Now dreading a holiday I worked so hard for.



  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    I put your stats in scooby and it came out with 1435 to maintain or 1148 to continue losing, are you sure you read the right number? 1435 is definitely manageable!!

    I wish, but thanks for taking the time to do that, very much appreciated! These are my stats, based on current weight rather than my goal which I dont see myself hitting by then.


    These are my results:


    I got the same figure as you, before I entered my age. Weird, huh? o_0 I thought 24 was a good age for burning cals! Somehow Im burning 200 less when I enter age??
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    I thought I would attach this image, as people will see I am at 92lbs and think Im far too small.

    This was me last month, only about 3lbs heavier. Still got a bit to go!

  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    Yep, I was about to say, 90lbs. (GEEZ), but I see your pic and see your a shortie and by the way, you look fabulous. Do the best you can, have fun, drink drinks with diet soda instead of reg. soda... dance away the calories, play beach volleyball eat fruit... YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL AND LOOK FANTASTIC DOING IT
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    Yep, I was about to say, 90lbs. (GEEZ), but I see your pic and see your a shortie and by the way, you look fabulous. Do the best you can, have fun, drink drinks with diet soda instead of reg. soda... dance away the calories, play beach volleyball eat fruit... YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL AND LOOK FANTASTIC DOING IT

    Aw thank you very much! Made my night!

    And thanks to everyone for your input. Looking into the best deal on a fitbit.
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    I think you look great. And, yes, I think a FitBit is an excellent way to go for you - it will take all of your stats into account (height, weight, age, sex, etc) and then monitor your activity and give you your TDEE. It will probably be more accurate for what you're looking for (general activity level) than an HRM would be (which is really only good for cardio). And it should be very accurate no matter what your activity level is; at least as accurate as any other calculator or estimator is going to be. There are some activities that it doesn't count well (swimming, biking, etc) since it counts steps and how fast you take them, but overall it's a good tool.

    Also, crazy jealous of your 44 vacation days. :sad:
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    Things you can do on holiday,
    Sexy fun time with the bf, :love:
    Go out dancing,
    Do a you tube work out, ( its only an hour, you can bumm around for the rest of the day)
    Go for a swim, in the loch,
    Go row a boat.

    Yoga/ stretching

    Just try to do things rather than bum around
    And most importantly relax and enjoy your holiday.
    If you completely pig out, it just means you will reach your goal 2 weeks later.

  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member

    I was looking it up and my question is: I plan to use this extensively on my holiday. ( Obviously will use at work once I return to see my burn! ) but will it be accurate if Im just lazing about all day?

    Even if it can tell me my basic calories before exercise I will be happy to have spent the money. I wouldn't like to find its only useful for active people.

    The Fitbit is absolutely as accurate if you are sedentary. I am truly sedentary (I have mobility issues following ankle surgery) and rarely reach 3000 steps a day and find it is as accurate for me on those days, as well as days when I am a bit more active. I think you will really benefit from using a Fitbit!
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    I just bought a brand new flex for £67!!! :D

    It was a journey, though. The smallest band is 5.5 inches. So I measured my wrist, 5.2.

    I couldnt let it go. I wanted one so bad and couldnt accept that it wont fit. So I bought JUST the small wrist band on Ebay yesterday. It arrived today, put it on and it will fit just perfect on the smallest setting. So I've put that up for sale and now bought the full thing.

    A very complicated way of finding out if it will fit. But I'd rather spend £20 on the band itself and try it on than spend £60+ to find out it wont fit. haha

    Now everyone get your *kitten* on Ebay and someone buy my spare small band. Go on, be a pal....

    Women and our complicatedness.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You look fantastic. Keep up the good work :)
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    You look fantastic. Keep up the good work :)

    Thank you!!
  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member
    Note that the FitBit Zip only stores 1 week of data, so unless you have a PC to synch your data to while you're on vacation, you'll lose days. It will still tell you what you want to know day by day, but there will just be no entries on the fitbit web site for any days that are lost.
  • LH85DC
    LH85DC Posts: 231 Member
    Note that the FitBit Zip only stores 1 week of data, so unless you have a PC to synch your data to while you're on vacation, you'll lose days. It will still tell you what you want to know day by day, but there will just be no entries on the fitbit web site for any days that are lost.

    Or certain smart phones- pretty sure that they can sync with the some of the recent iPhone and Android models.
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    Note that the FitBit Zip only stores 1 week of data, so unless you have a PC to synch your data to while you're on vacation, you'll lose days. It will still tell you what you want to know day by day, but there will just be no entries on the fitbit web site for any days that are lost.

    Thanks for letting me know! Very useful!!

    However, this holiday is purely a relaxation at home type of holiday. :-) Thank you again, though!
    Or certain smart phones- pretty sure that they can sync with the some of the recent iPhone and Android models.

    And thank you too! I have an Android so I'll see how it works when the Fitbit arrives. It was dispatched today. *Squee!!*
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    I couldn't be happier. Today I tried the fitbit on at work.

    Shift is finished, its only 4pm and here is where I'm at already:


    AND My Fitness Pal is adding my cardio for me! I cant believe I never done this before. By the end of the night I'll have another look.

    Tomorrow is my first day off in 11 days, so it will be a test run for a "sedentary " day much like some of my holiday will be.

    Thanks everyone.