Lulu_nz Member


  • I cook what I cook. If anyone doesn't like it then they are welcome to take over cooking duties! How did I get them to eat whole grains? By serving it up. By simply not buying the crap anymore.
  • You need to enter the recipes. It is easy enough. I. Would like to think any well organised restaurant cooks to a set recipe otherwise how would you guarantee consistency ?
  • On my few visits to USA I have wondered at the portions of food I was served and the obsession with sugar. I read nutrition labels and was stunned at the frequent use of corn syrup and trans fats in over the counter ready foods. First visit, I was confused by the butter being white until I realised it was because the cows…
  • People should be more concerned with what the dairy cow is eating in order to produce the milk in the quantities that they do. Palm kernels, grains, meal and all sorts of crap go into our dairy cattle in order to make more milk/money. I am more concerned with food quality and nutrition when it comes to dairy.