

  • You have to plan. Know when all of your uni work is due and set aside regular time to study. Once you have all your school commitments in your diary or wherever you keep them (I have them in my diary, on my wall and in my phone) you'll be able to see what time you've got left over to fit your exercise in and you won't feel…
  • I do a combination of yoga (Denise Austin), Pilates (for dummies), Kim Kardashian fit into your jeans by Friday (this one surprised me but it was a cheap) and blogilates (an online one but it has videos). I really like mixing my videos up to prevent me from getting bored and telling myself "I'll do it tomorrow" because we…
  • I don't really like having a workout buddy. Probably because I've yet to find someone at my same level of fitness (which admittedly isn't high) or who likes to do the same workouts as me. The people I tend to end up with usually give up after a day or a week anyway so I just feel like its easier to go it alone.
  • I would love views like that where I live. I'm in a suburb surrounded with suburbs where the only bush to walk through is owned by a mining company (sad). I still walk but there's nothing picture worthy about it (unless you count my toy poodle trying to pick a figt with a german Shepard). I'll have drive into Newcastle one…
  • This looks like a fun way to keep me motivated with my exercise. I'll try 100km (about 62miles) to start with.
  • My Mum is celiac and lactose intolerant so we have pretty much no gluten or lactose in our house anymore. Coles and Woolies sell heaps of stuff without gluten in it especially in the health foods isle and they also sell a brand of lactose free milk that to me tastes exactly the same as normal skim milk. It's called…
  • I would say a mixture, sometimes trendy, sometimes casual with a nice pair of jeans and a blouse. If it's hot I'll wear a pencil skirt. Jewellary is really where I go crazy with my style (big earrings are a favourite). I don't really shop at any one particular store, I'll buy something if I like it regardless of where it's…
  • My mum has Cealiac disease so our house is mostly gluten free but I will say, be careful of lunch meats, many of them are processed and wheat is used in that process which is probably what caused all that problem for you. I've found that avoiding wheat is fairly easy when your at home, its just when you go out that it can…