
  • Lulu_nz
    Lulu_nz Posts: 4 Member
    People should be more concerned with what the dairy cow is eating in order to produce the milk in the quantities that they do. Palm kernels, grains, meal and all sorts of crap go into our dairy cattle in order to make more milk/money.

    I am more concerned with food quality and nutrition when it comes to dairy.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Fat does NOT make you fat. Sugar (carbs) make you fat. The science is clear people... the government has had it wrong for decades and the pharmaceutical industry has a specific interest in the disinformation that's been propagated.

    Nature has it right. Eat what you find in nature and live well. Eat processed, altered, and modified foods and suffer the consequences of that diet.

    I'm not being alarmist. I'm just a skeptic turned into a believer after a LOT of research and personal experience.
    No. Sugar does not make you fat. Fat does not make you fat. Protein does not make you fat. No macronutrient makes you fat. What makes you fat is consuming calories in excess of caloric need, regardless of macronutrient composition.

    Besides, eat what you find in nature? There are hundreds of thousands of sugars in nature, in large quantities and various forms. Your argument makes zero sense, on any level.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Here's a little game. You name any food and I'll find an article somewhere saying its unhealthy

    Papaya. I hate papaya. Please find an article that says it's unhealthy and I will be so happy
  • phynyxfyre
    phynyxfyre Posts: 145 Member
    the people at butter believer dot com, after a brief google search, also think you can accumulate fat in your cells which is then genetically inherited by your children and they are giving away an ebook on how to completely cure eczema. That is just on the first page that popped up. Maybe wanting to rethink which sources you cite on this one?
  • aforange
    aforange Posts: 116 Member
    What an utterly ridiculous article.
  • marijasmin
    marijasmin Posts: 160 Member
    Full fat eh? Good way to get diabetes!!!

    Sugar gives you diabetes not fat. They add sugar to many fat free items for flavor.

    Wanted to clarify my thinking:

    Sugar doesn't 'give' diabetes, otherwise every living creature would be diabetic. Too much sugar or too little in the blood stream is a result of diabetes. However there are positive correlations between obesity and diabetes (type2). That doesn't mean that obesity causes diabetes, just that the two go hand in hand. Otherwise all those who are obese would be diabetic.
    Obesity is a risk factor: excess calories (including fat and sugar to excess) increase body mass and obesity. I haven't found any studies saying milk (full fat or otherwise) cause diabetes but I could be corrected!
    Milk as it emerges from the cow has both lactose (sugar) and fat in it anyway. Processing can remove either or both.
  • youallonsy
    youallonsy Posts: 95 Member
    Fat does NOT make you fatr Sugar (carbs) make you fat. The science is clear people... the government has had it wrong for decades and the pharmaceutical industry has a specific interest in the disinformation that's been propagated.

    Nature has it right. Eat what you find in nature and live well. Eat processed, altered, and modified foods and suffer the consequences of that diet.

    I'm not being alarmist. I'm just a skeptic turned into a believer after a LOT of research and personal experience.

    You make claims without backing them up, Post a reference. Stating you are not an alarmist and claiming you have researched the topic without providing proof or documentation makes you look the fool.

    "Fat does NOT make you fat Sugar (carbs) make you fat." ...not just foolish but idiotic and potentially harmfull.
  • Full fat eh? Good way to get diabetes!!!

    Was that a Bazinga? I really hope that was a bazinga....

    Clearly every single human being before they came up with skim milk had diabetes...

    Lol. Full fat milk leads to diabetes- that's a new one! :laugh:

    Full fat of anything does....why do u think over weight people get it more than healthy people? Why do doctors say drink skim milk, eat fat free or low was directed to full fat of anything!! LOL so yes you did learn something new!!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Full fat eh? Good way to get diabetes!!!

    Was that a Bazinga? I really hope that was a bazinga....

    Clearly every single human being before they came up with skim milk had diabetes...

    Lol. Full fat milk leads to diabetes- that's a new one! :laugh:

    Full fat of anything does....why do u think over weight people get it more than healthy people? Why do doctors say drink skim milk, eat fat free or low was directed to full fat of anything!! LOL so yes you did learn something new!!

    You are totally confused as to what causes diabetes.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Full fat eh? Good way to get diabetes!!!

    Was that a Bazinga? I really hope that was a bazinga....

    Clearly every single human being before they came up with skim milk had diabetes...

    Lol. Full fat milk leads to diabetes- that's a new one! :laugh:

    Full fat of anything does....why do u think over weight people get it more than healthy people? Why do doctors say drink skim milk, eat fat free or low was directed to full fat of anything!! LOL so yes you did learn something new!!
    Eating fat =/= being fat =/= diabetes
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    Full fat eh? Good way to get diabetes!!!

    Was that a Bazinga? I really hope that was a bazinga....

    Clearly every single human being before they came up with skim milk had diabetes...

    Lol. Full fat milk leads to diabetes- that's a new one! :laugh:

    Full fat of anything does....why do u think over weight people get it more than healthy people? Why do doctors say drink skim milk, eat fat free or low was directed to full fat of anything!! LOL so yes you did learn something new!!
    WOW! I suggest you round up these "doctors" and have them explain it to you again.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Full fat eh? Good way to get diabetes!!!

    Was that a Bazinga? I really hope that was a bazinga....

    Clearly every single human being before they came up with skim milk had diabetes...

    Lol. Full fat milk leads to diabetes- that's a new one! :laugh:

    Full fat of anything does....why do u think over weight people get it more than healthy people? Why do doctors say drink skim milk, eat fat free or low was directed to full fat of anything!! LOL so yes you did learn something new!!
    Doctors' recommendations of low fat and fat free foods have absolutely nothing to do with Diabetes. They recommend that because of risks of atherosclerosis.
  • robindina
    robindina Posts: 157 Member
    I prefer skim milk, the whole milk is too thick for my taste. I'm sure I getting enough fat in my diet for those fat soluble vitamins. :tongue:
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    My husband and one of my daughters has somewhat of a milk intolerance, which is our reason for drinking 1%. I also can't stand the taste of whole milk, it's just too milky and thick for me. Not that I need to explain myself to other people, but some people don't have a choice but to NOT drink whole milk if they want some milk.
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    Here's an idea: I drink 2% milk occasionally myself but I equally love and respect my friends who love their fat-free dairy AND those who swear by whole milk.

    Why? Because it's none of my business what they drink. And titling a post in ALL CAPS "STOP EATING AND DRINKING FAT FREE DAIRY! PLEASE READ" is not showing that you care about's a wee bit on the bossy side. Just saying.

    Whether you are right or wrong isn't the should have spent some time in Tact Class to figure out it's better to educate people instead of bossing them around.

    Bad form.
  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    I find it sad that there are health facts staring people in the face but you say "Oh well! I'll do it anyways!" Isn't that what got you here in the first place? Not caring about what went into your body?
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I find it sad that there are health facts staring people in the face but you say "Oh well! I'll do it anyways!" Isn't that what got you here in the first place? Not caring about what went into your body?

    I find is sad that people post bogus links filled with half truths and misinformation and call it facts.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member

    exactly what I was thinking.

    Whole fat cheese is a must for me. SO yummy!
    Skim milk I drink because its cheaper and low in calories, I HIGHLY doubt that it is going to make me gain weight or ruin my health

    it's all in personal preference.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I find it sad that there are health facts staring people in the face but you say "Oh well! I'll do it anyways!" Isn't that what got you here in the first place? Not caring about what went into your body?

    they aren't facts. it's a really bad study..................and it's nonsense.

    I'm a huge whole milk drinker. But that doesn't mean skim doesnt get consumed here and there. When I need a few less calories, it works for me.
  • livityliv
    livityliv Posts: 110 Member
    Am I the only one who thought of this: "I see you're drinking 1%. Is that because you think you're fat?
    Because you're not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to."