Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    Just running by again (okay, not really running, ha) to say hello. Congrats to those whose pets are getting better. Doggone it to everyone who's been struggling. WOOT for the successes!!

    I'm reporting a NSV today, I brought home some groceries and while I was reaching to remove some items from a bag my ring flew off and across the room. Nice. :laugh: :laugh:

    Be safe everyone who has to contend with the storm and its aftermath.


  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Happy Sunday all. It's been a good weekend foodwise. I've been back on track again. I STILL haven't exercised (walking in the rain just doesn't seem appetizing and swimming and spending the rest of the night freezing hasn't tickled my fancy either) but just staying under calories after last week makes me happy.

    Kitty SEEMS to have his appetite back but that might be the tuna and beef broth I've been adding to his meals to encourage eating. The Wei Ling Tang powders the vet 'prescribed' seem to do wonders for his tummy.

    Yesterday I made some fantastic pork in the crock pot. I sliced apples over it, added a little vegetable broth, a few cloves, and a sliced onion. I portioned it out into double sided freezer containers. On the other side went a mix of oven roasted vegetables(Onions, baby reds, carrots, zucchini, and apples with paprika, red pepper flakes, and a touch of cinnamon). Most of those went into the freezer.

    This morning I put a nice beef stew into the crockpot. So my cooking is all done for the week. NO excuse not to get in some exercise after work. In fact I think I'll take all my food to work tomorrow for the whole week. I can fridge/freeze it all there. I'll have nothing to carry back and forth so I can walk to and from work on Tuesday, Wednesday, AND Thursday. That will make sure I get at least 6 miles of walking in.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Christine- you continue to inspire me!!

    MyMOwMow- great plan to have everything ready for the week. I wish i had a crock pot but i do have a cast iron dutch oven that i use in the oven on low heat for a slow cook that sort of works.

    Robin- carbs are definitely my 'go to' foods when i overeat. So i have taken them out of the house except for some healthy bagels and bread i got at a health food store. My freezer is downstairs where i am doing some painting and yesterday i was sorely temtped to eat those bagels so i could not go downstairs all day or i would not have been able to resist.

    Been cooking a few things like soup and lentils to have in the freezer after my knee surgery. Gonna make some spaghetti sauce using the elk meat i have in the freezer. I have been soooooo stressed about money (or the lack of) and my upcoming surgery that i have been having a very hard time staying on track. In the next 3 weeks I need to lose 10 pounds that i gained but at least it is no longer 25!
    may try for a nice long bike ride today
    while fretting over the storms coming to the east coast we had a significant earthquake and tsunami warnings on the northwest coast of BC. What is going on???? a bit scary. I live inland in lower BC so no worries here but i am sure it was nerve wracking for those on the coast
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Just finished the last of my Eggplant 'Rollatini' and it was pretty amazing. Not sure if anyone is interested but it's quick to cook and tastes (imo) just heavenly.

    1 large eggplants peeled
    1/2 C Ricotta
    6 ounces fresh mozzarella
    2 Cups spinach leaves
    1 C Muir Glen Cabernet Marinara sauce

    Slice the eggplant longways into 8 slices. Spray both sides with PAM and bake on a cookie sheet until pliable but NOT brown.(about 10 - 15 minutes).

    Shred the mozzarella and set aside 2 ounces. on each slice of eggplant place 1/8th of the spinach, ricotta, and mozzarella and roll up. Place in an oven proof baking dish (I use 8X8 sized).

    Once all the 'rolls' are in the dish cover with the marinara sauce and spread it around. Sprinkle on the last two ounces of mozzarella. Cover with foil and bake for 30 minutes. Uncover and switch to broil to brown the top.

    4 servings =
    Per serving: 210 Calories, 16 Carbs, 5 Fiber, 286 Sodium, and 12 Protein

    I serve it with a side caesar salad (with fresh shaved parmesan) and they compliment each other wonderfully.

    When it comes out of the oven is will be practically swimming in liquid. If I'm eating it immediately I drain the liquid down the sink but if I fridged the whole dish overnight the next day all the liquid was reabsorbed. I didn't notice any difference in flavor between the two.
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    busy bump
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi all. I swear I feel like a baby when my husband goes back to work. I inevitably start getting my days and nights mixed up trying to get used to him not being in the bed again. I have been dragging all day trying to make myself stay up so I can get to sleep at a decent time tonight. And of course just like a baby if you mess with my schedule my eating goes all to hell :mad: It is 3:30 in the afternoona and all I have had today is a bannana because my body thinks it is morning and I am never hungry in the morning, lol. Oh well I have a good dinner planned so I just have to dust off some motivation to move and get it started in about an hour. On the good news front I think I found a cardio routine I will be willing to do for a while anyway on youtube so I did the resistance training today and will start the cardio tomorrow. "SIGH" I really dont like exercise but I know it os one of the necessities to a healthy life and I would really really like to be totally healthy for once. Well to those in the path of the storm batten down and I hope you all ride it out safe and sound. While I would love a good thunderstorm once in a while as I am a bit of a storm junkie I dont envy you all storms like these. Happy Sunday everyone and take care.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Well, Hurricane Sandy is playing havoc with my schedule this week for working out. Government officials are asking everyone to stay off the roads tomorrow so I could go to the gym but I may not due to safety. It will depend on the rain and the wind tomorrow. My area of MD is expected to get 6+ inches of rain tomorrow through Tuesday and maybe into Wednesday. Schools have already closed for tomorrow. I know I will be grading many papers since I neglected that job this weekend while prepping for the storm.

    Saturday- gym and rock climbing-all three walls tomorrow morning DONE:bigsmile:
    Sunday- gym for cardio DONE:laugh:
    Monday- trainer session if SANDY does not blow to hard - may be in jeopardy even state offices have closed. Just heard from trainer-- rescheduled. :cry:
    Tuesday- gym if SANDY doesn't shut the city down.
    Wednesday- Frisbee golf- again depends on SANDY
    Thursday- rest
    Friday- bowling and rock climbing
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Ok, HAVE to get my butt in gear to meet my Christmas goal of 200 lbs. The pool doesn't appeal to me right now so I NEED to do something else.

    Monday - 30DS
    Tuesday - Walk to work + 30DS
    Wednesday - Walk to work + 30DS
    Thursday - Walk to work + 30DS
    Friday - Walk to work + 30DS
    Saturday- 30DS and 3.25 mile walk at fastest sustainable speed
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    spent four hours at the pumpkin patch yesterday. took a lot out of me, but a whole lot less than previous years. yay for weight loss
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    @LaurieK ~ Where do you live? Hurricanes are foreign to us here in Nebraska.

    @MowMow ~ Glad your kitty is doing better.

    Hope the Turttle pool is up and running SOON! I have not been exercising since I hurt my knee doing circuit training Monday night, and I miss the water walking!
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I'm late for Saturday Success but just thought I'd share anyway.
    I met a friend from High School I hadn't seen in years for drinks yesterday, and still managed to remain under calories. I suppose the fact that we were line dancing helped :tongue: . I also suppose I wouldn't have dared line dancing if I hadn't been drinking, so it all worked out in the end! :laugh:

    Sunday Share: I think I'm back in the groove again. I'm craving chips now, but crave being under calorie more, so I'm resisting. That's as "back on the wagon" as I've been in a while.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Today has been a busy day glad to be off work tomorrow. My goal for tomorrow is Rest & relaxation.

    Went to work to help cover a friends shift they had a family funeral to go to this would have been ok but I was out late last night went out with some friends for dinner and to see a play that started at 12midnght. I didn't get home till 3am it made it a very short night very little sleep no nap either today so really very tired

    Will respond to everyone tomorrow.

  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Vicki - so that's what my cats used to do - watch the fairies - I always wondered what they were looking at when they'd stare at the wall...................:laugh: good luck on making your dad's chili....I can smell it all the way over here....yumm.......

    Particularly this time of year (when the veils between the worlds are thin) it seems that cats can really pick up on all the things that humans don't. Mine have been going wacko, but I think they're a little crazy anyway.

    Chili turned out pretty well - just about perfect :bigsmile:
    Maybe next time I'll get it completely right. Cool thing is, next to zero carbs, plenty of protein, fairly low on calories.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Sherrie - I like your advice to Liz. I recently started talking to someone who could help me refill my tanks. I was always on the verge of tearing someone's head off with suppressed anger. Now I have someone who will listen and make suggestions in a non judgemental way and just that seems to have taken a lot of pressure off. Not being able to self-medicate with food anymore and not wanting become a shop-a-holic or some other distructive behavior I had to take some time to vent the volcano before it was too late.

    Robin - My hubby took over the grocery shopping when I was sick and my back was so bad and I havn't really tried to do it since. I think I am a little afraid of the time on the concrete floor of a superstore. I am proud of you for doing it for yourself!

    Christine - Congrats on meeting your goal of the walk today and setting your new goal so quickly!

    Lin - congrats on your NSV. I had a scary version of that this week. I was reading in bed and suddenly realized that my wedding rings were missing! :noway: After a panic attack and search of the house I shook out my pillows and the rings fell out. They had apparently slipped off when I had adjusted the pillows as I read. Once I started breathing again I was rather pleased. Yay for US!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Helena WAY to GO! when you crave what is good for you more than what is bad, you are winning the war!:drinker:

    Keep safe everybody. It's past my bedtime.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Monday check-in: I have had a really busy few days! So I need to update my exercise plan from Friday: it was

    Saturday -- lunchtime brisk walk - DONE
    Sunday -- Badminton - DONE and W5D1 of Ease into 5k DONE
    Monday -- W5D1 of Ease into 5k - had already been done but did a half-length dance mat
    Tuesday -- still thinking about Zumba in principle. - W5D2 of Ease into 5k DONE
    Wednesday -- W5D2 of Ease into 5k -had already been done but Dance mat DONE
    Thursday -- Dance Mat (or badminton) - W5D3 of Ease into 5k DONE
    Friday -- W5D3 of Ease into 5k -- had already been done but badminton DONE

    I have now skipped the extra rest day in Ease into 5k twice in a row so that I'm doing three runs in 6 days not 7. That feels ok based on how I'm feeling; if I ever get up on a run day and think 'huh, I don't want to run today', I'll grab a rest day back. I don't want to overtrain but I do want to give myself as much time as possible to get ready for the half marathon.

    OK so this week:

    Saturday -- W6D1 of Ease into 5k -- DONE
    Sunday -- dance mat -- only did 15 minutes but also did 3/4 of W1D1 of You Are Your Own Gym Basic and that was very knackering. I know that MFP doesn't give you any cals for strength training but I must have burnt quite a lot I think.
    Monday -- W6D2 of Ease into 5k -- in a bit.
    Tuesday -- badminton; I'm taking the kids on foot so we'll get a walk too.
    Wednesday -- W6D3 of Ease into 5k
    Thursday -- taking my son over to see my friend and her daughter and her daughter's pal -- so the kids will probably run round the park and go to a movie while we go for a walk. If it tips down with rain I will need to rethink this.
    Friday -- badminton I think: I'll decide later about W7D1 of Ease into 5k.

    And my weigh-in today -- I've lost another pound. So for any other Brits, that's 2 stone lost in total and I am very pleased. I really, properly feel that I'm 1/4 of the way done now.

    I'll try to do a big bunch of personals separately when I get in from my run. Thinking of all of you who are locked down on the US East Coast; hope the storm passes safely.

    -- Alison
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Monday check in. Good weekend food wise. I did have an extra bit of cheese yesterday so i had to be sneaky and add the exercise for a little cleaning to cover it. I dont like logging things like cooking and cleaning but im not above using them to stay in the green.

    Could use some prayers for the MowMow again. He took a turn for the worse so i've been up all night with him. Just waiting for the vet to open. Already emailed work to say i wouldnt be in. I love both my boys but Mow is my whole heart. He helped me through a divorce, an awful rebound relationsnip, an extended time unemployed and terrified, and now a more recent dumping. There've been PLENTY of days that he was my only reason for dragging myself out of bed. I just want him to feel better and be the adorable terror he loves being. Not to mention that without MowMow to pound him into submission, his brother is turnung into a hellion and driving me crazy.
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Good Monday morning everyone!

    Lost another .8 this weekend, but I'm still behind where I'd like to be right now. Unfortunately is looks like it's going to rain most of this week here as a side effect of Hurricane Sandy so walking the dog is out. I'll still walk the dog is the weather decides to cooperate, but here's my plan for the week instead.

    Monday - 60 min personal training session and 45 minute Spin class
    Tuesday - 30 minutes on treadmill and 30 minutes biggest loser cardio max
    Wednesday - 30 minutes on treadmill and 30 minutes cardio max
    Thursday - 60 mins cardio and strength training class
    Friday - off day
    Saturday - Biggest Loser Power Sculpt and 30 mins on treadmill
    Sunday - 30 mins on treadmill and beginner yoga DVD

    MyMowMow - I'm terribly sorry to hear about you cat. I completely understand how much he means to you. My dog Bailey and I are very bonded and she is like my child. I sincerely hope that everything works out and he is back to his old self again soon. Happy thoughts. Hugs!

    How was everyone else's weekend? I got completely soaked at the Browns game yesterday, but they got a win. When I got home I took the longest hottest shower of my life. Loved it!

    I hope all of you have wonderful weeks and for anyone of you who live on the East coast, please stay safe!

    All the best,

  • I just love this thread.
    Well, my summer to fall was emotionally a roller coaster (haven't gotten off yet). Basically I was mindlessly eating just to get my mind off my problems. And the good news, although I put all the pounds on I lost, I didn't put on one extra.
    I am glad to see so many familiar and new faces.
    I look forward to moving in the right direction. Just wish I had more time to hang here.
  • kittyx2
    kittyx2 Posts: 33 Member
    Monday check-in. Didn't do too well this weekend (had Arby's Saturday & Halloween candy yesterday). I think it was the stress of prepping for this storm. And still waiting & waiting & waiting for it to pass! (Slowest storm ever) Hope everyone else in its path is safe & doesn't endure a lot of damage.

    I did lose 2 lbs last week though, so yay! I am hoping I'll drop another pound by Wednesday to make it an even 10 lbs this month.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Hello all, I am not around much. not lossing any weight but not really gaining either. It has been a busy month but which one is not. Life is hard. I hope to have some time to read all the post, I know you guys are still here keeping the fires burning. Thanks. c-ya later.