600 calories intake healthy?



  • This is topic is so fun. Combined with me being bored i just read through almost ll the comments :blushing:
  • pollypocket3
    pollypocket3 Posts: 51 Member
    Looking through the guys last few days in his diary shows that he's probably not logging everything he eats every day. A few days over the past 7 days I've looked at are either just one meal and no water calculations (or like a cup or two), or he's eating over 1,000 calories. If he's doing this for attention.. you be the judge.

    In the same breath, if he's actually serious about asking us how we feel here is my opinion: EAT MORE FOOD
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    I used to consume 5-600 calories a day through coffee alone on my starvation diet. ( Just coffee and tic tacs! )

    I lost 3 stone in 2 months. And my starting weight was only 9 stone.

    17lbs in 6 months? Really?????

    PS: I am not promoting my own RIDICULOUS venture. I lost a lot of hair, a LOT of muscle and buggared my metabolism. Never again.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    The only reason you eat 600 is because you don't have the balls to go to 500.

    Maybe he should shoot for 0! There are people who claim to be able to live off only air!
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    OP...how much lotion do you use in a day?
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    The only reason you eat 600 is because you don't have the balls to go to 500.

    Maybe he should shoot for 0! There are people who claim to be able to live off only air!

    I know a guy who's a strict breatharian, but he still eats fish.
  • mag131
    mag131 Posts: 542 Member
    "OP...how much lotion do you use in a day?"

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,139 Member
    Look, maybe I title it wrong but instead the really question is my energy level so high with very so little to eat.

  • I can relate to this. I have been living on 900 though for several years with ZERO weight loss. My drs say to continue doing this b/c I gain weight when I eat more and my thryoid levels are good? So this week I have decided to try a 600 calorie diet. I got no place to go but to eat less and less and less. the scale does NOT move. I am pretty damn active too. I walk for 15 mins at work during break, and 30 mins at night on the treadmill. I live on a gluten free (for 7 years) low glycemic diet as well- to no avail. I have done weight watchers- and gained weight 7 lbs in two weeks on the lowest level diet. And 23 lbs while working with a hospital Nutritionist - and I HAD TO PAY FOR THIS!!! AND these are just a few! I am not very heavy and I look "good" really. But not to me! If you are consuming 900 calories a day and exercising -you should NOT be 25 lbs overweight!!! Since my drs do not believe me, and my thyroid rx reflect that is not the problem -I am now out of options except to move onto this starvation diet.Wish me luck!
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    hi OP - I am a vegan too. I love sushi especially the kind with fish in it (and I do eat a greek yogurt for breakfast but that's only for the protein, I am still a semi vegan). I think your calorie goal is great, my breakfast is usually 600 calories and then I only have like, 50 more for lunch and dinner but it works for me. I like to eat a lot of bananas since they are only 1 calorie. you're doing great!

  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    This post is clearly a joke.

    * On 9/26 - FIVE days ago!! - the diary of this "vegan" included: Milk, Pizza Hut - Hand Tossed Chicken Supreme Pizza Slice,
    Pizza Hut - Baked Hot Wings. Other days, as noted, have included eggs, bacon, crab meat.

    * Many days include only 1 meal logged.

    * Foods listed with 1 calorie that are approx 100 calories (bananas).

    * Changed the question he asked when he didn't like the answers.

    The posts have been fun! Thanks for the laugh, O.P.
  • judilockwood
    judilockwood Posts: 134 Member
    600.. really?! Just read your diary for last 2 weeks, why is there fish and meat in it if you're a vegan, and how do you compute 600 calories a day? Your diary shows several days at 1000+ calories and one at 2000+ calories - does anyone believe that you eat only 1gm of banana a day? This is either a wind up or very bad logging/calculations. If the last 6 months are anything like the last 2 weeks, no wonder you only lost a few pounds. Thanks for an entertaining thread anyway.
  • AngCS16
    AngCS16 Posts: 17 Member
    So you ate 5 slices of Pizza Hut chicken supreme pizza on Thursday. I'm curious how that fits in a 600 calorie vegan diet?
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