*Waves* Hello All An Accountable Partner?

Hannahjc83 Posts: 6 Member
Hey all I'm 30 years of age and as far as food and weight goes I've been up and down...This July I want to get back into the habit of hitting the gym regularly at least 4 times a week this morning I'm going as soon as they open up...One thing that I've had a history of are eating issues ranging from spitting out food to eating at night...

I am struggling with night eating again, but it would be because I nap during the day time for more then an hour...I'm currently 249.7 pounds at 5'8" when I was away at treatment about a year ago I only got down to 225 pounds exercising 4 days a week! I'm thinking it was the medication I was on because after I got off of it I went from the 250's to the high 240s...After seven months of being in treatment for cutting (I am now cut free have been for 3 years!) I would have though that more weight would have come off... :-/

After doing research on the medication I was on for sleep that stopped working of all things *sigh* it made sense why I only lost but so much weight...

I am actually very self motivated but no one to hold me accountable, so I'm making this my hey fitness pal I've gone to the gym and or this is what I've done positive today etc...If anyone could actually email me and be an accountability partner that would rock!

I've actually had to get my teeth crowned because of the night eating! Hurts, and is expensive...That is the last straw, well the fact that I'm still having some stuff at night and brushing my teeth afterwards! It's an issue, a big one and folks I need at least one person who can help hold me up when I can't hold myself up if that makes sense...

I've also been known to over exercise as a means of purging...so with the above listed kettle of fish, I'm trying to keep a positive out look and do things for myself that are not food related...even if it's one positive thing a day I do, usually for other people is when I feel the best and food/health is the last thing on my mind...It's actually healthy for me to help others all the way around...

So I've logged what I've had thus far today, I'm going to be honest dead honest it's the only way things change... :indifferent:

If just one person could ask me how I'm doing it'd be great, and actually there was a great article in fitness mag. this month on over exercise and not eating enough...I might type it out it is such a good article, I was surprised that fitness mag did a piece on it...they out of all the magazines are the most balanced that I've come across with the most practical fitness suggestions inside them (granted there is a fitness model on the front) but other then that I love it...Love the 'I did It!' section of stories that are more then just weight loss some are fitness goals reached or grief overcome by fitness...

All of this is to say, Hey again in a long time fitness pal :flowerforyou: Good things: I'm not cutting myself any longer no longer want to! going on three years! It's what I went away for treatment for one year ago as of this past May 2014...:heart:

I really don't want to set a goal time because that tends to make me nuts about numbers...so bleh if anyone is willing to help out that'd be great...Thanks so much fitness folks...I will say for the first time in a long time I'm less depressed, more alive then I've been in ages now I'd just like the outside to match the inside...Thanks again...


  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    I can't say that I could email everyday but I'm happy to leave comments on your posts if you want to add me to your friends list. I've found that friending multiple people has been my best route for finding support. There are some ladies I have connected with more than others, but by having several people reading my posts I can get support even when those closer pals are busy with something else. It's just a suggestion but I know it's helped me. :smile:

    At little about me, I'm in my 40s, a RN with a starting weight a bit higher than yours. I embarked on this journey last December to improve my health after my doc put down an ultimatum. (my blood sugars were getting too high amongst other things) I follow a reduced carb plan (not low carb but a moderate amount) along with portion control.

    I love my exercise bike but also enjoy outside activities like gardening and walking. I was doing 5-6 days a week but in the last couple of months have slacked off to 2-3 days a week. So you could help me with encouragement to get my behind moving as well. LOL
  • Hannahjc83
    Hannahjc83 Posts: 6 Member
    hey Sharon thanks for your reply :-) and I've bookmarked this thread so that I can refer back to it...And yes multi folk adding helps bunches it has in the past and isn't any different now...I like your sensible approach to the reduced carbs! It's funny the older I've gotten the more food is there to survive granted I still have a weakness for sweets (not all just ice cream really)

    We can encourage one another! That is such a great idea, just walked my dog for about 12 minutes outside (it's hot as heck out and humid as well) I'm cooling off then going to the gym for no longer then one hour...I figure 40 minutes for cardio (I can be a cardio addict if you get me the 'feeling' but 'five more minutes won't hurt' etc...well it will if it turns into 45 to 50 minutes when I'm starting out!! (I'm an all or nothing person and attempting to be balanced, not easy but it's worth it)

    An idea I had this morning, to write down things accomplished even if they are small for others for myself etc...Sometimes one forgets how far one has come and to keep it written down sometimes isn't a bad thing when folk like myself push and push then burn out... :-/ It's not a race against myself or time, but a journey that takes time...I've been all over the weight spectrum...Borderline Underweight (129 pounds), Higher then I am now (270 pounds) and have been over the 200 mark for 8 years now, but I'm going to look more holistically at the picture like inches lost, how I feel, how I look, not just numbers of a clothing size, or numbers of a scale even inches lost...

    So for someone like myself baby steps to victories that add up is the way to go because it will last longer and because of the past history with these things that I've had...This is the as I dub it 'Last of the Moheeken' hurdles as far as balance goes and not being all out of whack one way or another...Thanks again for your response...
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    You could try using your blog here to track your daily progress. You can keep it marked as private so others do not have access if you'd like. I use mine to track goals, small victories, things I want to try etc. For me, it's like an online diary.

    I've done 60 min on the exercise bike then spent 2 hrs outside doing a bit of yard work and building shelves. It's hot and humid here as well so that's all I could muster. LoL
  • Hannahjc83
    Hannahjc83 Posts: 6 Member
    wow go you :) that's great actually! I spent time outside walking my dog she's a workout to walk even at 14! It was nice to get outside and not be couped inside all day, it was hot out but not too bad...

    Side note: Another reason night time eating isn't that great, I am in a lot of tooth pain and will probably need to have my tooth crowned it's good in that I'm thinking twice before going downstairs to eat...

    I'm in so much pain it's not even funny, just the idea of food is like eh, no...half way through a bagel a medium sized one and my tooth started throbbing again...I have a high level of pain tolerance but this pain is so bad I'm sweating, and not hungry (for me not wanting food means I'm sick or in a lot of pain)

    Hey I'm trying to look at the bright side, this tooth with be 300 some odd out of pocket and that is the price of not brushing after a night time snack/binge...I can tough this out until I see the dentist on Tus. the 8th (Thank God) but it just hurts so dang much, other folks would be on the floor...or in bed something sensible like that (I took a longer nap then I needed to because of this retched pain)

    The blog is a good idea and yea I'm going to incorporate it now that I sit and think about it...Thank you for those that reached out to me you know who you are! :) the response was sweet and I appreciate folks taking the time to let me know they relate and or are willing to hold me accountable (Hugs)

    The pain now is just making me push away everything save for some tea...I did have half of the bagel so that the pain meds don't tear up my stomach...

    Again thanks all... :)