pittmansj Member


  • http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/lindsay-kaye-fitness-360.html That plan I think will be best suited to you - don't worry so much about the nutrition side, but set up MFP so that you have a gain 1/2lb a week setting with a 40% Protein, 30% Carbs, 30% fat split on your macro nutrients. If you want me to guide you through…
  • My name is Simone....I am hot one minute and cold the next regarding losing weight and exercising...eating the right foods and even portions 95% of the time is easy...its the exercise that keeps me at the same weight or slowly edging up. I am a single mom of a lovely daughter who has sadly joined the journey of getting rid…
  • I lost 4.6lbs since last week and I was excited for my WIN, but seeing the journey you have traveled....I am tickled pink like it was me that in the photos....that is my long term goal 80+ to chisel off this gorgeous frame...lol Congrats and continued success!