

  • If you like Jillian, try giving Bob Harper a try! His Inside Out videos are kicking my butt! Bob is very similar in style to Jillian(in my opinion) and both of them are wonderful!
  • I'm headed into college as a freshman! I'm looking to lose 30lbs(for now). Eventually I'd like to lose 40-50lbs total. I'd love to add some more friends to keep me moving and avoiding the dreaded Fifteen!
  • What was the hardest part of transitioning over to a new country(and/or language!)? I have to finish college first, but I am thinking of studying abroad in Rome during my Junior year. I hope to live in England or Ireland...maybe. Or Italy perhaps. I really don't know where I want to live, other than Europe! :laugh:
  • Bare. Hands down favorite. I'm also partial to Newsies, Spring Awakening, Death Takes A Holiday, Once, A Man of No Importance, and The Last Five Years. Of course I love the classics too, Phantom, Les Mis, West Side Story, Camelot, etc. Can you tell I'm a theatre junkie? :love: :laugh:
  • Hey y'all! Sorry I didn't stop by earlier! I was out in the barn and bailing hay(true story!).
  • Headed to UMass-Amherst in the fall! Double major, Theatre and English/History(not sure yet) and a minor in Legal Studies.
  • Hey All! I'm a bit over a month till move in day for my first year of college. I'm planning on a double major (Theatre and either History or English) with a minor (Legal Studies). So I'll be pretty busy! Of course not too busy to get in my exercise! I'm hoping to be on the Ballroom Dance team as well as the Equestrian…
  • I have the whole set(cardio, strength, yoga & Bob's Workout) but so far I've only done cardio and strength. Strength wasn't so bad(still makes me contemplate dying, but finishable). But cardio is torture. I'm starting to get the idea that perhaps his DVDs are not the best ones to start my journey into regular exercise…
  • I wouldn't count riding as exercise. I'm not saying we don't work, but I don't feel it qualities as a significant calorie burn. I'm of the mindset that unless I'm breathing hard and feel my heart rate go up, then it's not true exercise. Plus I feel we become so conditioned to using our riding muscles that it is no longer a…
  • Sorry to drag up an old topic, but I figured it was better than starting a new thread on more or less the same thing. :smile: I recently started doing Bob's DVDs and wow:noway: they are kicking my butt! I find myself doing only half the workout(long one), doing some other chores, then coming back to it! So I guess my…
  • No boobs or tummy for me(yet anyways!) But a nose job on the other hand...:laugh: After having it broken a handful of times it has become rather unfortunate looking. :grumble: So that is for sure on my "to do" list!
  • I'd love to play Martha! Let's do an all MFP cast, yes? :flowerforyou: :laugh:
  • I second the underarmour sports bras! I ride horses, so the girls were going EVERYWHERE even with two regular sports bras. Switched to the underarmour, no/minimal movement. It's so nice to be pain free!
  • While I am young(and very single!) I hope to have a larger family. I'm thinking 3-5. :smile: Just hoping they aren't all boys! :laugh:
  • I'd like to join even though I'm a day late. Hope that's ok! Start Weight: 164 Goal Weight: 130 *should I be putting my ultimate goal weight? Or a modified one for this challenge?
  • My secret goal? My thighs not to touch anymore. I hate the flab and can't wait till it goes away! I ride horses so it's always been my dream to have a long skinny leg and elegant long torso. Instead I have short squat legs with a disproportionately long, thick torso. I can't change the length of my leg...but I'd settle for…
  • Oddly enough the week OF my period I am fine. Occasional cramps, but nothing major. No strange cravings and my energy levels actually go up, prompting more exercise motivation! But the week BEFORE...I am a monster. Super cranky, no energy/motivation, major cravings for junk food and sweets. At this point I just go along…
  • Hey all! On CoTH I am EventerChick517, but I'm a lurker. :) In real life I'm Amanda. I'm about 5ft 5ish, my current weight is 167 and I'd like to get down to 140ish then decide how much more I want to lose from there. I'm not super stuck on meeting a number as much as I am about feeling and riding my best. Especially…