

  • Nice job! You look great! I started at 165lbs and am now at around 146lbs...I have less than 2 weeks to go. I have had to skip a couple weeks but made them up due to vacations etc. But I agree, INSANITY IS AWESOME!
  • I just started Insanity two days ago...I haven't had a chance to measure myself but as of right now I am 152lbs and 5'8". My goal is 145, but overall, I want to be toned and just feel good. I hope you people are right when you say it gets easier!! I completed Day 2 yesterday and it kicked my butt!! I have a 5K to run in…
  • I would not have ran my first half marathon if I hadn't signed up before I started training for it! If your training program lasts 8 weeks, then go ahead and sign up for a race that is about 8 weeks from now. This will MAKE you train, knowing that you've already registered and paid for an event. Just remember, running in a…
  • Don't NOT eat before you go! Make sure you have eaten healthy food and maybe a healthy snack before you go so that you are not super hungry or starving. I am doing this tonight. Also, limit your alcohol and only drink "lite" drinks!! Advantages of little alcohol? Less calories and no hangover :) GO GIANTS !!