Gee_24 Member


  • I spotted for almost a whole month and had blood in my "fluids" ( Ew, Hate saying the other word ) I also missed a whole period. Every month ( 3 months now ) since weight loss my period is either: a: Not there b. Lasts 25 days ( 2nd month ) c. Only 2 days long. Crazy stuff but I hope it will regulate when Im maintaining.
  • Yesterday I bought a Toffee Crunch from Gregg's. White chocolate, white chocolate cream, toffee sauce, wrapped in shortbread. I was so stoked to get home and make a cuppa with it. Took it home to log it, couldn't find it. Went on Gregg's website and its a whopping 471 calories. And its TINY!!! Gave it to the boyfriend. :(…
  • I hate water, even flavoured water brands. So I buy Vimto zero calorie diluting. And drink Pepsi Max. Sure its not as good for you as water but after having tried consistently to drink water for years and hating it, I just go for the less calorific option. Zero Cal ( under 6 cals ) drinks.
  • Its certainly SIMPLE! Was on 1200 cals for 2 months. Not easy. Not easy at all. BUT, I lost 2lb a week and I was happy in general. Then on 1400 for a month. That was easy and wonderful! Lost 2lb a week easy peasy. But now Im 2lbs away from goal it seems the scale is just quivering about the same 3lb range for 2 weeks.…
  • 4ft 8. Current weight: 6.6 stone, goal weight 6.4 stone. And another picture here as I posted in my last thread. People see I am 92lbs on my profile and think I'm anorexic! This is a short body at 92lbs: So Im thinking that I may reassess again 2lbs from now. Add me!
  • Aw thank you very much! Made my night! And thanks to everyone for your input. Looking into the best deal on a fitbit.
  • I thought I would attach this image, as people will see I am at 92lbs and think Im far too small. This was me last month, only about 3lbs heavier. Still got a bit to go!
  • I wish, but thanks for taking the time to do that, very much appreciated! These are my stats, based on current weight rather than my goal which I dont see myself hitting by then. These are my results: I got the same figure as you, before I entered my age. Weird, huh? o_0 I thought 24 was a good age for burning cals!…
  • Thanks! I was looking it up and my question is: I plan to use this extensively on my holiday. ( Obviously will use at work once I return to see my burn! ) but will it be accurate if Im just lazing about all day? Even if it can tell me my basic calories before exercise I will be happy to have spent the money. I wouldn't…
  • DECISION MADE: I am now going to break the bank. I am going to buy the cheapest but BEST quality HRM I can find. Is a fitbit zip any good? I dont want to buy one for £40 if you all think its garbage when I should have bought the £80 for more accuracy. All opinions appreciated.
  • Wow, thank you! I tried Fitness Frog a few weeks ago when I was also calculating ahead for this holiday so thats why I was so shocked when I saw 1230 on Scooby. But the confusing thing is I don't have a HRM so dont have anything accurate, and people claim Scooby is accurate to within 50-100 calories and the best around.…
  • Correct, and thank you for considering that. And also for your input. Again I must state for everyone, although many people think women should be on at least 1500 or above to maintain, I am most likely a height that MOST of you ladies and gents surpassed when you were 10 years old.
  • I'm the height of a child. So my stats are very very different from 99% of the people here. My hip condition ( perthes ) and crazy genes mean I am miniature! lol Height: 4ft 8 ( 143cm ) Age: 24 Current weight: 92lbs Goal: 90lbs. Desk Job Little Exercise ( as I will be on holiday ) With a goal of 90bs I'll still be just…
  • Thank you. Well I dont have a bike but me and my boyfriend have agreed to go on walks. We live about a 3 hour walk away from Loch Lomond so that could be an idea for one sunny day!
  • I just know I will spend the entire time obsessing about hunger pains and food the way I did on 1200 before. I had to retire to bed as early as 8pm some nights because I was going out of my mind.
  • A Lb a week! WELL DONE!!!!
  • This thread has calmed me down so much more than any of you realise. ^^
  • True! But if you want one thats a little nicer they can be up to £4. ( $6.50 ) I found myself buying my boyfriend nice dinners and adding my own £3-£4 meal on daily. That hurt the bank I must say.
  • And another note: I was down to 6 stone in 2009 ( too low, my BMI was 18.5 just on the underweight line ) , but not on the pill. Periods were perfectly regular. Why the change this time?
  • Oh I know! And I would have been happy with at least seeing some sort of period each month, but then you've got people telling you " Oh I had a period every month when I was pregnant! " etc and you think - does seeing your monthly friend even HELP you calm down? Even if its a HEAVY one I now worry! lol: Checked my pill…
  • Do you log when you drink to see where your cal limits are? If I chose to drink a Blue WKD, one is about 228 cals, so I only have one or two and then thats it for me I'm afraid. If I had what I used to ( 4+ on a drink night ) I would be about 1000 cals over every time.
  • Sorry to say this girls but Im relieved Im not alone. We cant believe everything we read online but when I searched for weight loss and change in periods there was so LITTLE out there that I thought " Hmmm its just me then >_> " and have worried ever since.
  • When I was on 1200 I was way too scared to make home cooked meals, even with a food scale. I was worried I would over estimate as that's more common than I realised. So most meals were ding cuisine for me! It was a vile month. lol Then I learned to let go, started using the food scale and deliberately leaving over a few…
  • I eat what I want all the time, within my calories. My only "cheat days" ( I HATE that expression! ) I call them " I'm going out and dont give a **** today " days. Anyway, the only time I go over is when I go out with friends and I know we'll be at a restaurant or having a drink at the pub. I log every single thing, but I…
  • Oh yes. I looked it up and couldnt find anything consistent that backs up changes in your TOM with weight loss but I was so worried I had an extra smear and a Gyn test at the docs. I was taking a pregnancy test every 2 weeks in July / August I was so worried. lol First month weight loss: Period never came. Second Month:…
  • I used to consume 5-600 calories a day through coffee alone on my starvation diet. ( Just coffee and tic tacs! ) I lost 3 stone in 2 months. And my starting weight was only 9 stone. 17lbs in 6 months? Really????? PS: I am not promoting my own RIDICULOUS venture. I lost a lot of hair, a LOT of muscle and buggared my…
  • I posted a thread about how ill I was at a Rod Stewart concert last night and I have just realised that THIS could be why. Im eating at 1600 calories, but yesterday I hadn't eaten anything till 4pm. I had 2 vodkas and one cheeseburger meal. By the time I hit the concert I was violently sick and dizzy. In fact I was…
  • I went up to 1600 as I thought that's what TDEE - 20% is but I haven't lost anything in over a week. So I'm going back down to 1400 and will ditch the scale for at least a week to see what happens. Im sick of the sight of the thing! Stood on it yesterday and had gained 2lbs ( most likely water ) and kicked it across the…
  • I wish the more lean I get the more I can eat! According to Scooby once Im maintaining at my lowest weight, I dont have very much to live on at all, especially on days off at work. It will e a challenge! For example, I have 2 weeks off in October. By then I will have hit goal ( hopefully ) and if I have a sedentary day…
  • My last 2lbs are really difficult. The more I go on the scale, the more I see little rises every other day so I have decided to do what has been working so far and ditch that scale for a month!! Carry on logging, carry on doing what got you this far and it WILL happen. Dont let the scale deter you. Have you been measuring…