

  • i love it! i got it done on underarm, full arms, lower leg and bikini! so much more convenient! yet it is expensive, but i m sure it worths! just calculate how much u spend on waxing a month and how many years to have to do! save so much time n trouble too!
  • It did gave me a slight bit of hope before the night out tonite! lol
  • there's one at my gym...she wears bra tops and hot pants with HD make up and full smoky eyes makeup + false lashes, jog on the treadmill and flings her hair as if she were on mtv ...guys might find that hot but i suppose false lashes just dont really go well with the treadmill?! and it is distracting!!!
  • Hi you did awesome! I need to lose about 25lbs too and may I ask by eating clean, u mean no fast/unhealthy food but only healthy low calorie food? and do you do exercise as well? I am 26 so i guess it is harder to lose that much as quickly :cry:
  • i got the same problem too! i joined for about a week and everyday i did not meet the 1200 calorie goal... but i dare not to eat much. i just stop when i start to feel full coz i am worried i will get back to the old me eating too much and too full evrery meal! Wish someone can answer this question too coz i dun wanna burn…
  • I just found MFP about a week ago and I have been sedentary and never do exercise ALL my life and was never convinced that workout, no matter how little everyday, can help. after reading other people's posts, really got inspired and defo started to try to work out and choose healthier and less fattening and non-crap food…
  • I feel the same too! i am new here and I used to eat fast food as well as fatty food at nite after work (usu after 9pm) and it is absolutely disastrous! after joining and reading other people's success stories i am so much motivated and cant look at crap food the same way now! thanks for sharing and keep the good work up!!…
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