Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @holly--congrats on making your walking goal today, and glad to hear that logging is helping you stay on track.

    @toots--hope your stomach feels better soon.

    @kaye--glad the knee is healing and you are able to get back to walking. Chug-a-lug that water! :drinker:

    @kris--Oh my--is it really only 10 days until Thanksgiving!?!? :noway: I bet you will be faster than you think--it's very motivating to be out there walking with others. It helps quicken your pace. I also had a goal to beat last year's Turkey Trot time, but given my illness and trip to NO, I'm not sure I will be as ready as I would like. I guess I will just have to see how long it takes to get over this nasty sinus infection.

    @tina--good luck with your push up challenge--you can do it!! Just do a few at a time.

    @tungsten--I absolutely love Middle Eastern food! Where did you go? I second Kris' advice to eat several small meals. Also, drink that water to fill you up.

    @alison--congrats on 100 days of logging!! :drinker: I applaud your ability to easily meet 1460 calories/day. I'm at 1620 and I have trouble meeting that!

    @susan--that sounds like a wonderful way to spend Veteran's Day!

    @christine--hugs to you! Sounds like you've had an emotionally stressful week between helping your neighbor and the anniversary.

    @liz--congrats on the weight loss!! :flowerforyou:

    Tuesday Goal:
    My main goal is to just get healthy b/c I know until that happens, I will struggle to eat right and exercise. My sinus infection seems to have settled behind my left ear, so with the cold, windy weather I have avoided my daily walks with gunner. My hope is that I will feel well enough tomorrow to at least take him for a short trek around the neighborhood, and would like to be able to run by the weekend. I've got the Turkey Trot coming up (Kris knocked me back to reality by reminding me it's only 10 days away!).

    My other goal is to get caught up with grading. Next week we are off Wed. through Sunday for the holiday, so that should give me a lot of time to really focus on my work. This week I would like to get through a few "lighter" tasks, so I can focus on AP essays next week.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 40/40 AP test corrections DONE!
    2. 20/59 Montana 1948 theme journals
    3. x/22 2-paragraph responses
    4. x/22 vocabulary quizzes
    5. x/22 grammar test corrections
    6. re-read Grendel
    7. x/22 pronoun/antecedent agreement tests
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    tuesday goal- come up with a daily plan to stop getting so freaked out about my knee surgery on the 19th. I made a list of things that need to be done each day up to and including sunday so everything will be done. Also put on the list to go to the gym. i figured if i work so hard that i nearly drop i won;t have any extra energy to fret.. Hope this works
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    We missed all the Veterans Days goings on, since hubby was in Wisconsin until late yesterday. He said it was very cold and the hotel room heat didnt work so he had to change hotels. It's a little nippy here, but we are going to Savannah this weekend and it should be warm

    SkinnyJeans - Sorry you got bad food in Nawlins, (sic) That is not the norm, though once we were there and my little daugher ordered a salad and they put a crawfish on top and she started crying. When we asked why she

    trhjrh06 - I admire your determinations. GEtting up so early and then getting your baby off to the sitter. That is determination that meets its goals

    Tungsten - Welcome back. I think we all feel like you do on vacation. Hopefully if you did gain, it will just be water weight and most of it will fall off automatically. Thats what happened to me.

    Bohemian. I understand about carbs. I just don't feel satisfied unless I have some carbs and then I got wild. I think that is called Syndrome X. Crossing my fingers and toes for you to hit Onderland this year.

    GrammyWhammy, we miss you and your words of wisdom

    Susan - What a fine way to spend the day and what a great example for your son. Thanks to your Father for his service.

    MyMowmow & Christine. I too lost my Father when I was 14 near Thanksgiving. At the time, I didnt feel the loss, just relief as he had had a stroke and he constantly yelled at us and tried to hit us with his crutch . He was particularly rough towards me because I was rebellious and fought back. I would grab his crutch and run with it.

    Years later, I was in the Dr's office the week of Thanksgiving and the Dr noted that I had been in his office every year for 10 years with the same ailment at the same time. He said, what's going on with you. I thought about his comment on the way home and for the first time, I started crying and grieving my Dad's passing. I cried for hours. Suddenly I understood how little he could control himself. After that I got sick a few times around Thanksgiving but gradually I stopped. I spent some time in therapy to deal with similiar issues and it was worth all the time and money spent. I feel similiar to you MyMowMow and I often wish I knew what it was like to have a loving father. But I have my heavenly Father and hope you meet my earthly father there w/a healthy mind and body.

    Toots __ Your hubby is a cutie pie
  • lmackbethl
    goal for the week - stay on track...... maybe even get back to losing a bit... plus, figure out a way to make some money to pay for my $520 car repair, sigh. did get out in the kayak yesterday, perhaps for the last time this year. it was beautiful!!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    MyMowmow & Christine. I too lost my Father when I was 14 near Thanksgiving. At the time, I didnt feel the loss, just relief as he had had a stroke and he constantly yelled at us and tried to hit us with his crutch . He was particularly rough towards me because I was rebellious and fought back. I would grab his crutch and run with it.

    Years later, I was in the Dr's office the week of Thanksgiving and the Dr noted that I had been in his office every year for 10 years with the same ailment at the same time. He said, what's going on with you. I thought about his comment on the way home and for the first time, I started crying and grieving my Dad's passing. I cried for hours. Suddenly I understood how little he could control himself. After that I got sick a few times around Thanksgiving but gradually I stopped. I spent some time in therapy to deal with similiar issues and it was worth all the time and money spent. I feel similiar to you MyMowMow and I often wish I knew what it was like to have a loving father. But I have my heavenly Father and hope you meet my earthly father there w/a healthy mind and body.

    Toots __ Your hubby is a cutie pie

    thanks. i think he's okay ;)

    It's interesting how complicated our relationships with our parents can be, and harder still when they die and we still don't know how we feel. because then it's too late to really know.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Yesterday was a fun day overall, instead of volunteering they had us take the our clients to Boise State's Health fair. They love it all booths give out lots of freebies. They also have little gaves and lots to learn. It also involves lots of walking which makes me truly happy. I love the days at work were we get out and there involves walking & movement involvement. Seems without it I am only getting in my walks with Bella and house work.

    But a small nsv 's involves going to this Health Fair. Last year when we went they were doing free blood pressure checks and blood sugar test etc. I got my blood pressure check. My pressure was so high the student call her instructor over they redid it and same results. They were freaking out. I was too because though I was always over weight bp was always good. Went to my doctor and she put me on bp meds. I was also bother line Diabetic. I just thought that's the way it is. Could barely walk that Health fair. Pain in my feet , heartburn every night. But yesterday when I went again agreed to have my bp check my bp was in normal range, don't take my bp pills, this got me thinking how I could walk the fair not be out of breath, Its been a long time since I have had heart burn, not sure about the sugar level but assuming that is good too. But just shows what taking a little weight off can do but more importantly what a difference can be made by just making healthy choices again.

    @MyMOw,MOw-& Christine, & KJefferies,-- I loss my Dad many years ago around Christmas time he pass away from cancer it happen before I meant my DH and before my daughter. He never got to know any of his grandchildren. He had many struggles in life by the end before he learn of his cancer he was beginning to get parts of his life in order, stop drinking he was becoming present in our lives. I am the oldest and was on my way out the door trying to get my life going. I wish I took more time to appreciate him and what he was accomplishing. But I was too caught up in me at the time too notice. I mourned his passing at various junctions in life wondering what could have been. Took me time to come to a point of going its ok to mourn but for Me to honor my Dad was to go about my life (Just like how You all Have) I do . Sending Hugs to You All!!!

    @Skinny==sorry you got the bad food. Glad your back
    @Imackbeth-- My goal is too start trying to figure out time to workout more. We are also dealing with car junk. Hate car repairs.
    @Toots -- sorry to hear that your tummy isn't feeling well.
    @Kaye glad to hear that you are on the mend.

    This post is already to long will be back later.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    A 16 year old girl that goes to my church is in the hospital. She has been having problems for quite a while and they finally figured out what it was . My wish for today is that she would get to feeling much better very soon . Her name is Ali so please keep her in your prayers if you would
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @tungsten93 -- sounds like you had a brilliant holiday!
    @Tina -- these challenges are really working out well for you aren't they?
    @Kris -- is that 111lbs lost -- you are such a star!
    @Skinnyjeanz -- I think I was finding 1460 easy because I'm exercising *every single day*. So that would just give me the extra 2-300 cals. Plus, I do think this is easier when you're not working. There just aren't that many times when I have to grab something unhealthy because I don't have time to fix something good.

    Wednesday wish -- that I had finished this computing homework already! I really don't understand it at the moment, and it's due tonight and ideally I'd like to have a run and go do archery before then. So no time to hang round here right now. Plus a serious NSV -- my *husband* has dropped a trouser size and is rummaging through his cupboards for things that he bought and then didn't wear because they were too tight. And he looks brilliant. He's only got a few more pounds to go now.

    -- Alison
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Happy Wednesday everybody!

    After a brief absence I am back here and back on plan. It's been a pretty frustrating couple of weeks, but I have re-claimed my determination and motivation and am ready to do this.

    My wish is that I see how special I am and that I deserve to be happy.

    How is everyone else doing this week? Wishing you all the best!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Sandy307 - Welcome to our little band of "losers" - your weight loss success so far is wonderful! Glad you have found us and hope you keep coming back. We have found the encouragement here to be very helpful in our weight loss successes.

    Boho - congrats on your 2 lb. loss - your attitude is, in your own words, "brilliant" !

    Walkingqueen - re: your soul searching: such a tough subject but go with your heart and remember Ann Lander's question "Are you better off with him or without him?"

    KJeffries - I think we must be long- lost sisters ! Our tastes are so similar. I love it that you have a picture of a snow leopard in your house! I think they are one of the most fascinating creatures on earth! Congrats on your many inches lost!

    Liz - great loss this week.

    Toots - he really is a cutie pie!

    Monarchris - thanks for sharing your grief and reminding all of us it is just not easy to live with loss. My best bud is a widower of 14 years and its still common for him to choke up at a memory that occurs at the most fleeting moment. I understand thoroughly because that's what love is really all about.

    Skinny - sounds like you had both good and bad food experiences on your trip, glad you had the beignets (SP?) and they were wonderful to make up for the greasy dish you suffered through.

    Tungsten - the middle east has always fascinated me. I used to work with Drs. from Iran and learned to love their soft language and gentle mannerisms.

    KarenLeona - So sorry you are getting nervous about your upcoming knee surgery! You've had so much with your back surgery of course your apprehensive! Focus on relaxation exercises and deep breathing! You will get through this too! :flowerforyou:

    nzenczak - I hope you get your special wish - you're a special person and deserve it!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Wednesday Wish::: My wish is that I have a decent loss this coming Monday. I am busting my butt this week so hoping it pays off! I had an awful gain due to TOM and hoping to see it gone by Monday!

    Week 2 Challenges
    Nov 12 - Nov 18

    3/3 Cardio Days DONE

    1312/1100 Calories DONE

    8.45/4 Miles (bike - 14 miles) DONE

    50/50 push ups DONE

    I did it! I got the challenge done on the 3rd day as I hoped I would! I got up at 4:20am and got a 25min elliptical workout in. I usually do at least 30, just didnt have time. But I did it! I got 40 push ups done yesterday throughout my day at work, did like 5-10 at a time. My arms are sore but not bad. I think push ups are something I might start doing daily. Or some kind of exercise like that. It feels good to be back at it.
    Tomorrow my Mom will take my daughter to school so I don't have to get up early so I can get a workout in tomorrow as well and Friday :) Yay!!
    Feeling really good.

    Thank you everyone for all your support!
    I'm hoping to start doing personals again at some point, just know I read them all and I think about everyone.
    Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I love Weds Wishes ! I feel as if I'm getting a special chance, an new opportunity, a gift! Today I'm wishing that I really, really, really start logging my food every single bite, every single day. I've been very lax about it. I've been impressed to see those of you who are celebrating 100 days of logging and congrats to you who've succeeded at that.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    I love Weds Wishes ! I feel as if I'm getting a special chance, an new opportunity, a gift! Today I'm wishing that I really, really, really start logging my food every single bite, every single day. I've been very lax about it. I've been impressed to see those of you who are celebrating 100 days of logging and congrats to you who've succeeded at that.

    I have been the same way. But lately I have just been doing it. You got this :) Just log it. Even if it's bad, just do it. Get back in the habit of doing it all the time!
    Today I have logged in 480 days! I haven't lost in MONTHS but I'm still here and still pushing for this. So are you :) You're still here, which means you still want this :)
    Lets do this!
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    My wish for today is that they will find out exactly what is wrong with me physically that is causing all this digestive distress and find out why I wake up 9 to 15 times at night when I am asleep. I started usng the fitbit and find that even with a sleeping pill, I wake up 9 times during an 8 hr sleep. That can;t be healthy. Don't snore, per my hubby so doesnt sound like sleep apnea

    Also, I cant say enough abour preparing healthy food in advance. I made the turkey bacon egg wraps yesterday and stored some for today and this morning, just took one out and heated in microwave and bazoon, there is a perfectly healthy low cal breakfast, Just added fruit and could have added bread but chose not to. I'm going to make the turkey sausage lentil soup today. That sounds good to me

    Robin: Your post made me grin. I would love to have you as a sister.

    nzenceck - Welcome back and please send some of your determination my way.

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Karenleona Are you having a total knee? Its now been a month since mine and I am doing great. The exercise is good because the stronger the muscles are going into the surgery, the faster they will recover. Good luck.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Just log it. Even if it's bad, just do it. Get back in the habit of doing it all the time!
    I find the 'bad' logging as important if not more so than the good logging. It always shocks me straight. A "Holy carp! I wasted that many calories on THAT!" kind of thing.

    KJeffries - I'm huge on cooking in advance. Sundays I always make things for the week and freeze them. Stew, Eggplant Lasagna, soup, stir fry (sans rice)..anything I come across that I think will freeze well. I've learned enough about me to know that when I get home from work it's either exercise or cook/clean up....NEVER both.

    Tina - So glad to see you've got things rolling again.

    NZen - Wback!

    Wednesday wish - More of a hope really. I feel like I'm back on it again and I'm really hoping for a big scale jump in the next few weeks. I've been averaging 7-9 lbs loss per month and in the last 30 days it's only been around FIVE. I find that terribly discouraging. I KNOW I needed to up my exercise and feel like I'm doing that now. Just need to keep pushing.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Tina~You are doing awesome with this new challenge! :flowerforyou:

    Wednesday Wish~That I have the kind of losses @MyM0wM0w has - I'm lucky if I get 3 pounds per month. But then I'm in adrenal fatigue and have thyroid issues (direct result of adrenal fatigue), so guess I should be happy with what I get until this endocrine system of mine recovers. :sad:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,135 Member
    Oh this is a special day---WEDNESDAY WISH! Like so many others on the thread hoping for excellent weight loss, I wish to finish my Christmas challenge here on MFP---and that I can be successful at reaching the goal. I am doing my darnest and it doesn't look like I'll make it soooooooo I need some type of magic sprinkled on my efforts. :blushing:

    Back to it. Love to read the posts but nevber have enough time to respond..........:angry::grumble: :angry:

    Wishing everyone well.


  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Wed Wish: Going to start logging again as I keep inching up on my own. Hummm.

    Lots of great post, I wish to follow more closely.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Instead of a Wed wish, I want to give a Wed. "thank you" to MFP and all of you in this group for your encouragement. Right now I am having great success and feel so motivated by it, and by the wonderful losses that you are all having. I look at those big numbers and know I can do it, too. I guess I wish my knee would quit hurting, but that will come with time. Kaye