5'1 and 104 Pounds...Help



  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Run 2 miles a day, 4 or 5 days a week.

    It will take you about two weeks to get up to pace, but it will work.

    Best of luck to you.
  • Listen to the people... we can not all be super skinny models 100 # way too light!
  • nickymcp
    nickymcp Posts: 2 Member
    I agree with the other commenters. Personally I don't focus on my weight any more, but instead on, mainly, my waist measurement. I'd recommend that you take a little time away from the scales, add a little protein into your diet, and do a little strength and cardio training (google HIIT for short online workouts that provide both). You may put on a little weight, but you'll be fit, toned, and probably smaller (since muscle weighs more than fat). This works way better than restrictive eating ever worked for me.
  • This girl is my sister (emma leah) she used to be like 98 pounds and looked lean and toned when she turned 18 her metabolism slowed down. None of you know what she actually looks like and while any weight under 110lb sounds skinny she has incredibly small bones and is a petite 5"1 and yes she could tone up and could afford to lose some fat without even coming close to being considered under weight, malnourished or have her bones sticking out. I have met women at 5"2 and 130 pounds who look slimmer than my sister and women her height who weight less and look bigger it all depends on muscle mass and where you carry your weight. I gained 5lbs of muscle last year but first I lost weight due to intense cardio and a healthy diet, I looked much slimmer when I put on the 5lbs of muscle so I agree she needs to build muscle but cardio is also key because despite what you all think 100lbs is not always too skinny or super model thin. It frustrates me that people assume they know what a person actually looks like by their weights and stats. By all means on paper she appears to be a tiny person but in reality her body could use a little tone and could stand to lose some fat. Everyone's body is different so don't assume someone will be underweight if they weigh 100lb just because that is not an attainable weight for your body and size. Some people have big bones and other don't so weight can look different on everyone whether it is muscle or fat. Look on the site mybodygallery.com and see what different people at 5'1 look like and you will understand how weight distribution is different for us all :)
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    This girl is my sister (emma leah) she used to be like 98 pounds and looked lean and toned when she turned 18 her metabolism slowed down. None of you know what she actually looks like and while any weight under 110lb sounds skinny she has incredibly small bones and is a petite 5"1 and yes she could tone up and could afford to lose some fat without even coming close to being considered under weight, malnourished or have her bones sticking out. I have met women at 5"2 and 130 pounds who look slimmer than my sister and women her height who weight less and look bigger it all depends on muscle mass and where you carry your weight. I gained 5lbs of muscle last year but first I lost weight due to intense cardio and a healthy diet, I looked much slimmer when I put on the 5lbs of muscle so I agree she needs to build muscle but cardio is also key because despite what you all think 100lbs is not always too skinny or super model thin. It frustrates me that people assume they know what a person actually looks like by their weights and stats. By all means on paper she appears to be a tiny person but in reality her body could use a little tone and could stand to lose some fat. Everyone's body is different so don't assume someone will be underweight if they weigh 100lb just because that is not an attainable weight for your body and size. Some people have big bones and other don't so weight can look different on everyone whether it is muscle or fat. Look on the site mybodygallery.com and see what different people at 5'1 look like and you will understand how weight distribution is different for us all :)

    The support you show for your sister is so overwhelming in this post, it's gagging me. /sarcasm
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    This girl is my sister (emma leah) she used to be like 98 pounds and looked lean and toned when she turned 18 her metabolism slowed down. None of you know what she actually looks like and while any weight under 110lb sounds skinny she has incredibly small bones and is a petite 5"1 and yes she could tone up and could afford to lose some fat without even coming close to being considered under weight, malnourished or have her bones sticking out. I have met women at 5"2 and 130 pounds who look slimmer than my sister and women her height who weight less and look bigger it all depends on muscle mass and where you carry your weight. I gained 5lbs of muscle last year but first I lost weight due to intense cardio and a healthy diet, I looked much slimmer when I put on the 5lbs of muscle so I agree she needs to build muscle but cardio is also key because despite what you all think 100lbs is not always too skinny or super model thin. It frustrates me that people assume they know what a person actually looks like by their weights and stats. By all means on paper she appears to be a tiny person but in reality her body could use a little tone and could stand to lose some fat. Everyone's body is different so don't assume someone will be underweight if they weigh 100lb just because that is not an attainable weight for your body and size. Some people have big bones and other don't so weight can look different on everyone whether it is muscle or fat. Look on the site mybodygallery.com and see what different people at 5'1 look like and you will understand how weight distribution is different for us all :)

    Yet, as per my suspicions, she looks really good at the weight she is at the moment. She does not need to lose weight. You do not need to be super slim to be attractive. I understand you have a different view, but honestly I feel a lot of young women have their perceptions incredibly warped by all the glossy mags and glamour programs they watch.
  • Bikini_Bound150
    Bikini_Bound150 Posts: 461 Member
    Stop worrying about the #'s. Why don't you just try to tone up? Get some sexy, lean, healthy muscle mass and you will look amazing. Your arms will be nicely formed and you won't have to worry about "looking your best at 100lbs" because you will look AMAZING with a little muscle mass.

    However, you need to EAT to build muscle. I would suggest you eat 1200-1500 depending on whether you lifted that day.


  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    This girl is my sister (emma leah) she used to be like 98 pounds and looked lean and toned when she turned 18 her metabolism slowed down. None of you know what she actually looks like and while any weight under 110lb sounds skinny she has incredibly small bones and is a petite 5"1 and yes she could tone up and could afford to lose some fat without even coming close to being considered under weight, malnourished or have her bones sticking out. I have met women at 5"2 and 130 pounds who look slimmer than my sister and women her height who weight less and look bigger it all depends on muscle mass and where you carry your weight. I gained 5lbs of muscle last year but first I lost weight due to intense cardio and a healthy diet, I looked much slimmer when I put on the 5lbs of muscle so I agree she needs to build muscle but cardio is also key because despite what you all think 100lbs is not always too skinny or super model thin. It frustrates me that people assume they know what a person actually looks like by their weights and stats. By all means on paper she appears to be a tiny person but in reality her body could use a little tone and could stand to lose some fat. Everyone's body is different so don't assume someone will be underweight if they weigh 100lb just because that is not an attainable weight for your body and size. Some people have big bones and other don't so weight can look different on everyone whether it is muscle or fat. Look on the site mybodygallery.com and see what different people at 5'1 look like and you will understand how weight distribution is different for us all :)
    I was kinda thinking along those lines as I read all those comments. People come here, probably think wow this must be a group of unhealthy people who are going to get mad if their makeup is different from theirs. I was 5'7 and 90 pounds in high school and wore a loose size 3 so I know where she's coming from. Everyone told me I was anorexic...I ate about 2000-3000 calories a day (damn it wtf happened lol). I've also been told by doctors that I have large bones, that I'm perfectly healthy, but I'm under the recommended weight, but not to worry about it.
    Thanks everyone, I actually don't even own a scale I just assume 100 is good for me :) to give a better idea my waist is 27 inches and I'd like it to be 25...any suggestions? just strength training?

    Ignoring what you said (you want to be a specific weight) and what everyone else says (you shouldn't be) if you want to work out and look better then good for you. I hope you find a group that doesn't put you down because you're smaller then them and don't work the same as them. This goes with assuming you just want to tone up no matter what your weight is (1000 calories a day is very low, doctors will not recommend that, and neither do I though I've eaten that some days and haven't felt hungry if I haven't moved around much that day). People here get upity because they get overly concerned, especially when they don't know you. They are just concerned, and what they're trying to say is don't be obsessed with the weight but I totally understand toned.

    "Females of an average height and weight (64 inches tall and 126 lbs.) still need as much energy as when they were adolescents--just over 2,400 calories daily". - Michele Turcotte, a registered, licensed dietitian and certified personal trainer.

    I would like to point out tho that what you said is that you're eating less then double what an average female (5'4) eats. You are not half the height of 5'4. If they're exercising more, they should be eating more too. Make sure that if you're exercising, you take in more food. If you're gaining weight with this, then you may have a hypothyroid or other problem (there are threads about it around here somewhere).

    Sounds like you just need a bit of good ol exercise! And you can definitely get a smaller waist (or at least make it look flat and lean), but at that size you'll probably gain weight so don't be concerned if you do. What kind of stuff do you like? I recommend yoga, pilates and hooping because they're fun!
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    Check out my site:


    also here are some site that you might find useful.

  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    i thought it was said (- super lean athletes) 100 for 5'0 and 5 lbs per inch after. so your actually right on. for lean athletes its 99 at 5 and 4 lbs for each inch taller.

    of coarse a "range" is different. Like my healthy range is 108-140 i think (5'4) so yours could be different. i think bone structure effects it.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Speaking of all this bone weight stuff, you should check out the neato weight scales you can get. It calculates bone mass, water percent, percent body fat, and weight weight. I don't think there's a way for it to be completely accurate, but I still enjoy it.
  • deniserenee_02
    deniserenee_02 Posts: 158 Member
    I agree with cversey :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Totally agree that there's absolutely no need to lose weight, and you should focus on body composition if you're not happy with how you look.

    To pimp my own thread, check this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/474504-seven-months-of-admittedly-inconsistent-strength-training

    Since June, I lost about ten pounds. But between going on maintenance and increasing my protein and lifting weights (and slacking the past month with an injury and medicating with chocolate!) I've gained about eight pounds. And I'm smaller than I was in October. Then I bought a pair of size 7 juniors jeans. Now I wear a 5 in the same brand, almost into a 3 but they flatten my bum in an unflattering way. I've worked hard to get this bum higher and rounder. I'm not going to wear jeans that squish it! :smile:
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Totally agree that there's absolutely no need to lose weight, and you should focus on body composition if you're not happy with how you look.

    To pimp my own thread, check this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/474504-seven-months-of-admittedly-inconsistent-strength-training

    Since June, I lost about ten pounds. But between going on maintenance and increasing my protein and lifting weights (and slacking the past month with an injury and medicating with chocolate!) I've gained about eight pounds. And I'm smaller than I was in October. Then I bought a pair of size 7 juniors jeans. Now I wear a 5 in the same brand, almost into a 3 but they flatten my bum in an unflattering way. I've worked hard to get this bum higher and rounder. I'm not going to wear jeans that squish it! :smile:
    I've gotten many miles out of that bikini! Here's the full progression...


    I wish I had back view photos from the beginning. But I have from the end of March onward.


    March 141#, June 135#, August 129#, January ~133#.
    It is amazing what has happened to your butt, for God sakes don't squish it hahaha
  • Strength training, strength training, strength training. Oh and then some strength training
  • Lanna74
    Lanna74 Posts: 203 Member
    It shouldn't be too difficult at your age. Weight lifting will give you added muscle that will burn fat. I'm doing the same thing. I'm 5'4 and look best at what most would consider a low weight but it's not low for me. Many people don't understand us extra-small boned women.

    Good luck!
  • pittmansj
    pittmansj Posts: 3 Member

    That plan I think will be best suited to you - don't worry so much about the nutrition side, but set up MFP so that you have a gain 1/2lb a week setting with a 40% Protein, 30% Carbs, 30% fat split on your macro nutrients. If you want me to guide you through setting that up, just let me know.

    I think you should be sharing muscle building tips to all the ladies...because we are losing yet toning is so important...cause if you "sacrifice" to lose, you don't want to look SICK when you reach your goal...we all want to be the Shining Stars that we are inside and out!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    i agree with what everyone has said ,work on getting leaner and stronger and you will be able to look and feel good. I weigh a bit more than you (122.5) and have a 26in waist but thats after some strength work too, and wear a uk8/10. so im not sure if losing any more will do that for you but working on getting leaner will. good luck
  • I am in the exact same boat as you!! When I say I'm going on a diet or I need to get toned people always roll their eyes. I am 4'11 and now 104. I was 108 only 2 or 3 weeks ago and while some may think that's super skinny, they don't see me naked lol. I have extremely small bones. To put into view my son is 10 and almost bigger than me and he's small. I hate how people assume we're skinny enough. I have started a low fat, low Carb diet with lots of lean meat, fresh vegatables and fruit and have noticed a huge difference without killing myself with cardio!! Cardio doesn't always work for people that are as small as us. I have been bike riding and using Beach Body. Its only 10 minute workout with a mix of yoga, strength training and arms, legs etc. I was dissapointed at first because I couldn't see a difference with the scale or sight. But by the second week I noticed a difference in my clothes. Look through you closet and fine those cute pants you've always loved but hated the fit because they were too tight or muffin top lol. Go by those you will see very shortly they fit looser and stomach will shrink. By all means this may do nothing for you but I didn't eat much in the past and you can become "fat-skinny" because your body will go into starvation mode and hang onto body fat. Remember muscle eats fat!! Eat plan oats with fruit in the morning, then a snack I eat fruit or low fat yogart, then lunch usually a salad with tuna or turkey or chicken, then another snack, then dinner you can eat fish, turkey, I like whole grain breads and whole grain pasta or vegetables, then snack if I want. Plain popcorn is a great snack :-). I understand how you feel when people think we are crazy because we're smaller looking but we have wobbly bits we want to get rid of. Yes people even skinny people can have fat and wobbly bits!!! Hope this helps and don't give up, I won't roll my eyes lol.
  • 2April
    2April Posts: 285 Member
    Eat more protein and start working out. Don't worry about your weight either way.