Hannahjc83 Member


  • dang I can't delete the non post...ignore
  • Hum...This was educational and a funny read...Thanks laughing does as a balm
  • I can't even...this topic is really asking for folks to air their dirty opinion laundry...Think folks before you type... (to those that body shame) everyone else eh you're fine... and hey how about the fact that we have legs to walk on! Now there is something to be thankful for :)
  • wow go you :) that's great actually! I spent time outside walking my dog she's a workout to walk even at 14! It was nice to get outside and not be couped inside all day, it was hot out but not too bad... Side note: Another reason night time eating isn't that great, I am in a lot of tooth pain and will probably need to have…
  • hey Sharon thanks for your reply :-) and I've bookmarked this thread so that I can refer back to it...And yes multi folk adding helps bunches it has in the past and isn't any different now...I like your sensible approach to the reduced carbs! It's funny the older I've gotten the more food is there to survive granted I…