February-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN TO ALL!!!

When was the last time you joined a challenge and lost interest or focus and stopped half way through? It's not intentional, its just harder to commit to something for weeks or months at a time.

This is a thread where you set daily goals. If you slip up today you get a new 24 hours tomorrow to try again. Post 3 or more goals, fitness related or not, come back tomorrow to recap the day before. Then post 3 more goals for the day.

It's not an exclusive group, all new members are welcome, and people come and go. It's not cut throat, if you do not post daily, we won't kick you out the group. Just post when you can.

When Nicole (PSUgrl921) started this thread late last summer it was designed to serve as a reminder of things she'd like to accomplish each day. Then be proud of herself for meeting little goals and eventually make them habit forming. She opened her doors and allowed us to be apart of her crusade. I bet she didn't think her day by day motto would still be going strong more than 12 months later.

So ask me when was the last time I stayed committed to a challenge for weeks or months? I still am, one day at a time.

If you're new, tell us your name a little about yourself if you like.
If you're returning, introduce yourself and briefly tell what this thread means to you!


  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    My name is Kathy and I am the single mom of 3 grown children. I share a house with my son (the BEST son in the world!), my oldest daughter and her BF and baby (Isaac is 18 months old and a joy to be around!).

    We share to keep expenses down but it does get hard to resist some of the stuff the others bring into the house.

    My youngest daughter lives in Texas and is just out of Dental Assistant school and interviewing for jobs while waiting for an Hygienist class that starts later this year.

    I am currently unemployed and looking for work. I do have a seasonal job that will hopefully still be there in February but with the way things are--who knows? So, I keep looking for another job and hope for the best!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Jan. 31:
    1. Drink more water.--Yes.
    2. 30 minutes of walking or another workout.--Yes. Walked outside for about an hour.
    3. Healthy choices and portion control.--Yes.

    I got busy yesterday but I accomplished my goals and I feel good about it. I am going out today--I am going to a nearby Work Opportunity Center (run by Goodwill) to see what they can offer. I was told they have a program for women over 55 and that's me!
    I will also do a little grocery shopping and get some more fresh produce and a few other things we are getting low on, like coffee! Can't run out of coffee!
    I have a couple of other errands to run, too, so will be walking for most of the day.

    Goals for Feb. 1:
    1. Drink more water.
    2. 30 minutes of walking or another workout.
    3. Healthy choices and portion control.
  • TraceB
    TraceB Posts: 26 Member
    I like this idea. I am a mom of two boys 11 and13. I work from home. I have been needing something to keep me motivated. It is a daily struggle. Right now I have a cold so I don't feel like doing any exercise. My goals today are to stay under my calories,and drink 8 glasses of water minimum.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    I'm Christina-mom of 4 (18, 17, 14 & 13) & wife of 20 years. I am at home with my kids and working on me. I lost 25 pounds on mfp and since 12/14 I have gained 10 back. I need this challenge because this challenge works! Best of luck in February to all of you as this is the month I make progress!! Yippe!!

    Goals for Tuesday were:
    1. eat 1300 calories
    2. burn 1000 calories
    3. finish cleaning what I stirred up in my office!! I am determined to be organized!!

    I accomplished all 1 of these, I burned more than 1000 so I did eat a bit over 1300 & I will continue with my office today.

    Goals for Today are:
    1. eat 1300 calories
    2. burn 1000 calories (or be happy w/a smaller amount)
    3. finish cleaning what I stirred up in my office!! I am determined to be organized!!

    Happy Wednesday & Happy February challengers!! Let's make this month fabulous!!
  • May63
    May63 Posts: 162
    feb 1

    1. research trouble area today

    2. stay within calorie goal

    3. 300 calories burn at gym
  • 40 mins of cardio!
  • What a fantastic way to set goals! This week has been a challenge for me for some reason so setting daily goals will be fantastic!

    Goals for Feb 2:

    1 - Drink my 8 glasses of water
    2 - Cardio Cardio Cardio! Get my running interval in and Turbo Jam
    3 - Get carbs under control ... work to start getting them below the goal
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    I love this "challenge"! Something I can hold on to! I am Kymarai. My two girls are married and have blessed me with 4 grandchildren! They are the best. I work in my husbands family business. It does allow for flexibility but also more stress. We are also seasonal! Love this challenge.

    Goals for February 1
    !. Water- 10- 12
    2. Extra movement (300 calories)
    3. Stay in calories!

    I know it is late. I know I met two. Will update in morning! Hello February!!!!!!
  • I'm Cathy. I've just finished a degree in Pharmacology and am starting Marketing/Politics. I live in the South Island of New Zealand.

    1. Drink 2 litres of water a day.
    2.Start the assignment I've been putting off.
    3.Buy some shoes that are good for walking to uni
  • pittmansj
    pittmansj Posts: 3 Member
    My name is Simone....I am hot one minute and cold the next regarding losing weight and exercising...eating the right foods and even portions 95% of the time is easy...its the exercise that keeps me at the same weight or slowly edging up.

    I am a single mom of a lovely daughter who has sadly joined the journey of getting rid of excess weight, so its my desire to show her a healthy way of doing that and still have fun.

    Setting Daily Goals is a perfect idea...thanks for sharing.

    1. Drink more water
    2. 30 min of exercise (min 3x a week to increase to 7 days)
    3. Stay committed whether I see results or not, knowing if I continue they will come!
  • Hi! I'm Ruchi. 24, an education non-profit community manager. I recently lost 25 pounds, and still have about 30 more to go. I have a sedentary life, so my goal is to get stronger and more fit, with weight loss as a natural byproduct. I also just want healthier foods in my diet.

    Feb 2nd goals are:

    1. Don't eat any processed foods, anything with refined sugars, or more than one serving of whole grains.
    2. Eat fruit with every meal, eat veggies with every meal, and drink 8 glasses of water.
    3. Get 30 minutes of cardio in ADDITION to 30 day shred!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member

    Goals for February 1
    !. Water- 10- 12- somehow no- husband kept me hopping!
    2. Extra movement (300 calories)- definitely!
    3. Stay in calories!Done!

    Welcome to all the new faces! The goals here are great. You get to think of what is important to you on a daily basis. Life should not be static, hence some days certain things are more important than others. Keep the goals simple and obtainable or you will get discouraged. A tip from me....if you keep putting same project on as a goal two or three days and haven't yet accomplished, then break it down into smaller task. Example instead of clean room, say today I will clean off my desk. Smaller, doable, success!

    Thursday February 2
    !. Water (10-12) Massage tonight and too much salt yesterday. MUST!!
    2. Fit in some extra movement 300 calories. In class today. Yuck.
    3. Call customers on repair invoices this afternoon.

    Have a wonderful, goal oriented day!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 1:
    1. Drink more water.--Yes.
    2. 30 minutes of walking or another workout.--Yes.
    3. Healthy choices and portion control.--Yes. but too much (low calorie) pie!

    Looks like we are off to a good start! Happy February, everyone!

    Goals for Feb. 2:
    1. Drink more water.
    2. 3 mile walk.
    3. Healthy choices and portion control. (especially for the pizza for supper tonight!)
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for Wednesday were:
    1. eat 1300 calories
    2. burn 1000 calories (or be happy w/a smaller amount)
    3. finish cleaning what I stirred up in my office!! I am determined to be organized!!

    I am still working on these and progressing by the minute!! I'm on a roll!!

    Goals for Today are the same:
    1. eat 1300 calories
    2. burn 1000 calories (or be happy w/a smaller amount)
    3. finish cleaning what I stirred up in my office!! I am determined to be organized!!

    Happy Thursday & welcome to any new challengers!!
  • TraceB
    TraceB Posts: 26 Member
    Yesterday I have to say I didn't set any goals. I was not feeling very good and i did very bad with my eating. Today my goals are to drink 8 glasses of water., 30 minutes of cardio, abs, and lower body exercise, and stay under my calories.
  • go Go GO! We can do it!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 2:
    1. Drink more water.--No.
    2. 3 mile walk.--2 1/2 miles
    3. Healthy choices and portion control. (especially for the pizza for supper tonight!)--Did well on this one!

    Have a good day, everyone!

    Goals for Feb. 3:
    1. Drink more water.
    2. 2 mile walk and 15 minutes ab workout.
    3. Healthy choices and portion control.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for Thursday were:
    1. eat 1300 calories
    2. burn 1000 calories (or be happy w/a smaller amount)
    3. finish cleaning what I stirred up in my office!! I am determined to be organized!!

    Almost 2 of these goals were completed-it's time to move on because these should already be taken care of!

    Goals for Today are:
    1. finish making tamales
    2. take it easy!! Too many 1000 calorie days burned in a row!
    3. do one thing in my house & be satisfied. (laundry OR clean OR something)
  • May63
    May63 Posts: 162
    feb 1

    1. research trouble area today

    2. stay within calorie goal

    3. 300 calories burn at gym


    I can't believe i forgot yesterday.

    so today 2/3

    eat with in calorie

    burn 300 at gym possibly more

    try video from yesterday on traverse abdominus
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Thursday February 2
    !. Water (10-12) Massage tonight and too much salt yesterday. MUST!!- Done!
    2. Fit in some extra movement 300 calories. In class today. Yuck.- yes!
    3. Call customers on repair invoices this afternoon.- Nope but SIL did! I helped husband paint.

    February 3rd
    1. Water (10-12)
    2. extra 300 calories burned
    3. stay in calorie goal

    Today is birthday so unsure of evening plans, hard to plan ahead that way! Just will give myself a little extra space. At least chocolate cake is gone. Husband asked if I wanted one for my birthday. I told him no, I just helped him eat his. I may make one on sunday when people are over.

    Have a great day!