Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nicole--Happy 40th Birthday!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: I loved your deep thoughts--so true!!

    @charlotte--I seem to be having the opposite problem--I've got the exercise part going well, but keep stumbling on the food choices. :ohwell: I will just keep trying to do better each day. Took a good step forward yesterday when I made some fish for dinner and enough for leftovers for lunch today. I think my biggest issue wit hthe food is I just plain don't enjoy cooking--wish I did, but it's always a chore to me, so I procrastinate. As far as getting back to exercise after a break, I've found I do better if I just jump in feet first rather than trying to ease myself into it. If I dabble a little with some light exercise, it just prolongs the "break." However, if I go for a serious 2 hour gym session with weights, treadmill, and maybe the bike or elliptical, then I'm right back in it.

    @barquilt--I'm so impressed that you are a quilter! I wish I had some sort of skill in sewing. Garetie helped me make curtains for my kitchen when I moved into my house about 11 years ago, and she can attest that I lack that skill--yes, they are crooked, and YES, they are still hanging in my kitchen. :laugh: I think I mentioned on here once before that I save all of my dog's neckerchiefs that they give him at the salon, and some day when he's gone, I want to make them into a quilt. I'm pretty sure that will translate into "pay someone else to make them into a quilt." :laugh:

    Thursday Truth:
    I'm giving a final exam right now and I have a pile of essays staring at me. Of course, I'm doing anything and everything to avoid grading them, but I think procrastination time is about over. Will check back later.
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    @Charlotte~ How sweet of you to spend individual time with each grandkid. I know my mom enjoys spending time with my peanuts. I can completely understand how you feel about not finding that exercise groove. I just started exercising about 2 weeks ago after not working out for just about 2 years!!! I had a lot of motivation from people that I work with. I have a friend that runs marathons and she is like my "coach". I do my daily exercise check-ins with her and she always sends me these very inspirational things to help keep me motivated. I find that if I am honest with what I'm doing, the positive feedback is what continues to push me. I am starting slow with doing leslie sansone DVD's and I do a mile or 2 depending on how tired I am. You will definitely feel better after you get a work out in. Don't stress out about it. You will find out what works for you and once you do, there will be no stopping you! Best of luck!! :bigsmile:

    Thursday Truth- I HATE, HATE, HATE being the fat girl. I'm so tired of it. I just feel like venting about it today.

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Thurs Truth - I weighed this AM and am up 2 lbs - and disgusted with myself and have NO excuses. I overate every day this week. Oh not by much, but by a little each day and hardly any exercise all week. Well back on the wagon food-wise and exercise-wise!

    Naceto - I love your Birthday Deep Thoughts - very good reflections at any age. Enjoy your Surprise party this weekend!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Wow! I took a day off from work and I am now a lot of pages behind. I will try to get caught up on my breaks.

    Thursday Truth-
    Fitness wise- I broke down and ate Mcdonalds last night and it wasn't even good tasting. At times I feel like is all this work worth it but then I snap out of my funk to know it is.
    Personal wise- I think I bit off more than I can chew again with classes. My business class has 3 reading chapters due in one week and my computer class....let me just say that book is the size of 2 phone books so I can only imagine how long the reading chapters are. I am trying to stay positive.

    I played hookie from work yesterday so I didn't get a walk in but I will make it up today. Otherwise I am on track for my goals this week.

    I didn't read any of the thread yesterday being I was off work so I will try to catch up and make some personals.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Thursday truth....I"m full of excuses and I don't know why as I really am sick of being fat.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    And now, deep thoughts with Nicole...... Birthdays are significant. They are a mile marker in life. A sign that says, "I survived." I may have stumbled through the obstacles and suffered scars, but each of those wounds heals and tells a tale. I have reached beyond my limits. I overcame, I grew, I felt triumph and joy. I have loved and was loved in return. There is certainly significance in that... So I will have a little cake (yes, Susan, just a little;) and I will wear a party hat, and giggle at all of the old age jokes... because I have earned all forty of my years. :)

    Some great thoughts! I hope you have a fabulous 40th birthday celebration - suprise or not! :flowerforyou:

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    happy birthday, naceto!

    :drinker: TOOTS – I have no family and just picking up after myself some days can be a challenge! How are you feeling now? Kids well? Are you still following that special diet? Was that an anti-inflammatory diet? Help me here----I’m old and forgetful.

    i'm so off the wagon. and i haven't been exercising either. heaven only knows what i weigh now. i hope i haven't gained that much but the doctor told me not to weigh myself. yes, it's an anti-inflammatory diet. i'm absolutely back on this weekend though. i'm going shopping tomorrow for the right kind of stuff. i'm not feeling that great because christmas smacked me down.
    Wednesday Wishes: Well, I wish I didn't fall off the wagon in September. I wish getting on the wagon was easier. I wish bagels, waffles, pancakes, and coffee-cakes had the same nutritional value as raw veggies. I wish watching comedies and laughing burned as many calories as the elliptical. I wish my house was self cleaning. (Yes, I too am power purging. But FIRST I'm doing the Flylady stuff. )

    all extremely valid wishes :laugh:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Thursday Truth~Seriously trying not to be frustrated this morning, yesterday scale reflected I was down a pound today it shows that I'm up 4. In all fairness I did have a session with my trainer last night, but I'm not sore from it. This is precisely why I don't weigh every day - it just ticks me off! :explode: All I can say is that with as hard as I've worked, I better be down on Friday! On another note, I had a fabulous day yesterday and did something I've never done - my macros were exact with 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. I'm always in the ballpark but never get them exact. It was cool to see on my graph, though.

    My HRM has been acting weird the last couple of weeks, I just had the batteries changed in November so know that isn't it (they typically last a year) - then last weekend one of the trainers at the gym swapped out the strap and transmitter for new ones. It worked fine last Saturday, but I had issues Sun/Mon and yesterday. The trainer last Saturday suggested it was my sports bra (underwire to hold up the twins), but it hasn't been an issue until now. I'm going to look for new wireless ones this weekend (need a smaller size anyway), hopefully they'll still hold up the girls and I won't suffer from uni-boob. If I still have problems with the HRM not sure what else it could be - really don't want the expense of a new one right now. :cry:

    Fitness this week:

    Monday~Cross Trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Off day
    Wednesday~Training Session DONE!
    Thursday~Off day
    Friday~Not sure yet
    Sunday~Training Session

    Okay, I think I've vented enough.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Thursday Truth~Seriously trying not to be frustrated this morning, yesterday scale reflected I was down a pound today it shows that I'm up 4. In all fairness I did have a session with my trainer last night, but I'm not sore from it. This is precisely why I don't weigh every day - it just ticks me off! :explode: All I can say is that with as hard as I've worked, I better be down on Friday! On another note, I had a fabulous day yesterday and did something I've never done - my macros were exact with 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. I'm always in the ballpark but never get them exact. It was cool to see on my graph, though.

    My HRM has been acting weird the last couple of weeks, I just had the batteries changed in November so know that isn't it (they typically last a year) - then last weekend one of the trainers at the gym swapped out the strap and transmitter for new ones. It worked fine last Saturday, but I had issues Sun/Mon and yesterday. The trainer last Saturday suggested it was my sports bra (underwire to hold up the twins), but it hasn't been an issue until now. I'm going to look for new wireless ones this weekend (need a smaller size anyway), hopefully they'll still hold up the girls and I won't suffer from uni-boob. If I still have problems with the HRM not sure what else it could be - really don't want the expense of a new one right now. :cry:

    Fitness this week:

    Monday~Cross Trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Off day
    Wednesday~Training Session DONE!
    Thursday~Off day
    Friday~Not sure yet
    Sunday~Training Session

    Okay, I think I've vented enough.

    I've found I sometimes retain water from workouts even if I'm not the slightest bit sore.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Ugh! I'm really not making the progress I had hoped for with these essays! Should have been able to get through at least 5 or 6 during the last final and only did 2. In fairness, I did calculate and enter participation for my juniors, so at least that's off my list. Well, back at it--I'm pushing for 4 in the next hour!

    Grading goals:
    1. 9/48 AP essays
    2. 22/22 Advanced Grammar Final Exam essays DONE
    3. enter participation for juniors DONE
    4. finish posting all grades
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thursday truth: So I posted a new weight today. Down another 2.6. I am just 5# from my 50# goal. I'm looking forward to setting a new goal. I will be gone on Sunday when I usually post. This will give me a good track of what I gain on the trip. I'm afraid that I will gain, because fluid retention is a problem for me, especially when sitting for long periods of time. We are about 8 hours from my sister's place. That combined with the temptations of being away from home and out of my normal routine, could do a number on me, but I'm not going to let it derail me. I will borrow my sister's computer to track my food, but may not have much time to check in here while we are gone.
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    Thursday truth: I was under my calories after dinner last night, so I grabbed a handful of peanut M & M's. I know these are my favorites and so hard to stop them. After 2 handfuls I put them away but wasn't happy with myself. I had done so well all day. I went to another room and told myself - ok - finish the night with nothing else and I did it, but GUILT is a hard thing to deal with.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Nicole Happy Birhday!! Hope you have an amazing day!
  • Hi all, I'm back! Happy New Year to all.
    I started eating Primal / Paleo about 1 month ago. My Thursday truth, I ate what ever I wanted from Christmas to New Years.
    Wondering if anyone here has tried this.
  • ThinkThin85
    ThinkThin85 Posts: 140 Member
    New to this thread, I need to lose 100lbs and I read this through this thread and loved it. Especially the honesty in everyone's posts.

    Thursday truth: I did not count my calories yesterday and ate whatever I wanted, so I avoided the scale this morning. But I'm back to tracking my calories today.
  • barquilt
    barquilt Posts: 9 Member
    Wow - I really like thread. Everyone is so honest - you inspire me to stay true to myself, too.

    THURSDAY TRUTH: I've used my handicap as an excuse to not exercise!!
    But I am going to try to turn that around - today. In my pile of DVDs I found two videos - unopened - that I need to try & at least do as much as I can. One is Chair Aeorobics & the other is Chair Yoga. I may not be able to jumping jacks but I'm certainly able to move more than I do.

    @Charolette - I have read your posts & you are an inspiration to me. You work so hard, but you keep yourself so busy away from work, too. I thought maybe these words would give you encouragement to start exercising again. This is something my physician told me years ago & I've never forgotten it. " Exercise is the last thing we want to do, but it's the first thing that is going to make us feel better"
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Jumpy - I love that salad container. I'm quite temped to drive the 30 minutes to Walgreens and see if they have one in stock (or i guess I could just CALL).
    @Kah - I've been kicking around the idea of a fitbit or an HRM (I like the MIOs) but haven't gotten there yet. It's just too expensive for me right now. I live paycheck to paycheck and am STILL paying off my trip to NJ on CHristmas. Eeeesh, that was an expensive 5 days. I'm going to work on my taxes this weekend and with the massive amounts of clothes I donated plus my very low paying job this year :P I think that I might actually get a little money back.
    @Linder - Yeah, I usually avoid the chip/candy aisle but I went there specifically for that damn popcorn..even though I KNEW I shouldn't/didn't want too. Ugh. Anyway, it's over and done. I feel more in control now.
    @Sherrie - Wb :) It was what it was, but you're home now and back on track. You got this.
    @JTConst - I sure hope you are feeling better and back to yourself.
    @Laurie - I hope you got your snow and are still asleep :)
    @Nicole - Love your deep thought.
    @Skinnyjeans - All cooking or just when it starts to take a long time. How about if you google something like 4 ingredient recipes or something. Those are usually quick (although you'd have to weed through the ones with 4 BAD ingredients).
    @Charlotte - That's a wonderful idea. ONe on one time with grandma.
    @Robin - It's a new day in a new week. :) Don't beat yourself up, we can DO this.
    @Melancholy - It took me a LONG time to figure out why I kept making excuses. I was afraid of NOT being able to do it. I was scared that I would try, hard, and I would STILL not be able to. Also, I was scared that once I lost the weight things wouldn't be any better (if that makes sense). I would go through all that work and my life would still be in the dumps. Of course, that was partially right. It's not a miracle solution to make everything all better, but it is certainly improving in some areas. Perhaps spend some time discovering why you keep making excuses.
    @Butterfly - I know a few people on Paleo/Primal. My personal opinion, I don't really like any 'diet' that cuts off a whole food group. I looked at Paleo and they wanted me off the dairy and no legumes (I think, I just remember seeing NO peanut butter) and walking away at that point. I'm not prepared to eliminate an ENTIRE group of foods for the rest of my life and to me, this change is for life, not just a 'diet'. That said, if it works for you... go for it.
    @Barquilt - That is a fantastic realization! Even if you only do chair exercises, moving is moving! Get out there and get it done!

    Welcome to MORE newlings :)

    Thursday Truth - I'm pretty sure I actually went over my calories last night. I guzzled some milk while I was making soup and I logged it as half a cup but.. i'm thinking it was probably more like ONE and a half cups. I couldn't face seeing red numbers so I left it at the lower number and moved on.

    Did my first 3 part walk yesterday. It was awesome to get away from my desk and clear my head! I've set the alarm on my phone for 9:40, 11:55, and 3 PM to remind me. Last night it occurred to me that I should call the lady here at work that asked for help. She was over on Sunday and we did some healthy cooking, she saw my Dr on Tuesday and fell in love with him (he's pretty darn good looking), and this might be good for both of us. We can walk together at work.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. I just wanted to get out a quick Happy birthday to Nicole. I hope you have a great day.:flowerforyou:
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    @Jumpy - I love that salad container. I'm quite temped to drive the 30 minutes to Walgreens and see if they have one in stock (or i guess I could just CALL).
    @Kah - I've been kicking around the idea of a fitbit or an HRM (I like the MIOs) but haven't gotten there yet. It's just too expensive for me right now. I live paycheck to paycheck and am STILL paying off my trip to NJ on CHristmas. Eeeesh, that was an expensive 5 days. I'm going to work on my taxes this weekend and with the massive amounts of clothes I donated plus my very low paying job this year :P I think that I might actually get a little money back.
    @Linder - Yeah, I usually avoid the chip/candy aisle but I went there specifically for that damn popcorn..even though I KNEW I shouldn't/didn't want too. Ugh. Anyway, it's over and done. I feel more in control now.
    @Sherrie - Wb :) It was what it was, but you're home now and back on track. You got this.
    @JTConst - I sure hope you are feeling better and back to yourself.
    @Laurie - I hope you got your snow and are still asleep :)
    @Nicole - Love your deep thought.
    @Skinnyjeans - All cooking or just when it starts to take a long time. How about if you google something like 4 ingredient recipes or something. Those are usually quick (although you'd have to weed through the ones with 4 BAD ingredients).
    @Charlotte - That's a wonderful idea. ONe on one time with grandma.
    @Robin - It's a new day in a new week. :) Don't beat yourself up, we can DO this.
    @Melancholy - It took me a LONG time to figure out why I kept making excuses. I was afraid of NOT being able to do it. I was scared that I would try, hard, and I would STILL not be able to. Also, I was scared that once I lost the weight things wouldn't be any better (if that makes sense). I would go through all that work and my life would still be in the dumps. Of course, that was partially right. It's not a miracle solution to make everything all better, but it is certainly improving in some areas. Perhaps spend some time discovering why you keep making excuses.
    @Butterfly - I know a few people on Paleo/Primal. My personal opinion, I don't really like any 'diet' that cuts off a whole food group. I looked at Paleo and they wanted me off the dairy and no legumes (I think, I just remember seeing NO peanut butter) and walking away at that point. I'm not prepared to eliminate an ENTIRE group of foods for the rest of my life and to me, this change is for life, not just a 'diet'. That said, if it works for you... go for it.
    @Barquilt - That is a fantastic realization! Even if you only do chair exercises, moving is moving! Get out there and get it done!

    Welcome to MORE newlings :)

    Thursday Truth - I'm pretty sure I actually went over my calories last night. I guzzled some milk while I was making soup and I logged it as half a cup but.. i'm thinking it was probably more like ONE and a half cups. I couldn't face seeing red numbers so I left it at the lower number and moved on.

    Did my first 3 part walk yesterday. It was awesome to get away from my desk and clear my head! I've set the alarm on my phone for 9:40, 11:55, and 3 PM to remind me. Last night it occurred to me that I should call the lady here at work that asked for help. She was over on Sunday and we did some healthy cooking, she saw my Dr on Tuesday and fell in love with him (he's pretty darn good looking), and this might be good for both of us. We can walk together at work.

    Thanks for your kind words of advice. You sound very wise and I'm sure you are right. I may be fearful that if I'm 'all that I can be" it just won't be enough. Hanging in there..
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    thursday truth- i forgot what i was going to say....story of my life after meningitis!!