Why I don't care for treadmill



  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    @ that and walked back to my car.

    Bahahaha to your coyote fear! I run cross-country in the hills year-round and if you run in the late afternoon, sometimes a whole pack of them will start up the howling from all directions. They seem mostly solitary in the daytime, but they like to talk at night. Raises the hair on the back of your neck (instinct I guess) but I've never felt in danger from coyotes! They are not very aggressive critters unless you're a little dog or a toddler. They usually run in the opposite direction when they see me. The scariest things on the trail are the human creepers...

    I live in Southern California so I can run outdoors year-round! I use the treadmill to run intervals during the week. But on the weekend I'm outside getting in some mileage, baby!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    @ that and walked back to my car.

    Bahahaha to your coyote fear! I run cross-country in the hills year-round and if you run in the late afternoon, sometimes a whole pack of them will start up the howling from all directions. They seem mostly solitary in the daytime, but they like to talk at night. Raises the hair on the back of your neck (instinct I guess) but I've never felt in danger from coyotes! They are not very aggressive critters unless you're a little dog or a toddler. They usually run in the opposite direction when they see me. The scariest things on the trail are the human creepers...

    I live in Southern California so I can run outdoors year-round! I use the treadmill to run intervals during the week. But on the weekend I'm outside getting in some mileage, baby!
    I've seen one on my runs through the campus fields a couple of times! Thankfully he's always in a hurry and fairly shy, and we stay out of each other's way!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    AmyRhubarb, California looks beautiful! A good friend of mine just moved there. I'm hoping to get to visit in the next few years. Love the purples in that pic!

    I like getting out around my uncles place for the land and the critters. The end of my stroll usually looks something like this:
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    Running outside > running inside > not running at all
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,642 Member
    Sorry OP, that still wouldn't cut it for me at all. I detest the cold and snow.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Sorry OP, that still wouldn't cut it for me at all. I detest the cold and snow.

    I always did, plus I got cold-induced asthma exercising in the cold. But this year, I don't belong to a gym, so running outside was my only option for running, and I did it and found I kinda like it. Not so much when it's about 10F with a sub zero wind chill, but anything above 25 is perfectly fine. Once I start running, I don't feel the cold at all. I'd rather run at about 35-40 than anything over 80.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I am loving this thread. I'm not hating on the treadmill, I do it when I have too. I just prefer outside with he wolves and coyotes.

    I'm working in a new building, and this is a place called Jones state park that is right up the road. It was icy though, and I'm not going to go there today, as its snowing, so it will be a deathtrap. Once it warms up I'm going to use the steep trails to train for spartan sprint.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I'd run outside if the roads weren't full of ice. Also there are huge potholes every where that fill with water then turns to ice making it very dangerous. Said potholes get filled with water when the snow starts to melt making it difficult to see them so I either run on the TM in my house or gym or take my chances out side and risk slipping and falling or busting my ankle because I stepped in a pothole that I couldn't see.
  • deeruns
    deeruns Posts: 39 Member
    Running outside is incredible. Something about the wind, the sun, the openness... it just pushes you. I used to hate running and never understood why/how others could become addicted to it (I ran in the gym). But now - I'm sure I'm not the only one that struggles to do 2 miles on the treadmill but easily runs 5, 6+ outdoors.
  • rahzel20
    rahzel20 Posts: 9
    I would love views like that where I live. I'm in a suburb surrounded with suburbs where the only bush to walk through is owned by a mining company (sad). I still walk but there's nothing picture worthy about it (unless you count my toy poodle trying to pick a figt with a german Shepard). I'll have drive into Newcastle one day and take a nice walk in one of the nature reserves.