February-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN TO ALL!!!



  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    Hi. My name is Shayna. I reached my weight loss goal, then went under, then gained back to much. Now I am trying to lose the last few pounds and maintain which is really hard for me.

    So my goals for tomorrow (Thur) are:

    1. Stick to my food goals and dont over snack.
    2. Spend more fun time with the kids.
    3. Drink more water.

    I think posting my goals will hel me stick to them, lets see :)
  • sojojoshua
    Wowee, Ia at the right place... Iam Sojo, 31, mother of two lovely children aged 6 and 3...
    For today
    Drink 8 glasses of water.
    Do high intensity aerobics for half an hour
    Do low intensity for an hour.
    Eat clean but eat what I have to... No going under...
  • reneealyse
    I've only been on here two and half weeks so struggling to stick to eating well and exercising - this day by day thing is a great idea!

    Only just found this now and the day's almost through so here are my goals for Friday:

    1: Do my weights/cardio programme the full way through - no shortcuts!
    2: Drink only ONE coffee
    3: Finish my media clippings folder (for 2011) at work!!!
  • reneealyse
    I've only been on here two and half weeks so struggling to stick to eating well and exercising - this day by day thing is a great idea!

    Only just found this now and the day's almost through so here are my goals for Friday:

    1: Do my weights/cardio programme the full way through - no shortcuts!
    2: Drink only ONE coffee
    3: Finish my media clippings folder (for 2011) at work!!!

    Oh and hi! My name is Renee, 26 years old from New Zealand.
  • cschmidt42
    cschmidt42 Posts: 190 Member
    I've only been on here two and half weeks so struggling to stick to eating well and exercising - this day by day thing is a great idea!

    Only just found this now and the day's almost through so here are my goals for Friday:

    1: Do my weights/cardio programme the full way through - no shortcuts!
    2: Drink only ONE coffee
    3: Finish my media clippings folder (for 2011) at work!!!

    Welcome!! I love your goal of to only drink one coffee!! I need that one!! :smile:

  • cschmidt42
    cschmidt42 Posts: 190 Member
    Good morning everyone! I did good yesterday with my goals! :smile: So my goals for today are:

    Get my morning meditation in~
    No stress eating~
    Get all my water in~
    Stay within my calorie range~
    No depress eating because I cannot exercise~

    Hope everyone has a great day!! :flowerforyou:

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member

    Wednesday, February 8
    1. Water (10-12)- Yes!
    2. Stay within 100 calories of goal_ Well I earned lots of extras so was under goal
    3. burn 200 extra calories today- Yes- lots of running and punching and crunching today!
    4. Wash face before bed.- Had to get out of bed to do this! but yes
    5. check out stuffs for husband and order.- Done! Finished his current projects!

    Daily goals....who knew it would be so popular!?! Welcome everyone!

    Thursday, February 9
    1. Water 10-12
    2. Watch sodium intake today. Still a little swollen!
    3. Burn extra 200 calories
    4. Wash face before bed
    5. Wash windows at work (inside)
    6. Work on training for Briggs and Honda

    Have a wonderful day!!!
  • wickednitsch
    wickednitsch Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for this thread! I focus so much on the long-term that I forget this is a day-by-day challenge. So inspiring!

    1. Stay within my calorie range by sticking to my eating plan (hard because I have to make dinner for clients tonight)
    2. Get a short walk in during my work break
    3. No snacking when I get home late
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Greetings to all the new faces!! I'm sure my fellow challengers have shown you what a success this challenge is in daily life!! I've missed a couple days but I know when I stay on top of it, things work out for me!

    Goals for the Monday-Wednesday were:
    1.get a handle on at least laundry.
    2.help my parents w/a load to the dumps & hope to sneak some of our crap there too!
    3.stay at calorie goal because I'm making progress!

    I completed all 3 of these goals. Until lastnight I stayed at calorie goal and burned the most calories I could.

    Goals for Today are:
    1.Eat as clean as I can to make up for extra cheesecake from lastnight. No regrets but no digging in deeper with calories.
    2. Get to the dentist, don't be a baby and accept that I will go back tomorrow as well.
    3. Burn maximum calories today and celebrate every drip of sweat. TOM is coming and I need to run over it like a bulldozer

    It's Thursday so let's make today count!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 8:
    1. Do my morning meditation.--Yes.
    2. 2 mile walk in the AM and 15 minute abs session.--3 mile walk but no abs.
    3. Healthy choices and stay in my calorie goal.--Yes and yes.
    4. Water and tea.--Yes.

    It's raining again but the temperature is almost 50 already! (at 7am) We may go for a walk--Isaac loves being outside and so do I!

    Goals for Feb. 9:
    1. Do my morning meditation.
    2. 20 minute walk and 15 minute abs session.
    3. Healthy choices and stay in my calorie goal.
    4. Water and tea.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    Didn't realize that I hadn't posted any goals for Wednesday.... so I will post my goals for Wednesday and Thursday


    no stress eating....... I am in control of my eating, today wasn't as stressful as yesterday
    journal honestly.........done
    drink my green tea and water.......done
    exercise....going to be riding my exercise bike for a 1/2 hour in a few minutes


    no work today.... just lots of appointments
    take Jack ( our jack russell,yorkie mix doggie) for his vet appointment done
    pick up doggie food at the vet (they eat special food because of max's sensitive tummy) done
    get dog licenses for both doggies done
    dr appointment for me for complete physical. done
    appointment with my daughter to go to Arcadia open house.... she wants to be a PA and transfer her credits
    journal honestly done
    drink green tea and water done
    get my tax paperwork together

    It is snowing right now...mostly flurries...hoping nothing lays. If anyone is playing the powerball tonight "good luck" and remember me if you win.

    I had a good day. Got we all the appointments in.... I even went to the gym and worked out. We talked to the people of Arcadia...they suggested that she finish up with her 4 year degree and to then go there for her masters. Otherwise, she would have to retake everything she has taken so far....her credits wouldnt transfer. Still havent gotten my paperwork together for my taxes..... going to at least sort it out tonight. have a great night everyone !!
  • waytoweigh
    Well, (if I have figured out how to reply to my own post )
    here is how I did today; I drank my water, took something to eat to work AND didn't eat any of the yummy kid food AND I managed to get some filing done. I have to still walk for 30 minutes but will do it before bedtime.

    Tommorow: Thursday I will keep the same goals cuz I'm still not very good at doing them regulary. Will add one to go to the YMCA and check it out (see if I can afford it or not)

    Today went good. I went to the YMCA and was able to walk and do some of the machines. Liked it alot

    My goasl for Friday are:
    1 Go back to the YMCA and join.
    2 Someone had said drink only one cup coffee. What a great idea. So I think I will steal that one and try it also.
    3 Drink more water and log my meals before I eat them.
    4 Pay the bills!!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
    Thursday, February 9
    1. Water 10-12- barely but yes
    2. Watch sodium intake today. Still a little swollen! Even low woke up swollen, but did stay under
    3. Burn extra 200 calories- again, barely but did
    4. Wash face before bed- yeah! a habit in the making!
    5. Wash windows at work (inside) and outside! Done!
    6. Work on training for Briggs and Honda- Trying to but couldn't log on ;(

    Good Morning everyone!
    Calling for snow here tonight. Simple goals. Early bed. After dinner out.
    Friday, February 10
    1. Water (10-12)
    2. Burn an extra 300 calories today
    3.Online training Briggs or Honda
    4. Wash face before bed

    Have a safe one everyone!
  • TraceB
    TraceB Posts: 26 Member
    I haven't set any goals in a couple of days so now I am back. I did the exercise I wanted to for the week but I didn't log any food. So today's goals are
    1. log food
    2. cardio for 30 min
    3. abs
    4. stay under calorie goal.
  • aandbthomas1
    I realized I haven't posted in the last few days and noticed that I tend to slack more when I'm not making a conscious effort toward my daily goals. So here are today's goals

    1. Drink 10 glasses of water
    2. Finish at least one class worth of homework
    3. Reward myself for being brave during blood work and shots at doctor's appt. (I hate needles!!!!)
    4. Plan next week's meals and make grocery list
    5. Finish laundry

    Hope everyone has a great weekend and keep up the good work!
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    OMG....I forgot to put in my goals for Friday

    Here they are

    Not get stressed....... done
    Journal my food honestly.....done
    Drink green tea and water.......done
    Get my paperwork together for my taxes........done, but had to reschedule again since I wasnt done in time .....grrr
    Catch up on my daily bible reading...... almost caught up....hoping to get caught up tonight

    It was a pretty good day. I stayed on track with my meal plan and getting my water in. So glad that today was Friday. I am going to go ride my exercise bike for about a half hour tonight.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Saturday

    Not sure how the day is gonna go, since I have a 6am glocuse tolenance test. I have had some issues with my blood sugar dropping (at Christmas dinner, my blood sugar dropped to 40). My sister tested it when I told her I felt like I was going to pass out about 15 minutes after dinner. So, if I don't fall out flat on the floor....

    Lots of blood work.....all the regular blood tests along with testing me for MS, Lupus and Lyme disease again because of all the joint pain I have. (I have 2 cousins with Lupus and one cousin with Lyme disease)

    Appointment with my personal trainer
    Do laundry

    Journal my food honestly
    Drink my green tea and water.

    We are supposed to get about 3 inches of snow tomorrow.....so hoping it just passes us by. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • ErinLouiseBellamy
    ErinLouiseBellamy Posts: 18 Member
    Hey guys! what a great post,, i get disheartened at looking at long term goals, they seem so far away so daily ones are great, one day at a time...

    im 21 and have had an eating disorder since i was 6,,ekkkkk. Refusing to use it as any type of excuse and trying to get healthy. I left a lot of old habits and left Ireland, the place that I grew up. Now I have a fresh start and Im becoming the person that I was always meant to be and it feels great..

    a few slips here and there,,, but getting there!!

    lots of things to look forward this year before pursuing my masters degree.

    im on eastern time in boston usa... but ill check in with the post every day..

    Feb 11th

    1. drink 3 litres of water
    2. get bum to gym
    3. low carb and sugar within calories.

    thanks for making the post! :)
  • EmilyLStuart
    Goals for today...

    Improve my 5K time from 38:18 to 37:59 or better
    Hit 110 grams protein
    Get professionally fitted for some real running shoes!
  • tburnett80
    tburnett80 Posts: 77 Member
    When was the last time you joined a challenge and lost interest or focus and stopped half way through? It's not intentional, its just harder to commit to something for weeks or months at a time.

    This is a thread where you set daily goals. If you slip up today you get a new 24 hours tomorrow to try again. Post 3 or more goals, fitness related or not, come back tomorrow to recap the day before. Then post 3 more goals for the day.

    It's not an exclusive group, all new members are welcome, and people come and go. It's not cut throat, if you do not post daily, we won't kick you out the group. Just post when you can.

    When Nicole (PSUgrl921) started this thread late last summer it was designed to serve as a reminder of things she'd like to accomplish each day. Then be proud of herself for meeting little goals and eventually make them habit forming. She opened her doors and allowed us to be apart of her crusade. I bet she didn't think her day by day motto would still be going strong more than 12 months later.

    So ask me when was the last time I stayed committed to a challenge for weeks or months? I still am, one day at a time.

    If you're new, tell us your name a little about yourself if you like.
    If you're returning, introduce yourself and briefly tell what this thread means to you!

    Hello everyone my name is Tanya. I am a mother of a beautiful 7 year old little girl. I started this journey of obtaining a healthy lifestyle about 2.5 years ago. I have had my ups and downs. I have joined many challenges, but wasn't motivated enough to continue. This thread couldn't have come at a better time. I am loving the ideal of taking day to day.

    Goals for Saturday:
    1. Drink at least 8 Glasses of Water
    2. Go to accounting tutoring
    3. Take some items to my new apartment
    4. Track everything I eat in my diary