Bundyman Member


  • Thanks so much everyone for the kind words and encouragement. Continued success to all of you as well. :smile:
  • Health fears can be a great motivator to finally lose weight. It's sad that this is what it takes sometimes. I wish I'd found the motivation before it came to that but I'm healthier now at least.
  • Thanks again everyone for the advice, support and encouragement. I swear the first 162 pounds came off easy (not really). Now I'd like to lose another 40 or so to get down to a lower weight than I was in high school back in the mid-80's but it's going to take some time and perhaps some further tweaking of my process.
  • Thank you everyone for the kind words and information. I knew I'd find the support and guidance I needed here. I will take everything you have said to heart and hopefully get back to moving in the right direction. I do have a gym membership but haven't been using it regularly. That stops tomorrow. Back to smart eating as…
  • Thanks. No, I think counting calories has helped to keep me focussed all along and accountable. I just need to be smarter again and work on portion size like I was doing when I was having success. I've had my fun cheating. It's time to get back on track.
  • I've also bucked the trend. I prefer to spend my money on things of more importance. I've always thought it looked trashy but to each their own. Just not my thing.
  • Sorry about placing this in the wrong forum. It's disappointing to see an app I've loved for so many years being hurt just for profit. I didn't mind the ads the way they were before but popping up on the diary page is intrusive and ruins the experience. Maybe they'll listen to their loyal users and address this.
  • Okay, that makes sense. So I can store the strap and sensor together so long as they're detached and it shouldn't decrease the battery life.
  • I appreciate all of the insightful responses from everyone. I'm learning lots. My Max HR was set at 173 by Polar. I don't know if adjusting that would make any difference. I wish I'd taken it when I weighed 450 pounds to see if it improved at all but I'll keep checking it from time to time to see if it gets higher. I'm not…
  • One More Question I hope someone can answer. I have my H7 synced to my M400 and it seems to be working. But when I'm not working out, should I unpair the HR monitor to preserve battery life?
  • That's awesome. Thanks for the information. I'll look for the treadmill profile and others.
  • Go to Goals and click on Starting Weight and you can adjust there in the App.
  • Trenton, Ontario here. Home of Canada's largest Air Force Base.
  • Interesting to read both the similar and different reasons for motivation to lose weight. Thanks for sharing.
  • Loving the different and honest stories you're all posting. Be it big changes or little, as long as they're positive changes that's all that matters. I look forward to hearing more stories and I thank everyone who has been so kind with your congrats and kudos for me as well. Keep fighting the good fight and be healthy and…
  • I can relate to that as well. Tying my shoe laces would have me breathing heavy. And anyone that has been obese knows about plenty of other routine daily tasks which are anything but routine when you are that size. It can be very embarrassing.
  • My girlfriend LOVES my shaved head and I think she'd kill me if I let my hair grow. I also think she'd castrate me if I shaved my goatee although she swears she'd be fine with it. I look about 15 years younger without it. In my experience a real woman with a good heart will love you no matter how you look as long as you're…
  • Complaining about getting positive attention is like complaining about too much cheese on your pizza. That's crazy!
  • I've lost 165 pounds so far. Here a few photos. Looking healthier. I have loose skin which doesn't concern me nearly as much as being obese. I feel 20 years younger. Just a fun photo I made of the old me holding a newer smaller me.
  • Thank you everyone for your kind words and encouragement. I'm touched by the support I get from others. I'm feeling extra motivation in the gym today.
  • Some pictures to give an idea of my changes.
  • Thank you everyone for your kind responses and insight. I truly appreciate it. A week and a half into my gym membership and I am enjoying it a great deal. I find that so far I start off with about 35 minutes on the treadmill doing intervals. I'll walk at about 6.3 km/h for a couple of minutes and then job at 9 km/h for a…
  • Thanks Candice. I'll look into HIIT online and check it out. Never heard of it before. When I walk outside, I do occasionally jog a bit mixed with the walking. I'll have to look into trying that on the treadmill. The machine is still a bit foreign to me but in time I'll get a better grasp of it.