5'1 and 104 Pounds...Help

HI everyone I am 19, 5'1 and weigh 104 pounds. I have skinny bones and absolutely no muscle mass so while 104 sounds ridiculously light I have at least 5 pounds of excess fat on me. I look my healthiest at about 100 pounds. I know that at my weight the body is not exactly dying to get rid of extra fat so the weight loss process (of 4 pounds) will be difficult for me.
I only found out about calorie deficits this week when I joined MFP and I need some help discovering how to lose the 'last 4 pounds' when my body is naturally going to resist. I typically eat about 1000-1200 calories a day now and feel healthy. I used to eat about 1000 calories of pasta for dinner without realizing it so I am adjusting to portion control.
Please give me your strength training/cardio/diet suggestions!
Does anyone else have similar stats?
I am not trying to lose a ton of weight, I just want to shave some pounds of my thighs and stomach and see nice toning.
Thank you so much! :)


  • I always had trouble gaining weight for most of my life until I hit 43... Anyway, what your wanting is too skinny imo, it makes you look sickly when your too thin... If you want to tone up try weights... Good Luck
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Your BMI is on the low end of average, approaching Underweight. Stop a second and rethink your goals. In your case, I would recommend instead of trying to LOSE any more, instead you try to GAIN some lean muscle mass. This will give you the results you're after - I get the impression you're approaching the 'Skinny-fat' zone where you have low bodyfat and lack tone. This is because there's not enough muscle mass to show off.

    This would mean eating a SURPLUS, with a focus on protein combined with strength training. Do not panic. You will not develop massive man muscles. You need more testosterone than the average woman produces to do that. Using weight machines and free weights, as well as performing bodyweight strength exercises will be what you need to really start seeing abs etc.

    If you continue just to reduce your fat you won't see tone, so take a moment to think about it again.
  • JodieTennant
    JodieTennant Posts: 4 Member
    I agree with the above post. If you're at a gym, ask an instructor to give you some functional training moves, strength exercises etc. Maybe get yourself to a circuits class or something.
    I wouldn't focus really on loosing 4lbs, more gaining some muscle tone. Up your protein intake a little too if you're going to do this. When you gain more muscle mass, you'll naturally see your thighs and problem areas looking leaner and slimmer without necessarily focusing on loosing weight.
    Good luck!
  • quixoticmantis
    quixoticmantis Posts: 297 Member
    Your BMI is on the low end of average, approaching Underweight. Stop a second and rethink your goals. In your case, I would recommend instead of trying to LOSE any more, instead you try to GAIN some lean muscle mass. This will give you the results you're after - I get the impression you're approaching the 'Skinny-fat' zone where you have low bodyfat and lack tone. This is because there's not enough muscle mass to show off.

    This would mean eating a SURPLUS, with a focus on protein combined with strength training. Do not panic. You will not develop massive man muscles. You need more testosterone than the average woman produces to do that. Using weight machines and free weights, as well as performing bodyweight strength exercises will be what you need to really start seeing abs etc.

    If you continue just to reduce your fat you won't see tone, so take a moment to think about it again.

    Agree with the above, most definately. 100 lbs is extremely light, even for me and I'm 4'11". Focus on gaining muscle mass. Good luck!
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 350 Member
    Your BMI is on the low end of average, approaching Underweight. Stop a second and rethink your goals. In your case, I would recommend instead of trying to LOSE any more, instead you try to GAIN some lean muscle mass. This will give you the results you're after - I get the impression you're approaching the 'Skinny-fat' zone where you have low bodyfat and lack tone. This is because there's not enough muscle mass to show off.

    This would mean eating a SURPLUS, with a focus on protein combined with strength training. Do not panic. You will not develop massive man muscles. You need more testosterone than the average woman produces to do that. Using weight machines and free weights, as well as performing bodyweight strength exercises will be what you need to really start seeing abs etc.

    If you continue just to reduce your fat you won't see tone, so take a moment to think about it again.

  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Your BMI is on the low end of average, approaching Underweight. Stop a second and rethink your goals. In your case, I would recommend instead of trying to LOSE any more, instead you try to GAIN some lean muscle mass. This will give you the results you're after - I get the impression you're approaching the 'Skinny-fat' zone where you have low bodyfat and lack tone. This is because there's not enough muscle mass to show off.

    This would mean eating a SURPLUS, with a focus on protein combined with strength training. Do not panic. You will not develop massive man muscles. You need more testosterone than the average woman produces to do that. Using weight machines and free weights, as well as performing bodyweight strength exercises will be what you need to really start seeing abs etc.

    If you continue just to reduce your fat you won't see tone, so take a moment to think about it again.

    cversey is right.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Your BMI is on the low end of average, approaching Underweight. Stop a second and rethink your goals. In your case, I would recommend instead of trying to LOSE any more, instead you try to GAIN some lean muscle mass. This will give you the results you're after - I get the impression you're approaching the 'Skinny-fat' zone where you have low bodyfat and lack tone. This is because there's not enough muscle mass to show off.

    This would mean eating a SURPLUS, with a focus on protein combined with strength training. Do not panic. You will not develop massive man muscles. You need more testosterone than the average woman produces to do that. Using weight machines and free weights, as well as performing bodyweight strength exercises will be what you need to really start seeing abs etc.

    If you continue just to reduce your fat you won't see tone, so take a moment to think about it again.


    Yup. If you want to be toned, losing the 4 pounds isn't going to do it! You need to build the muscles before you can show them off!
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 350 Member
    also: Muscle takes up less space than fat, so while you may weigh more, you can actually look thinner w/ some muscle mass. Make sure you're getting adequate carbs and protein, and that you're eating to your net (calories in - calories out = net that MFP gives you). If you under eat, your body is preferentially burning muscle before fat. And think about that. Your heart is a muscle. Let's not mess around with that, you know?

    Just don't freak out, you may "puff up" and see some water weight gain at first. This happened to me and I freaked. But if you keep at it, your body will level off and you will start seeing that muscle tone coming in and your measurements will start improving.

    To that end, I recommend focusing more on your measurements (Waist, hips, chest, arms, thighs) than on what the scale says. Because who cares what it says if you look better? Nobody can tell by looking at you what you weigh. But they can sure tell if you're lean! :)
  • absolutely!!! who cares what your actual # is??? do you really?? would you really rather be 100 pounds and not very healthy OR a 110 pound very healthy girl who could do anything? please dont focus on a number...overall health is much more important. the extra 4 pounds you would lose will also be from what little muscle you have now. concentrate on working out with weights with great form and work the muscles. the increase in muscle will help you lose whatever tiny amount of fat anyway. think of it this way: drive to a bunch of workout clubs and look at what the female trainers look like. i guarantee you that none of them really care what their number is.
  • If you're not into the gym, I'd recommend a workout video at home to build muscle and tone. For example, Jillian Michaels DVDs like the 30 Day Shred, or Beachbody workouts like Insanity or P90X. There are tons out there!

    I agree with the above - it sounds like you want to tone up rather than lose weight. Good luck!
  • NewTeena
    NewTeena Posts: 154 Member
    I'm 5'1 too. When I was 16, I was 107 and looked gorgeous. My daughter is 5'2, 131 lbs and is gorgeous. Your body is becoming that of a woman from being a young girl, naturally there are going to be changes. I bet you look gorgeous. Don't be so hard on yourself.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Your BMI is on the low end of average, approaching Underweight. Stop a second and rethink your goals. In your case, I would recommend instead of trying to LOSE any more, instead you try to GAIN some lean muscle mass. This will give you the results you're after - I get the impression you're approaching the 'Skinny-fat' zone where you have low bodyfat and lack tone. This is because there's not enough muscle mass to show off.

    This would mean eating a SURPLUS, with a focus on protein combined with strength training. Do not panic. You will not develop massive man muscles. You need more testosterone than the average woman produces to do that. Using weight machines and free weights, as well as performing bodyweight strength exercises will be what you need to really start seeing abs etc.

    If you continue just to reduce your fat you won't see tone, so take a moment to think about it again.

    Couldn't have said it better myself. You may actually gain a little bit of weight, but it will be lean muscle and you will look a lot better, which is ultimately what every girl wants. As women, we rely WAY too much on the number on the scale, when really, we just need to be paying attention to our bodies.
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    Ok first of all.... stop worrying about numbers! They are just that... numbers!

    you said yourself in your post that you have no muscle tone - that is what you should be addressing here. Incorporate some strength training exercises into your regime and youll see the fat melt off and gorgeous muscles appear instead. You may weigh slightly more as a result but you will look smaller!
  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    I agree with everybody else on this one
  • Thanks everyone, I actually don't even own a scale I just assume 100 is good for me :) to give a better idea my waist is 27 inches and I'd like it to be 25...any suggestions? just strength training?
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    Big ditto to all of the above.

    I just discovered nerdfitness.com this week - there is a lot of good information on there that's pretty basic for people starting out, as well as more advanced stuff. Check out this article over there for a real-life example of the difference between skinny and super fit: http://nerdfitness.com/blog/2011/07/21/meet-staci-your-new-powerlifting-super-hero

  • stang_girl88
    stang_girl88 Posts: 234 Member
    I agree with the other posters too. BTW, I would kill to weigh 104 lbs and only a 27 inch waist! Dont stress about it, I am sure you look fabulous!
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    What makes you think you'll look any different losing just 4 pounds? You are already tiny. Build muscle rather than lose pounds at this point, you'll be a lot better off if you do.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Thanks everyone, I actually don't even own a scale I just assume 100 is good for me :) to give a better idea my waist is 27 inches and I'd like it to be 25...any suggestions? just strength training?


    That plan I think will be best suited to you - don't worry so much about the nutrition side, but set up MFP so that you have a gain 1/2lb a week setting with a 40% Protein, 30% Carbs, 30% fat split on your macro nutrients. If you want me to guide you through setting that up, just let me know.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Your BMI is on the low end of average, approaching Underweight. Stop a second and rethink your goals. In your case, I would recommend instead of trying to LOSE any more, instead you try to GAIN some lean muscle mass. This will give you the results you're after - I get the impression you're approaching the 'Skinny-fat' zone where you have low bodyfat and lack tone. This is because there's not enough muscle mass to show off.

    This would mean eating a SURPLUS, with a focus on protein combined with strength training. Do not panic. You will not develop massive man muscles. You need more testosterone than the average woman produces to do that. Using weight machines and free weights, as well as performing bodyweight strength exercises will be what you need to really start seeing abs etc.

    If you continue just to reduce your fat you won't see tone, so take a moment to think about it again.

    What an awesome response... I also second, or third, or fourth, or whatever the freak it is!!!