
Spaghetti squash!
Coconut oil.
Thanks all! This is helpful :)
sugar :/
Not that I know of, though that is something to think about! I haven't changed my route recently.
Haha, good thinking... no, I only replaced the watch battery. Guess I should check the other one out!
That's exactly what mine does! I wonder if it's still under warranty... thanks!
Three hardboiled eggs, 1/2 avocado, sauerkraut, and of course coffee+milk.
Curvy all over haha
My stomach!
I can only comment on personal experience. I eat more when: 1. I don't exercise that day 2. I don't eat enough fats 3. I don't eat enough for breakfast 4. I binge on sugar/carbs 5. (this is a biggie) I'M BORED!
@kelly112582 23
Trying to find what works best for ME. I agree... total information overload! Also, sugar...
This is great, so I'm not the only one!
This happens to me when I eat almost anything processed. I really have to try to stick to vegetables and meat otherwise I'll pay for it. Also, I cut out gum, which was really causing bloating. Good luck!