

  • Try I don't have one of these, but they were on Oprah one time, and my mom has one and says they are amazing. They are expensive, but seem like a good investment!
  • Tell them you've developed some weird food allergies and they should ask you before they buy you any food. As for the bathroom thing. i used to have a job where I couldn't go to the bathroom much, so i drank a big glass of water before work, a big glass at lunch, and two big glasses when I got home. Good luck!! Work can…
  • I second the tip to use ice! I've had a couple of knee surgeries and still get some pain. Really cold ice right on the knee for about 20 minutes helps a lot.
  • I live in South Jersey!! Extremely south, Pennsville.
  • My mom is the queen of working out while doing other things. Some stuff she does: light weights while on the computer. She does a plank on the floor during commercials when watching TV (I used to make fun of her for this, but she has better abs then I do and shes 58!), when shes making breakfast or dinner she does heel…
  • My wedding is in Pennsville, NJ. August 4th, less then 6 months away! I want to lose some lbs/ tone up before the wedding, but I also want to lose some weight before we start trying to get pregnant AFTER the wedding!
  • It's kind of time consuming, BUT I save a ton of money on groceries by clipping coupons, you can definitely find coupons for healthy foods. And if you can combine them with sales at stores, especially Walmart, you can get some really cheap food. If you have a Trader Joe's near you, no where beats their prices for healthy…
  • I would definitely make sure you get sleep!!! I've been there, where your schedule is just so full. You could try incorporating exercise into your day, for example, keep some light weights around the house and do some arm exercises when doing other things. There are lots of quick exercises you can do at home!
  • I work out after dinner once in while. It doesn't cause any problems that I'm aware of, sometimes I find that I even have more energy at that time then I do in the am or right after work.
  • Yes!! About 9 years ago I lost 40 lbs in 6 months with NO exercise, my life was just too hectic at the time (school and work). I didn't have a very active job either. I was on weight watchers, which is the same concept as counting calories. I was very strict with my eating, but I didn't feel deprived. I will say that I…