

  • I'm even more confused now!!! You're contradicting each other :huh:
  • Before I basically ate rubbish, occasionally i would eat salad but i would always have a meat and veg meal. I'd eat white bread, loads of crisps, biscuits, fried breakfast. Now I have a fruit smoothie (made with 5 fruits) for breakfast and before i go to bed, wholemeal bread, salad with meals i never used to like…
  • Hi, I have 2 skinny brothers, a skinny sister and skinny parents. The worse thing is that my brothers eat nothing but rubbish. My youngest brother who is 17 is very fussy and only eat chips, mashed potato gravy, cheese, pasta and no veg. Maybe I should try is diet and i might skinny faster........just sick of being the fat…
  • Hi, I need help!!! I have a limit of 1200 hundred calories per day but I'm not reaching them so now MFP is telling me that I'm going to go into stavation mode and put my health at risk. What do I eat that is high in calories but low in fat and is healthy??? I don't like nuts of any variety (unless salted or roated) so…
  • I dont understand how u have to eat the calories uv burned. Surely that means u wont lose weight ull just hit a plateu because ur calories being used by the body aren't going anywhere because ur just eating them again!! HELP??!!
  • Hi, I've just turned 24. Are most people here from the States? I'm from north east england so if anyone here is from the area or the country give me a message Abby :flowerforyou:
  • Hi, I'm going cycling today but wheni tried to search for it in exercise it wasn't there. What am I going to do? Abby
  • Hi, i'm 5'5" and weigh 184lbs and my recommended calorie intake is 1200. I did a BMR thingy and it told me i needed 1700 calories just to function. Iv had no problem only eating 1200, in fact i'm eating less cos i now eat loads of fruit and salad etc to fill me up. I have a friend who is a body builder and he NEVER counts…
  • Hi, I work night shift in a respite unit for children with disabilities, 10pm til 8am. My main problem is that i dont do a regular shift pattern as i work on a rota basis so one week i might have 5 shifts together, and the next i might have my shifts split up!! Ive put on 2 stone since i started there nearly 3 years. I eat…
  • Hi Everyone, I'm 24 and live in Hexham UK. Decided that its time that i lost weight and got healthy!!! I like walking so thats my main type of exercise. I have a bike but it beats me everytime so I'm a bit scared of it!!! Drop me a line and we'll talk calories :wink: