Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Kk, to reiterate October goals

    Neck = 15.5
    Waist (@navel) = 46
    Torso (@narrowest) = 40
    Hips = 53
    Thigh = 24
    Calf = 16.2
    upper arm = 18 /sigh
    Body fat - 60.8

    My daily carb limit of 128
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    reposting measurements so they won't get lost.
    Neck 17
    Waist 46.5
    Tummy 53
    Hips 55
    Thigh 30.5
    Calf 17.25
    Arm 17
    I really understand why people don't want to share, but thank you to those who did. It really helps me get some perspective to see how different we all are.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    neck 15.5
    waist 47
    hips 53.1
    thigh 29
    calf 16.2
    arm 17.4

    i didn't really understand how to measure my belly.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I posted the soup recipe on part 4 of Robins Thread thread just before it changed so you may have to go looking for it. Kaye
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    Saving my spot for now- will catch up later.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,141 Member
    Bump y'all.
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    My goal is to be at least 10 lbs down on my birthday, which is November 25th. I think that's a pretty reasonable goal.

    I'll have to check my measurements later as I'm at work right now.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • tungsten93
    tungsten93 Posts: 76 Member
    Trying to make up for missing a few days...

    Monday check-in - not doing well with my calories. I've been so hungry lately and while I've been trying to make good choices i keep going over my calorie limit. My work schedule has made it difficult to get to the gym and/or work out at home so I'm just going to do the best I can. Vacation starts in 2 weeks and I know I'll be walking a lot but will have less control over my food options.

    Tuesday goals - to do better than yesterday. I'n going to get a salad to go with my lunch and maybe that will fill me up enough to keep me from snacking. I really wish I could just go to the gym every day (even though I hate it) because I just can't motivate myself to work out as hard at home.

    Wednesday wish - (a day early, I know) - that I could be one of those people who doesn't have to think about food all day and only has to worry about losing those last 5 lbs.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    My carb goals are set at 40%, they were set by an RD so I'm not going to alter that too much. I'll aim to bring my grams in a bit below, but not by much. My measurements are in MFP, so I know where I started. Here are my fitness goals this week (helps to keep me on track):

    Monday~Cross Trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Recovery day
    Thursday~Personal Training
    Friday~Elliptical (unless I can sched spa appt)
    Saturday~Walk/Run on TM
    Sunday~Strength/Weights or Personal Training

    Busy day since I was out yesterday, will try to CBL. Have a super day!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Today I am back to work. I take my clients to their various volunteer positions. Which means i am basically folding laundry, sweeping, raking leaves lots of walking. We start at 9:30 and work till 12:30 so just 3 hours not bad. its really an enjoyable day. The victory of that before I start this healthy journey I could barely do it. i would be in so much pain had to sit all the time. Sometimes I was so mess up I would call off work the next day because I would need to rest my leg/ankle. Now I stand and take active part. I know with my joint problems ( I still come home and get my foot up but its not aqs bad) and as winter approaches I will have issues but its nice seeing that I have mobility coming back.

    I did look at my carbs and MFP has me at 194. Right now I think that is working for me. So That will be my goal not to go over that.

    I just want to drop in to say Hi!! Be back after work.

  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Tuesday goals: I am going to really work on getting enough water. Yesterday was the first day since I started 3 weeks ago that I have gotten 8 glasses of water. Must be consistent. Not worried about the carbs. MFP has me set at 165 and I am usually under that, so I think I'm okay there.
  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    Tuesday Goals: Yo yo yo y'all. This week starts the count down until my 10K on Saturday. My goal for today is to get a tape measure, pay rent, and get a temp parking pass.. but a week goal is to make it through the 10K ;)

    PS. My last 10K, i swear they said it was about 6.3 miles. Then this weekend i got an email with more info about the one i'm doing this Saturday and it's going to be 6.7! Yikes!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Tuesday Goals::: Well my goal this week is to just keep doing what I'm doing. Stay on the path I'm following. Today is my last day of the week to be able to get up and work out before work. So I don't plan on working out until Saturday morning. Hopefully my daughter and I can fit in a walk sometime in these next few days.
    Just been feeling really good lately! About everything!

    I went and took my placement/compass testing for College yesterday. And I had to take 3 parts. Math, Reading and Writing/English. As for Math I knew I wouldn't do the best but he said I did respectably well I will be put in to pre-algebra for math class. As for reading I scored very well and will not need a reading class. And finally writing/English I did great as well I will be starting in the highest English class I believe he said so will only have to take that one English class. He said the test would take 2+ hrs. I was done in 1.25hrs! And it's not like I just rushed through the tests either. It just felt really good to do that. I couldn't stop smiling when I left as silly as it might have been. Now I'm still not 100% sure I'm going this spring for sure BUT I will be contacting a school counselor and figuring out a school schedule and what classes I'll need and so on. So just keep moving forward with it all :)

    And I forgot to take my measurements last night so will do so tonight....if I remember!

    As for carbs-MFP has me set at 165 and I was just looking and yes I really need to start focusing on my carbs as well!

    @nzenczak::: I think 10lbs by then is definitely a realistic goal! Good luck!

    @tungsten93::: I had a really bad couple of weeks I even stopped logging for a week and then just totally refocused myself on what I needed and wanted. I didn’t workout right away I started focusing more on my food and calories then added in the exercise as I did when I first started this journey. Sometimes we have bad/hard times. You know you’ve got this. You’ve already done an amazing job! Just keep your chin up and keep going!
    And yes it would be nice to not have to worry about what we eat and only have 5lbs to lose…but we just have to work that much harder and get that much more of a reward 

    @lizmil79::: Congrats on that victory. That’s most definitely an NSV and something to be proud of!

    @grandmakaye44::: Water was one of my toughest things to change. I drank a lot of diet soda. But then I stopped drinking that and started drinking water. And I hated water. But now I love it. Something just changed. And I get anywhere from 12-18cups a day. What helps is I have a 32oz cup that I use and it helps me get my water in for sure. But your doing gantastic!

    @sunshine_frec::: Good luck on the 10k! Wow I hope one day that will be me. But I have to start running again first  You can do this!! Can’t wait to hear how it goes!
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    Tuesday Goals: Water, Water, Water...:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I'm pretty good on calorie's....but the water:sad: Lord the water:noway: have to get that down!!!
    Bee Healthy, Bee Happy, Bee Blessed:wink::heart:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Has Doug reported back since doing his 5k on Saturday?
    I went and took my placement/compass testing for College yesterday. And I had to take 3 parts. Math, Reading and Writing/English. As for Math I knew I wouldn't do the best but he said I did respectably well I will be put in to pre-algebra for math class. As for reading I scored very well and will not need a reading class. And finally writing/English I did great as well I will be starting in the highest English class I believe he said so will only have to take that one English class. He said the test would take 2+ hrs. I was done in 1.25hrs! And it's not like I just rushed through the tests either. It just felt really good to do that. I couldn't stop smiling when I left as silly as it might have been. Now I'm still not 100% sure I'm going this spring for sure BUT I will be contacting a school counselor and figuring out a school schedule and what classes I'll need and so on. So just keep moving forward with it all :)

    Way to go, Tina! I knew you could do it and you would do well. I think there is a large percentage of people that test into pre-algebra - mostly because they didn't go to college right out of high school and their algebra is a bit rusty. Algebra just seems to be the bridge to all other math classes, you just can't get through calculus without it! :laugh:
  • KellyAnnMurray
    KellyAnnMurray Posts: 2 Member
    This is my first time posting on MFP and I just joined this group. My weight loss journey began in January, but I joined MFP in September. I started off at 325.6 lb. and now am at 289.

    Mon - recovering from not feeling well on Sunday, but still managed my calories and got in a walk, slower than usual but still done

    Tues - I have a short term goal, in another 9 lb. I am trying on a smaller pant size that is sitting here waiting for me. My long term goal involves losing 108 lb. so that my husband and I can go skydiving together. Why that amount? We have committed to putting $5 a lb. lost into a jar to pay for the excursion.

    Wed - that I didn't struggle so much with unhealthy snacking

    Thurs - I have a candy bar in my purse since last Friday just waiting for a time when I really want to have it

    Fri - During this season, I walk at 35 minutes per day, 5 to 6x per week

    Sat - I enjoy my walks every day, I have my ipod (with either podcasts on Fitness or my walk with God or uplifting music) and my dog to keep me company. It feels weird not to go for a walk any more, like I am missing something. Great way to start off my day!

    Sun - My journey is closer to losing 190 lbs. in total. My first goal was to lose 35 lb. before our daughter got married in June, I accomplished this and then gained 7.8 lbs. back over the summer. I joined MFP in September and have lost 6.8 lbs. as of my last weigh in (Thursdays for me). Summer was too loosy goosey for me, my exercise waivered. I like the routine of the rest of the year. I homeschool our youngest daughter and work part time at a library so getting up and exercising before school starts at a set time works well for me. Will need to figure something out for next summer so I don't fall into the same routine I did this summer. I am open to suggestions.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Tuesday Everyone....

    First off thanks for the house wishes. Yes, Robin decorating is fun I learned how to paint I am not real good but hey I can atleast say I painted my room.

    Tue Goal - Drink more water

    @Tina like your profile pic very beautiful

    @Karen Happy B-lated Birthday :flowerforyou:
  • vinsonh42
    vinsonh42 Posts: 125
    Hey guys I'm sorry I went MIA again. I got really sick after last week. All the stresses of the previous week really got to me. I am really getting back on track this time. This week is a little harder for me as we are very limited on food and have very little money to buy any extras. I did pretty good yesterday until I got home. I get paid on friday so I am going to seriously plan my meals for the next 2 weeks. They will be healthy and hopefully not too expensive. I have been contemplating getting a second job to work nights so I'll have money to put in the bank to save so I can finally pay off my bills once and for all and not have them looming over me. i would really like to move out around my birthday next year but I don't see that happening right now unless I get another job or get an amazing raise. I also really want to go back to school but I can't until i pay the school off. I seriously need to budget myself. I know where I spend most of my money though. It's on the weekends at my boyfriends because they never have food so we always have to order out and neither my bf or his roommate have much extra money because they both have car issues.. Sorry I just needed to vent a little.

    Tuesday goals: Get back to exercising, at least on my exercise bike until i get some new shoes. Watch my sodium. I didn't realize cream of mushroom soup had soooo much sodium in it. I was doin really good then I saw how much that had in it.... Start planning my meals for the next two weeks and finding coupons to help.

    I will take my measurements later. I would like to keep my cards under 150g. I think that is somewhat reasonable for me. Maybe not today as its pasta for breakfast and lunch.

    Hope everyone has a great tuesday

  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171

    @sunshine_frec::: Good luck on the 10k! Wow I hope one day that will be me. But I have to start running again first  You can do this!! Can’t wait to hear how it goes!

    aww, thank you! I hope to just make it. I haven't run any big distance in about 4 months, and I kind of signed up in spite of myself. haha. We'll see. You for sure can do it! I started two years ago with the Couch to 5K running plan. Then I did a 9 week training for a 10K and just did it (in april), now I have one this weekend at my college in celebration of Homecoming. Everyone else will be wasted up to their eyeballs while i'm running 6+ miles ;P