gbminigirl Member


  • I'm so glad you posted this! I never even thought to look at my spaghetti sauce for gluten. I had atomic hiccups all day yesterday (which usually happens when I've had any gluten) and I couldn't figure out why! Hubby made spaghetti the night before last. The pasta was GF, but I'm guessing the sauce wasn't!
  • I'm down around 4 lbs (I say 4 lbs, but when I weighed myself this morning, I was up 2 lbs from that. Why do I always weigh so much more after days I've burned over 2,000 calories exercising? I'm not counting today's weigh-in.), but I really don't feel it has anything to do with the Labrada products. I've increased my…
  • Yesterday: 10km in an 8+. First sprint regatta of the season March 2nd!
  • Weight: 150.6 (Down 1.2 lbs) Nutritional Goal: 1,670/day Fitness Goal: 400-1000 (Depends on the day and what training I'm doing - less on weight training days, more on cardio.) Challenge: Get back on the wagon. Last week sucked for me due to allergies. I need to get my cardio going again.
  • It's pretty difficult for me to get my carbs up as I try to stay strict gluten-free. I can't go grab just any old carb to push up my numbers; although, I wish I could. Cookies sound pretty fantastic, LLaDonna! I've been eating My Fit Foods (I don't know if they have that where you guys are) on and off (right now, mostly…
  • I think my problem might actually be not enough carbs (after reading Lee's email this week). I had a trainer last year that told me for the amount of training I was doing, I needed my carb intake to be around 70%. I'm trying to get back on the same training schedule and my current intake is 35%. I guess we'll see!
  • Since I'm not on a C2, I'm not sure I'd be much help there! :wink:
  • I ride, but road, not trails. I'm looking at doing either the Magnolia Ride on March 16th or the Tour de Houston on the 17th. I haven't decided which. It depends on my son's soccer schedule.
  • I took a Learn to Row course about 4 years ago, drank the kool-aid and now am a "masters" competitive rower with Greater Houston Rowing Club. I even competed in the HOCR in October with some teammates in the women's Club 4+ and beat several boats of 19 yr olds! We were pretty happy as the ave. age of our boat was 38 (I'm…
  • Feel free to add me too! Age: 40 State: Texas Current Weight: 151 Goal Weight: 140 Favorite Healthy Snack: Chocolate (it's rich in magnesium!) Favorite Exercise: Rowing crew and cycling I got "sick" last year and gained about 10 lbs from meds and they need to GO, but I'm having a hard time doing it. It's not from lack of…
  • I'm in the Copperfield area. If anyone ever wants to bike ride (15+ mph pace), let me know. I'm often at the LA Fitness at Barker-Cypress/529 around 5am during the work week.
  • Here's my schedule: Monday: rest...always Tuesday: rest or 6 sets of 500m on the erg (rowing machine) Wednesday: weight training program day + 3 miles stationary bike Thursday: stretching program day and 6 sets of 500m on the erg Friday: weight training program day + 3 miles stationary bike Saturday: 10km+ rowing (1.5 - 3…