Wanna start INSANITY with me??



  • I would love to start it with you, I did it a few months ago and then just got so busy in life I quit, I would love motivation from people going through it because that workout is far from easy lol :) Good luck everyone!
  • I just started Insanity two days ago...I haven't had a chance to measure myself but as of right now I am 152lbs and 5'8". My goal is 145, but overall, I want to be toned and just feel good.
    I hope you people are right when you say it gets easier!!

    I completed Day 2 yesterday and it kicked my butt!! I have a 5K to run in tomorrow so I am resting today and going to TRY to do Insanity after my run. !!

    Thanks for starting this group, I know I"m going to need some motivation :)
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    Hi Everyone, I just completed Day 4 Cardio Recovery! I'll probably do Pure Cardio and Plyo Cardio Circuit tomorrow so that I can be on track with my calendar....or maybe I'll use Sunday as a workout day instead of a rest day.

  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Cardio Recovery was brutal for me!!! Those planks hurt..but in a good way :)
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    I started insanity a long time ago.

    Oh wait, you mean the exercise program...never mind.
  • bbking25
    bbking25 Posts: 5
    Starting the fit test on Monday. I've had the vids for awhile now. Looking forward to seeing some results.
  • Valdeezie
    Valdeezie Posts: 42 Member
    Heck yeah. I want in! I'm downloading it now!
  • meeaham
    meeaham Posts: 882 Member
    Yay, we got more people! Welcome!

    Today, I finished Day 5 (Pure Cardio) and it was definitely a workout! My thighs are killing me! hehe, but I'm feeling better each day and I'm looking forward to having my Sunday off! =)

    Have a great weekend everyone and remember to dig deeper! lol
  • kwoohare
    kwoohare Posts: 35
    I did the fit test today and i actually didnt die nor did i puke! Yay me! Lol i am really excited to begin the workouts tomorrow! Have a great weekend, MFP's! Dig deeper!
  • Valdeezie
    Valdeezie Posts: 42 Member
    I'm going to try to start tomorrow. I'm excited and scared at the same time. I'm glad we are doin it together. :)
  • Valdeezie
    Valdeezie Posts: 42 Member
    I was planning on starting on Monday and then I thought why wait? I did the fit test today. It kicked my butt! I felt the workout and loved it even though I couldn't do a single push up and I looked like a frog doing the globe trot.

    I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    Dreading Pure Cardio today but it is a must!!!
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Today is Pure Cardio for me too and ending my 2nd week, I am so tired but I need to push and finish it!!!
  • agentN
    agentN Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everyone, my first post on this site, started week 3 of my insanity, but hurt my foot playing beach volleyball so I have to take a week off, but I feel the laziness creeping in to pick it back up, would love to do it with you all for motivation! It kicks your butt, but in a good way, managed to finish every workout daily (albeit in my own time) :) Trying to start back on Monday, foot willing.
  • agentN
    agentN Posts: 2 Member
    LOL I thought it was just me, The only day I dread more is cardio resistance. People make yoga/balance look so easy, definitely not!
  • kimistri
    kimistri Posts: 2
    Count me in! I am up for the challenge!! I "tried" to start a month or so ago!!! That program is a beast!!lol Just the fitness test wore me out!!! I won't be able to start until Tuesday. I'll keep u posted on updates!
  • kimistri
    kimistri Posts: 2
    Ain't that the truth! Pilates is no better! But in the end u feel real good and relaxed!
  • Tasolie
    Tasolie Posts: 22 Member
    That **** is ba nnanas YO!!!!! LMAO!!! I AM IN!!! I just completed week 1!!

    WAKE UP> KICK *kitten*> REPEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • lissymae11
    lissymae11 Posts: 71
    i started yesterday :) keep in touch if you wanna!
  • Corosa
    Corosa Posts: 7
    I did it last month and made it up to the end of the week 4, and never finished :( I think i am going to start it up again and follow the days from the beginning- so i will start on Monday. Add me if you want to do this together!