Thanks everyone for your ideas. I managed to get back on track today but the desire to eat poorly is very strong. What makes us do this. It is not like the food will make things better but clearly there is a chemical reaction going on. Went to the dr. today for the first time in 11 years. I went specifically because I have…
Oh please I could use advice. I am a super emotional eater. My husband and I had a huge blowout this afternoon. Thought I could hold it together but then I went into the kitchen for a snack and while trying not to eat the processed snacks I keep around for the kids and husband I ate some nuts and dried fruit. But then I…
Hope everyone had a great weekend. We are in a cold snap and it was only 5 degrees and windy taking my girls to the bus stop. My puppy was disappointed that we didn't take our morning walk. It is Tuesday and time to set a weekly goal: To make sure I drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. I understand after three weeks of…
Monday check in: I did it! I drank 7 glasses of water yesterday - thanks for everyone who shared how they managed to drink enough water. Today I had 16 oz that I set out last night to drink before I got out of bed. Only 6 more glasses to go. I too have a great affection for dogs. My family rescued a golden retriever when…
Good joy everyone on your self control. At 51 years old I should know how to do this, but, how does everyone get their water in. Do you flavor it? Count coffee, tea, or seltzer as water? I drink a glass with each meal but that certainly isn't 8 or more glasses a day. Guess that's my sharing for today. @Bohemian - there are…
Friday Fitness: Went for my usual morning dog walk and will get on the used "gazelle" I bought for myself for christmas. I only use it for about 5 minutes before the pain in my ankle is too much to bear. 4 1/2 years ago I went on a fantastic rafting trip in colorado. Many of us climbed a huge rock and jumped into a deep…
Hi all, I'm back! Happy New Year to all. I started eating Primal / Paleo about 1 month ago. My Thursday truth, I ate what ever I wanted from Christmas to New Years. Wondering if anyone here has tried this.
I just love this thread. Well, my summer to fall was emotionally a roller coaster (haven't gotten off yet). Basically I was mindlessly eating just to get my mind off my problems. And the good news, although I put all the pounds on I lost, I didn't put on one extra. I am glad to see so many familiar and new faces. I look…
Wow!!! Thanks for sharing. Congratulations, you look stunning.
cello- a very mellow music maker too
During high stress - like today... I have trouble falling asleep and often wake around 3:00am unable to fall back to sleep. I find Boron's Quietude homeopathic works great. Non addictive and I will sleep through the night. If I need to wake early (I've got young teens) I never wake up drowsy, just rested.
I'm very new to all this. I've been a heavy weight all my life. 17 yrs: 175, 21 yrs 190, 30 yrs, 212, 50 yrs 230. My first challenge was to set my mind straight. Prayer and positive affirmation have shifted my mind's perception. I have goals for my life again. (if this is midlife crisis, I'm all for it). My journey only…