Fat America



  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
    I don't agree that obesity is the last accepted form of self abuse in our culture. I think the opposite, it is highly unaccepted and many obese individuals encounter problems daily with their weight not being accepted.

    Well, this is reality.

    OP simply paints "huge people" as all being lazy, slovenly blobs with no concept of self-control. Perhaps they don't live in reality, but in their own distorted world view.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I love it when people use this site to lose weight and then decide to judge and criticize others for what they themselves used to be.

    And by love, I mean fcuking hate.
  • Jynus
    Jynus Posts: 519 Member
    I am almost 250, and although I have weight to lose, I am not as you describe, and quite frankly, I am offended by your post. I eat fast food once a month at best, and I compensate with exercise. I may have a fat @ss, but this fat @ss can hike 7-8 miles with no problem, hit softballs at the batting cages for days, and kick the @ss of most everyone I know (including the guys). I am not stupid enough to think that fast and fried foods are healthy in any way, shape, or form, but occassionally I treat myself. I am by no stretch of the imagination lazy or dumb, as I have more energy, am more active, and get more accomplished in any given day than most people I know. You have no idea about people and would do well to keep your judgement to yourself. Some people have disabilities or diagnoses that affects their ability to maintain a healthy weight, such as thyroid, PCOS, back injuries, recent surgery...I could go on for days here. Might I suggest getting off your high horse, your majesty, before someone kicks it out from under you.
    You're a rarity then. Most people are fat for exactly the reasons she listed. You might try and kick her down, but the fact for every one of you there are hundreds who support her would make your task difficult.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I am almost 250, and although I have weight to lose, I am not as you describe, and quite frankly, I am offended by your post. I eat fast food once a month at best, and I compensate with exercise. I may have a fat @ss, but this fat @ss can hike 7-8 miles with no problem, hit softballs at the batting cages for days, and kick the @ss of most everyone I know (including the guys). I am not stupid enough to think that fast and fried foods are healthy in any way, shape, or form, but occassionally I treat myself. I am by no stretch of the imagination lazy or dumb, as I have more energy, am more active, and get more accomplished in any given day than most people I know. You have no idea about people and would do well to keep your judgement to yourself. Some people have disabilities or diagnoses that affects their ability to maintain a healthy weight, such as thyroid, PCOS, back injuries, recent surgery...I could go on for days here. Might I suggest getting off your high horse, your majesty, before someone kicks it out from under you.
    You're a rarity then. Most people are fat for exactly the reasons she listed. You might try and kick her down, but the fact for every one of you there are hundreds who support her would make your task difficult.

    10% is a conservative estimate of the number of women who have PCOS, which makes it very difficult to lose weight. That isn't factoring in the percentages of those with hypothyroid disorder, those on steroids for asthma or other medical conditions, and those with many other medical issues that I can't think of right now. I wouldn't call that a rarity. Please try to be supportive instead of tearing others down. Again, you do not know what others are going through. YES, everyone should try to be healthier. That does not always translate to immediate (or any) weight loss.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Obviously everyone is different. I know people who are rail thin and can eat fast food 3 times a day and not gain an ounce. I know other people who faithfully eat salads and exercise but can't lose the weight. There are so many factors that Americans are in the midst of this obesity epidemic. I asked my hubby what he thinks about this (he's a nutritional physiology professor). His take is this - obesity has many causes - rampant use of high fructose corn syrup as a cheap sweetener and preservative (fructose does in fact metabolize differently than other sugars - don't listen to the corn syrup industry propaganda), way too much sugar and salt, overuse of pre-packaged / convenience foods, over-processed food, lack of basic skills on how to cook a wholesome meal (he sees this a lot working in the food insecurity program through extension services) and an underlying sense of entitlement to overeat as a result of underlying emotional issues. His answer to obesity is read food labels, spend more time in the fruits and veggie section, learn to cook and, instead of eating the entire box of Oreos, find another outlet to vent frustrations or loneliness/sadness. I told him that it's easier said than done. He agrees.
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I am not 250, but close. I have GAINED weight eating well under 2000 calories a day (what MFP told me to eat, before my doctor changed that) and am maintaining eating around 1700. Quite frankly, I am tired of people who think all I do is eat fast food and Doritos all day. (Today is probably one of my worse days because I had no access to MFP and had to eat out all day). There are people with legitimate health issues that make it almost impossible to lose weight. And it just makes it harder when I constantly have to deal with people like you. I'm probably one of those who will have diabetes before I'm 50... everyone else in my family does. I'm hoping the fact that I eat better than most of them is in my favor... but so far they are the ones who drop the Cokes and crappy food and lose weight while I'm maintaining and gaining on a healthier diet. (Also, being fat is by no means "accepted'" by society... if you were very overweight and had to deal with the attitude and comments I hear or overhear or get thrown at me by the media every day, you would understand that.)

    Thank you for posting this. I have been "fat" for the last 12 years now, due to health issues. I ate around 2000 calories per day and went from 125 to 246, at a rate of about ten pounds a year. I became a type I diabetic when I was 15 (and 5'5" and 120 pounds.) I have health issues and metabolic issues that make it nearly impossible to lose anything. Eating 800 calories per day, at doctor's request, I have lost 24 pounds in 6 months. I DO NOT eat junk food or fast food. I use no butter or margarine. I am a registered dietitian and I am FAT. The person who started this blog is an IDIOT.
  • I was one of those obese children you all are depressed by. :[ I hit 200 lbs by the time I was 11 and my highest weight was 222 in high school. It's really not fair to judge all overweight people.
    I'm not blaming my parents entirely, but I am not the one who buys the groceries. I'm doing my best now with what I've got, sorry I can't please all the thin people :[
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    Thankfully I am above this now, but six months ago this post would have crushed me.
    I started at 370 pounds and I hit 250 last week for the first time since 10th grade.
    Did i eat badly? Of course, but I also spent half the time starving myself trying to lose weight. I happen to have PCOS and Diabetes, I had both by the time I was 14. for me to not gain (NOT to lose) I need a 400 calorie burn a day and under 2000 calories. I really have to question your intelligence...you come onto a site where people seek support and you say all these blunt stereo typical bigotries...what response are you trying to get?

    You have it all figured out? Well GOOD for you.
    I don't, and that's why I'm here.
    Do not judge what you don't understand, it's a very ugly color on anyone.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I do find it amazing people can maintain that level of fat on their bodies! You have to eat a lot to keep that up.
  • wiltl
    wiltl Posts: 188 Member
    ... you are part of the problem.

    Sorry, I think you are part of the problem. You maintain an ignorant view of why people are fat and just assume its all due to laziness and stupidity. If you truly took a look around this site, you would see that there are quite a few people who have medical issues or other circumstances that may have taken priority over their weight. You must also realize that, on average, people in the US work more and take less time off than in other countries. So, is that laziness for those that work 10 hours a day? Or, have a two hour round trip commute tacked on? Or, those with kids and family that also require attention? What gives? Yeah, it can mean they end up in a drive through at times. There is also a lot of misinformation out there about nutrition and influences from previous generations. Heard of the clean plate club? Yeah, thats a result of the great depression era parents ensuring their kids never had to go hungry and told them to eat whatever was on their plate as there might be time there wouldn't be enough. Those kids had kids and passed on what they learned.
    How about those that have fought and fought for years, and then find out that they have a medical condition? Doctor after doctor just saying to eat less and it will be fine and not really diagnosing. You assume, but I'm not the *kitten*.
    If it were just as easy as the fatties putting down the fork, there wouldn't be an issue. Obviously, its much more complicated than that.
  • McDonalds, not just for brunch anymore, dinner you say, what will they think of next.
  • It is pretty sad, but i myself am one of them and my problem was that I isolated myself and had been depressed ever since my teenage years. But I never went out to eat fast food or anything, I just exercised NEVER in those years and always gave up if I did. My diet was horrible aswell and nobody was helping me see that, I was just urged on.

    Anybody who's comfortable in their own skin and is as big as me, could use a wake up call.

    Seriously, I could eat like 3000 calories and do the amount of exercise I'm doing and in a year be close to my weight loss goal, but I'm usually stuffed at around 1000 calories and have to eat more on a full stomach.
  • Yieya
    Yieya Posts: 168 Member
    i like fat people waaay more than i like self righteous a**holes.... just saying.

    ^^^ this^^^
  • Lulu_nz
    Lulu_nz Posts: 4 Member
    On my few visits to USA I have wondered at the portions of food I was served and the obsession with sugar. I read nutrition labels and was stunned at the frequent use of corn syrup and trans fats in over the counter ready foods. First visit, I was confused by the butter being white until I realised it was because the cows don't eat grass, they eat cheap starchy grains. So do the poultry, living in a way that means they grow abnormally large in the fastest time possible in order to yield more meat. All of this adds to the carb, starch and sugar of food. And that stuff will create compulsion, will stimulate over eating, will store in the body as fat and confuse the heck out of our bodies. This is the stuff of diabetes type 2 before puberty.

    People do not seem to understand what they are putting in their bodies. Or when they do, they are so obsessed with the notion of freedom that they see their right to consume a litre of soda as being more important than their health.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I read the other day that the average American eats upwards of 2,700 calories daily. That's so unfathomable to me, but I guess when you're eating processed garbage that doesn't fill you up it's a lot easier to consume that many calories than it would be to eat 2,700 calories of whole foods? It's still disturbing, anyway.
    People have been eating 2500-2700 calories in the US for well over 200 years. It's not a new thing. The new thing is the fact that we aren't physically active anymore. Everyone works in an office, rather than in a factory or on a farm. The "calories in" part of the weight management equation hasn't honestly changed much in several hundred thousand years (early man averaged a little over 3000 calories a day,) it's the "calories out" side that has drastically changed.
  • Tommy
    Tommy Posts: 127 Member
    Dear Posters,

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